Dependent on the shoulder like a child, dependent on a face like tears, like the poet, dependent on the moon, like dolphins rely on the ocean, you just like an angel, I rely on my strength, you are my first and last paradise 参考技术A With you, i feel myself in a paradise primarily and eventually. You are an angle that strengthening me. And I need you, just like kid needing shoulders, tears running faces, poet writting moons and dolphin living on(靠..赖以生存) sea. 参考技术B You are so important to me as shoulders to children; cheeks to tears; the moon to poets;seas to dolphins. You are my angle and eternal paradise that gives me love and power 参考技术C Like kids depend on his shoulders, like the tear on the face, like the poet depending on the moon, like a dolphin depending on the ocean, you're just like an angel, give me give me strength to rely on, you are my first and last heaven以上是关于求英语高手将下面一段话翻译成英文的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章