



codeforces1139E Maximize Mex 二分图匹配

2018-2019 ACM-ICPC, Asia Seoul Regional Contest K TV Show Game 2-sat

codeforces 1198E Rectangle Painting 2 最小点覆盖

UVA11427 Expect the Expected 概率dp+全概率公式

LightOJ 1342 Aladdin and the Magical Sticks 期望(结论题)

2019 Multi-University Training Contest 2

Educational Codeforces Round 69 (Rated for Div. 2)

codeforces 1180E Serge and Dining Room 线段树

E - Guess the Root 拉格朗日差值法+交互

hiho#1445 重复旋律5 求子串数量 后缀自动机

SPOJ-LCS 后缀自动机

Little Sub and Traveling(杭师大第十二届校赛E题) 欧拉回路

Codeforces Round #367 (Div. 2)

codeforces1137B kmp(fail的妙用)

hdu3068 最长回文 马拉车模板题

2018 ICPC Asia Jakarta Regional Contest

bzoj2212 Tree Rotations 线段树合并+动态开点

Codeforces Round #536 (Div. 2)

CodeCraft-19 and Codeforces Round #537 (Div. 2)