



The following peer-specific events can occur in the ESTABLISHED
state, they do not cause a state transition. Appropriate actions are
listed for each event.

*) KeepAlive timer expired:
-> Send KeepAlive TLV
-> Set KeepAlive timer to [KeepAlive-Period]
*) KeepAlive TLV received:
-> Set Hold Timer to [HoldTime-Period]
*) Source-Active TLV received:
-> Set Hold Timer to [HoldTime-Period]
-> Run Peer-RPF Forwarding algorithm
-> Set KeepAlive timer to [KeepAlive-Period] for those peers
the Source-Active TLV is forwarded to
-> Send information to PIM-SM
-> Store information in cache


*) 保活计时器到期
-> 发送点火电极最低限值
-> 将保活计时器设定为【点火电极周期】
*) 点火电极最低限值是标准的
-> 将计时器设定为【计时器周期】
*) 主动源最低限值是标准的
-> 将计时器设定为【计时器周期】
-> 运行同等的无线电测位推进演示
-> 为那些主动源最低限值提交的对等机,将保活计时器设定为【点火电极周期】
-> 向稀疏模式发送信息
-> 在缓存中储存信息

参考技术A 下面的同行特定的事件可以发生在既定的




       - “发送的KeepAlive限值

       - “保活定时器设置为[KeepAlive的周期]


       - “设置保持计时器[HoldTime周期]


       - “设置保持计时器[HoldTime周期]

       - >“运行同行爱国阵线转发算法

       - “保活定时器设置为[KeepAlive的周期]那些同行


       - “发送信息的PIM - SM

       - “信息存储在缓存中
参考技术B 下面的同行特定的事件可以发生在既定的

- “发送的KeepAlive限值
- “保活定时器设置为[KeepAlive的周期]
- “设置保持计时器[HoldTime周期]
- “设置保持计时器[HoldTime周期]
- >“运行同行爱国阵线转发算法
- “保活定时器设置为[KeepAlive的周期]那些同行
- “发送信息的PIM - SM
- “信息存储在缓存中,,希望你学习进步!
参考技术C 应该请计算机高手来翻

请英语高手帮忙 汉译英句子





Fragment a:
The culture has already become the important and strategic resources of the economic development, becoming the important marking of the comprehensive national strength, the importance that becomes developping advanced productivity constitutes part.Wu's culture is the constitute of the China culture part, it abundant colorful thing turn well-found art appearance,special humanities appearance of appearance,door to show its big.In the modern progress, Wu's culture's have can't act for of function.

Fragment two:
Science and technology is one productivity.Party of 16 five win whole will put forward constucting socialism new the important history mission of the village.Constuct new village of socialism, the total request BE"produce a development, life lenient, the country breeze civilization,village permit clean and neat, management democracy".Carry on the economy construction,political construction,culture construction,the construction of the social construction and party moderate push forward of new village, the foundation of the all these, be develop village quickly economy, with agriculture new science and technology promote the agriculture develop, pushing forward socialism new village construction.
参考技术A Culture already becomes important economic growth strategy resource , becomes an important indicator of our overall national strength , becomes the developing the advanced productive forces important component. Wu culture is China culture ingredient , whose materialization form of colour and variety , industrial system which is complete in range art form , unique humanity form demonstrate its thick.

Science and technology constitute a primary productive force. The 5th Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee has brought forward the historic task building new rural area of socialism significance. Building new rural area of socialism , the general request is "to produce the plenty developing , living , countryside wind civilization , village hold the democracy clean and tidy , managing". Construction and the Party building carrying out economic development , political development , cultural advancement , society harmonize new rural area , all these basis moving forward , are rural economy accelerate the development, new science and technology boosts an agriculture developing , pushes forward new rural construction of socialism with the agriculture.本回答被提问者采纳
参考技术B 1
Culture has become an important strategic resource for economic development, has become an important indicator of overall national strength. become an important component of the development of advanced productive forces. Miss culture as an integral part of Chinese culture, the reification of colorful patterns of a wide range of art forms. It shows the enormous human form of a unique nature. In the process of modernization, cultural Wu has played an irreplaceable role.
Technology is the primary productive force. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee put forward a major historic task of building a new socialist countryside. Building a new socialist countryside, the general requirement is \"the development of production, affluent and civilized style rural village : clean, democratic management.\" Economic, political, cultural and social development and promoting the building of a new rural party, the foundation of it all. is to accelerate the development of the rural economy, promote the development of agriculture to new technologies in agriculture, promote new socialist countryside.


请高手帮忙 翻译一段英文,谢谢!!!



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