




(a), human life
Su shi in the six people in the book "affected by personification of description to comment on calligraphy" really, do as lines, grass like walking." "Stand like regular script, running script as" go ", "run like cursive." In his book "in human form further five elements to describe the calligraphy and calligraphy of the five elements, he said:" the book will god, qi, blood, bone, meat, and the fifth is a was revealed." It's like the person "to" the word of an original theory.
QingRen wang shu shi to supplement the three contents, he said: "if people" word. How do people? "Muscle, bone and flesh and blood, pure, god, gas, pulse, and can prepare eight people". The eight words can make such understanding, word, the blood and flesh, bones, and embodies the basic capability, The word of god, and reflects the chakras, the training quality.
(2), certificates of externalization ambition
Word is, people will, taste and pursue. LiuXiZai clear in the art of generalized said: "write, writing ethnography." He taught YanZhenQing zhang xu and the words: "the person Ju masters and good will can?" Saki, a noble, calligraphy, how could do fine?
Actually, good calligraphy have profound implications, can see the ideas of the author and the interest, and often can be clear at a glance. In the art of ZhangHuai tang said in Cardiff clearly: "good articles to the calligraphy and profound, is to see that its volunteers, tabled intermittently." Careful observation, as from good calligraphy and article, can clearly see the ideas of the author, and interests.
(3) is the certificate of emotions
In the han yu tang big astronomers GaoXian sent here in the preface to introduce how to express cursive zhang xu borrowed his thought, have such a words: "embarrassed, sorrow and sadness, anger, regret, loss of yourself, caressing, boring, rough, have moved in heart, how shall send to the cursive." He said, ZhangXuYou what happy things, angry, or embarrassed because of grief sorrow, poor, or joyful idle, resentment, regret, or caressing boring, rough, as long as you have moved in, will be borrowed cursive express. Zhang xu instructions for cursive scripts, always with changeable mood, complicated, with strong feelings.
(4), certificate of personality
Wang said: "the pen, zhao feng is all nature." Putting pen to write with or reflect the nature of man. His attitude to this problem is there, he said: "in the book, the man; it is a gentleman will in books, is perilous otherwise." A man is the word can know him personally, even can see is a gentleman or sleeve. He is not fully correct, but said shuppites has close relationship with character, or sense. What the author's character from the word?
A character is high, the natural elegance. Shuppites. YangShouJing qing said: "the product high is writing." preface Man of noble character, calligraphy affirmation and free from vulgarity.
Two is pure, calligraphy is natural character. LiBaiYou poem called "king", which is the right army two words: "right, and the Muslim armies." a dusty ZhaoMeng and put it to deduce, became the following two sentence: "right and the Muslim armies, write pentium potential lost." All is a meaning, the first character charm, wang praise and clear, Then he praised his character, works such as ChaoYi comely, bold and unrestrained, masterly. From here, wang and his character of shuppites highly unification.
The reader is old, write the first lesson. DianShi obtained, write to the poor, and to test will become invalid.
Beautiful hand writing not only look at yourself, others like the eye. America has a lady violate the traffic rules, and receive a fixed penalty notice. The lady a handwritten letter sent to the local traffic police that the director. The police officer saw so beautiful ShuXieTi, immediately dismissed her fine. This is the style is the man.
Some writing skills, can write a can, Some people regard is to write for art, strive for perfection, even from a people took the words written personality and character. Write like made the house, should pay attention to layout, collocation, let. But nowadays, it is really tall building, build up the sooner the better. Besides calligrapher and calligraphy lovers, and few people can heart monkish sorts and practicing writing carefreely?
参考技术A A) the word of life corresponds to the body
Su Shi, "Down six-book" in Zeng Yi anthropomorphic description to comment calligraphy "A True Li, rows such as rows, grass, such as walking." Regular script, as people "standing," Semi-cursive script like the person "go," cursive is like people "to run." In his "On the book" in further with the human body to describe the five elements of calligraphy and the calligraphy of the five elements of composition, he said: "The book must have God, gas, bone, flesh, blood, Que a 5 person, not a book is also. "This can not be said that the" as it were the word "theory as a creative.
Wang Shu-You Ji Su Qing Dynasty to add three elements, he said: "as a word such as human Ran." How such people? "Tendons, bone, blood, meat, essence, god, gas, pulse, eight were prepared could then Wei Ren." These eight words can be interpreted this way, word of the tendons, bone, blood, meat, reflecting the author's basic skill; the word essence, spirit, gas, pulse reflects the quality of the author's self-cultivation.
(B) the word in a book outside of those aspirations
Character is written in people's will, delight, the pursuit of. Qing Liu Xizai in the "Arts and generosity" that: "those who write, write chih." He cited the Xu-the teachings of Yen Chen-ching of the sentence: "non-patriots Gao Ren, Miao-Ju can say he wants to?" Unless there are lofty aspirations, noble feelings, exquisite calligraphy, how could it be?
In fact, a good calligraphy have a profound meaning, can be seen from the author's ideas and taste, and often can be at a glance. Tang Huai in the "book art" that very clear: "When a man Langhammer and articles to the wonderful person, there are reflected in its profound meaning to blog, that is, in relation to the clear understanding." As long as a serious observation, from the good work of calligraphy and articles , can be seen very clearly the author's ideas, interests.
(C) the word, is a calligrapher's mood revealed
Tang great writer Han Yu, the "Exalted order to send a high idle," Zhang Xu is described how to use cursive to express his thoughts emotions, there is a saying: "Xinu embarrassed poor, You Bei, Yu Yi, resentment, Simu, intoxicated drunk, bored, resentful, there is movement in the heart, must be in cursive Yan is issued. "he said Zhang Xu, what welcome, angry things, or distress due to the poor, sad grief, or pleasure leisurely, resentment, Simu , or Hanzui bored, mind uneven, as long as there is movement in the heart, must be express by cursive. Description Xu for cursive, always embodies the changing moods of the mentality of the complex has a heavy emotional.
(D) characters, those character portraits in the book
Wang Xizhi said: "The pen arrived Feng, Zhao Hu nature." Pick up a pen and write, begins or reflect human nature. Su Shi on this issue is also discussed, he said: "The concept of his book, there are to be appropriately Wei-Ren; the gentleman villain must be found in books, is perilous otherwise." The point is to look at a person's character will know what sort of person, and even As can be seen the righteous small-minded. The statement is not necessarily completely correct, but the storytelling and character goods are closely related to, or justified. How to see the author's character from the characters do?
One is a high character, books, products of natural elegance. Qing Yang Shoujing said: "The goods can write the high-Yan Ya." Noble character who certainly refined calligraphy.
Second, moral purity, calligraphy on the chic. Li Bai had a poem called "Wang Youjun", in which such sentences are: "Youjun this Muslim, chic out of travel fatigue." Zhao Meng took it to be interpreted, has become the following two sentences: "Youjun chic in this Muslim, put pen to paper Pentium potential ecstatic. "is a means, first of all praised Wang Xizhi moral purity, charm unrestrained; and then praised for his book, as in his character, delicate features free and natural, imposing unrestrained, exquisite peerless. From here you can see, Wang Xizhi's book products and the high degree of unity of his personality.
The old reader, write the first gate of life lessons. Provincial Examination successful candidates, the words are written is poor, examiners have the right to void the papers.
Beautiful handwriting looked at not only their own pleasure to the eye, others saw also pleasing to the eye. United States President in violation of traffic rules have received a penalty notice. The woman sent a letter handwritten letter to the local traffic police in charge to indicate reason. Police officers who see such a beautiful writing body, immediately decided to remove her fine. This is the word as it were truth.
Some people write as a skill, you can write; others, as you write for art, strive for perfection, or even from reading between the lines take a look at a person's personality and character writing. Write like a house built, we should pay attention to layout, mix, tolerance. Can be Now, even the really tall buildings, building up and also the sooner the better. In addition to calligraphers and calligraphy enthusiasts, there are a few people to mind can not concentrate very leisurely to calligraphy to write it?
参考技术B A) words corresponding of human life
When the down six book "to a personification of the description to comment on the calligraphy" reality, lines such as rows, grass such as ". Regular script like "stand up", traditional calligraphy as a "go", cursive script is like a man "run". In his "on the books" further with the five keys to pose as a metaphor for the formation of calligraphy and calligraphy of the five elements, he said: "the book has a spirit, bone, meat, blood, five by providing a, not for books also. "This is the word for" his "theory of inventive.
Qing Wang Shu gave Su complements three things, he said: "as a word such as a person so". What if? "muscle, bone, blood, meat, refined, spirit, pulse, eight are in preparation and for people". You can put the eight words to this understanding, the words of gluten, bone, blood, meat, author of basic force; words used and the spirit, pulse, author of quality.
(B) of the word, is a book by ambition of
Word is written in the human will, taste, and the pursuit. Liu Qing, almost in the arts stated: "write, write-Chi also. "He citing Xu Yan Zhenqing teachings:" non-ju, the Patriots ' high and the wonderful words you want to be? "non-ambitious, noble sentiments, how can do nifty calligraphy?
In fact, good calligraphy has a profound meaning, you can see the author's ideas and taste, and often cannot be readily apparent. Don bosom in the artistic skills, said clearly: "Steve hammer and article wonderful, are fair to see it, is easily seen. "As long as serious observation, from good works and articles, you can see the author's ideas, interesting.
(C) of the word, is the book's mood of
Don large writer Han Yu in the sent on high busy people preface describes how borrow cursive Obiit to express his ideas, there is a saying: "we've embarrassed poor, sad sad, discovery of lost, resentment, yearning, drunk, boring, uneven, moving to heart, will be issued in cursive script here. "He said, what the Obiit happy, angry, or sad for the poor, distress, or pleasant leisure, resentment, smooth, or drunk stupid, mind, as long as there is movable in mind, will be channeled through cursive script. Instructions for cursive style, always Obiit with changeable mood, complex mentality that has strong feelings.
(D) of the word, is a book by character photo
Wang Xizhi said: "put the pen to the front, in recognition of the nature. "The trouble of writing began in or embodiment of human nature. Su Shi was discussed, he said: "there's a book, to have it; you will be published in the gentleman villain, is in danger or books. "Mean one's words to know him, and even see a gentleman or bad people. This may not be entirely correct to say that, but storytelling and character are closely related to that argument. How do you see from the words of the author of the character?
One is quality high, natural elegance. Ching yang shoujing said: "the pen and ink, and gorgeous high explosive. "High-minded, calligraphy certainly virtuous.
The second is the moral teen, calligraphy. Li Bai has a poem called "the King", where the right army have two sentences: "the right army out of the Muslim, handsome Aeolian. "Zhao Meng gave it to deductive, became the the following two sentences:" the right army seizes this big-hearted halal waver Pentium potential. "Is a mean, first of all, I would praise the elegance of Wang Xizhi's moral teen, dapper, praised his book as if his character, chiselled and natural, powerful and contain. From here you can see, Wang Xizhi's book and his character's height.
Old scholars, writing is the first lesson. Xiangshi Temple again, writes of the poor, the examiner shall have the right to void the quiz.
Beautiful hand write not only my own look reveals someone also pleasing to the eyes. The United States have a lady in violation of traffic rules, received a penalty notices. The woman sent a handwritten letter to local traffic police charge description of why. The officer saw such a beautiful hieratic, immediately decided to eliminate her fine. This is the word of the truth.
Some people write as skills, will write to you to write; others regarded as art, perfect, or even be able to read between the lines and looked out writing one's character and conduct. Writing is like building a House, to pay attention to layout, collocation, though. You can now now, even if it is really high, that which is the sooner the better. In addition, a calligrapher and calligraphy enthusiasts, and several people to be able to free the mind and presence of mind and he continued to write?
参考技术C (a), human life
Su shi in the six people in the book "affected by personification of description to comment on calligraphy" really, do as lines, grass like walking." "Stand like regular script, running script as" go ", "run like cursive." In his book "in human form further five elements to describe the calligraphy and calligraphy of the five elements, he said:" the book will god, qi, blood, bone, meat, and the fifth is a was revealed." It's like the person "to" the word of an original theory.
QingRen wang shu shi to supplement the three contents, he said: "if people" word. How do people? "Muscle, bone and flesh and blood, pure, god, gas, pulse, and can prepare eight people". The eight words can make such understanding, word, the blood and flesh, bones, and embodies the basic capability, The word of god, and reflects the chakras, the training quality.
(2), certificates of externalization ambition
Word is, people will, taste and pursue. LiuXiZai clear in the art of generalized said: "write, writing ethnography." He taught YanZhenQing zhang xu and the words: "the person Ju masters and good will can?" Saki, a noble, calligraphy, how could do fine?
Actually, good calligraphy have profound implications, can see the ideas of the author and the interest, and often can be clear at a glance. In the art of ZhangHuai tang said in Cardiff clearly: "good articles to the calligraphy and profound, is to see that its volunteers, tabled intermittently." Careful observation, as from good calligraphy and article, can clearly see the ideas of the author, and interests.
(3) is the certificate of emotions
In the han yu tang big astronomers GaoXian sent here in the preface to introduce how to express cursive zhang xu borrowed his thought, have such a words: "embarrassed, sorrow and sadness, anger, regret, loss of yourself, caressing, boring, rough, have moved in heart, how shall send to the cursive." He said, ZhangXuYou what happy things, angry, or embarrassed because of grief sorrow, poor, or joyful idle, resentment, regret, or caressing boring, rough, as long as you have moved in, will be borrowed cursive express. Zhang xu instructions for cursive scripts, always with changeable mood, complicated, with strong feelings.
(4), certificate of personality
Wang said: "the pen, zhao feng is all nature." Putting pen to write with or reflect the nature of man. His attitude to this problem is there, he said: "in the book, the man; it is a gentleman will in books, is perilous otherwise." A man is the word can know him personally, even can see is a gentleman or sleeve. He is not fully correct, but said shuppites has close relationship with character, or sense. What the author's character from the word?
A character is high, the natural elegance. Shuppites. YangShouJing qing said: "the product high is writing." preface Man of noble character, calligraphy affirmation and free from vulgarity.
Two is pure, calligraphy is natural character. LiBaiYou poem called "king", which is the right army two words: "right, and the Muslim armies." a dusty ZhaoMeng and put it to deduce, became the following two sentence: "right and the Muslim armies, write pentium potential lost." All is a meaning, the first character charm, wang praise and clear, Then he praised his character, works such as ChaoYi comely, bold and unrestrained, masterly. From here, wang and his character of shuppites highly unification.
The reader is old, write the first lesson. DianShi obtained, write to the poor, and to test will become invalid.
Beautiful hand writing not only look at yourself, others like the eye. America has a lady violate the traffic rules, and receive a fixed penalty notice. The lady a handwritten letter sent to the local traffic police that the director. The police officer saw so beautiful ShuXieTi, immediately dismissed her fine. This is the style is the man.
Some writing skills, can write a can, Some people regard is to write for art, strive for perfection, even from a people took the words written personality and character. Write like made the house, should pay attention to layout, collocation, let. But nowadays, it is really tall building, build up the sooner the better. Besides calligrapher and calligraphy lovers, and few people can heart monkish sorts and practicing writing carefreely?




Dependent on the shoulder like a child, dependent on a face like tears, like the poet, dependent on the moon, like dolphins rely on the ocean, you just like an angel, I rely on my strength, you are my first and last paradise 参考技术A With you, i feel myself in a paradise primarily and eventually. You are an angle that strengthening me. And I need you, just like kid needing shoulders, tears running faces, poet writting moons and dolphin living on(靠..赖以生存) sea. 参考技术B You are so important to me as shoulders to children; cheeks to tears; the moon to poets;seas to dolphins. You are my angle and eternal paradise that gives me love and power 参考技术C Like kids depend on his shoulders, like the tear on the face, like the poet depending on the moon, like a dolphin depending on the ocean, you're just like an angel, give me give me strength to rely on, you are my first and last heaven



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