安装完VS之后在菜单栏中找不到x64 Native Tools Command Prompt
pandle报SystemError: (Fatal) Blocking queue is killed because the data reader raises an exception.
wenet编译报Do not know how to define a 32-bit integer quantity on your system
paddle报ValueError: The type of data we are trying to retrieve does not match the type
Python实现对于给定的输入,保证和为 target 的不同组合数
Python实现对于给定的输入,保证和为 target 的不同组合数
python获取mq队列数据报Queue.declare: (406) PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg ‘x-max-priority‘
tensorflow ckpt模型转saved_model格式并进行模型预测
paddle报ValueError: (InvalidArgument) Pass tensorrt_subgraph_pass has not been registered
wenet安装python报INTTYPES_FORMAT to either C99, BSD, or VC7 and try again
wenet编译报Do not know how to define a 32-bit integer quantity on your system
Python报mongod: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.1.1
pip install报python setup.py egg_info Check the logs for full command output.
通俗易懂的Spatial Transformer Networks(STN)
loss乘以100等价于learning rate乘以100?
configure: error: GMP version ;= 4.3.2 required
node上传文件到FTP服务器报Error: Timed out while making data connection
redis.exceptions.ResponseError: unknown command `KEYS`
paddle报ValueError: (InvalidArgument) Pass tensorrt_subgraph_pass has not been registered
Python实现对于给定的输入,保证和为 target 的不同组合数
wenet安装python报INTTYPES_FORMAT to either C99, BSD, or VC7 and try again
paddle报ValueError: The type of data we are trying to retrieve does not match the type
TensorRT onnx转engine报Assertion failed: dims.nbDims == 4 || dims.nbDims == 5
paddle报ValueError: (InvalidArgument) Pass tensorrt_subgraph_pass has not been registered