



Atcoder 2566 3N Numbers(优先队列优化DP)

UVA - 12424 Answering Queries on a Tree(十棵线段树的树链剖分)

Atcoder 2159 連結 / Connectivity(并查集+map乱搞)

CodeForces 343D water tree(树链剖分)

CodeForces 122G Lucky Array(一脸懵逼的树状数组)

CodeForces 620E New Year Tree(线段树的骚操作第二弹)

洛谷 P2146 [NOI2015]软件包管理器 (树链剖分模板题)

CodeForces 907F Power Tower(扩展欧拉定理)

CodeForces 907E Party(bfs+状压DP)

CodeForces 909E Coprocessor(无脑拓扑排序)

codeforces 261B Maxim and Restaurant(概率DP)

SPOJ10606 BALNUM - Balanced Numbers(数位DP+状压)

CodeForces 499D. Name That Tune(概率dp)

codeforces 914E Palindromes in a Tree(点分治)

CodeForces 327E Axis Walking(状压DP+卡常技巧)

CodeForces 519E A and B and Lecture Rooms(倍增)

XJOI 3629 非严格次小生成树(pqq的礼物)

XJOI 3578 排列交换/AtCoder beginner contest 097D equal (并查集)

XJOI 3605 考完吃糖(DAG图dfs)

LightOJ 1098(均值不等式,整除分块玄学优化)