
Posted 囚生CY




之前的笔记【学习笔记】图神经网络库 DGL 入门教程(backend pytorch) 写得比较详尽,但是教程中的代码写得比较零散,这里抽空把两个最常见的任务,节点分类和边分类的代码整合了一下,加了一些注释便于理解,已备后查。


1 节点分类代码示例


值得注意的是CiteseerGraphDataset数据集给每个节点添加了train_mask, val_mask, test_mask三个特征,这些mask的其实就是通过取值为零一值的mask来把数据集划分为训练集,验证集,测试集三部分,在模型训练部分的代码中可以看到,计算损失函数值时只使用了train_mask没有掩盖到的数据,训练中计算验证集的精确度也使用了valid_mask没有掩盖到的数据,最后在测试集上进行最终评估时使用了task_mask,这种手段在图数据集难以划分时是非常实用的。

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

import dgl
import torch
import numpy as np
import dgl.nn as dglnn
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

# Load data.
dataset = dgl.data.CiteseerGraphDataset()
graph = dataset[0]														 # num_nodes: 3327 | num_edges: 9228								

# Contruct a two-layer GNN model.
class SAGE(nn.Module):
	def __init__(self, in_feats, hid_feats, out_feats):
		self.conv1 = dglnn.SAGEConv(in_feats=in_feats, out_feats=hid_feats, aggregator_type='mean')
		self.conv2 = dglnn.SAGEConv(in_feats=hid_feats, out_feats=out_feats, aggregator_type='mean')

	def forward(self, graph, inputs):									 # inputs are features of nodes
		h = self.conv1(graph, inputs)
		h = F.relu(h)
		h = self.conv2(graph, h)
		return h	

node_features = graph.ndata['feat']										 # Node feature: shape(3327, 3703)
node_labels = graph.ndata['label']										 # Node labels: shape(3327, )
train_mask = graph.ndata['train_mask']									 # Train mask: shape(3327, ), used to drop some nodes
valid_mask = graph.ndata['val_mask']									 # Valid mask: shape(3327, ), used to drop some nodes
test_mask = graph.ndata['test_mask']									 # Test mask: shape(3327, ), used to drop some nodes
n_features = node_features.shape[1]										 # Number of features: 3703
n_labels = int(node_labels.max().item() + 1)							 # Number of different classes: 6

# Define model metric.
def evaluate(model, graph, features, labels, mask):
	model.eval()														 # Enter the evaluation mode.
	with torch.no_grad():												 # When we do evaluation, gradient is not needed to be considered.
		logits = model(graph, features)									 # Get the output of the model.
		logits = logits[mask]											 # Predicted possibility.
		labels = labels[mask]											 # True labels.
		_, indices = torch.max(logits, dim=1)							 # Get the index of max possibility.
		correct = torch.sum(indices == labels)							 # Get the number of correct prediction.	
		return correct.item() * 1.0 / len(labels)						 # Calculate accuracy.

# Train model.
model = SAGE(in_feats=n_features, hid_feats=100, out_feats=n_labels)
opt = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters())

for epoch in range(100):
	logits = model(graph, node_features)
	loss = F.cross_entropy(logits[train_mask], node_labels[train_mask])
	acc = evaluate(model, graph, node_features, node_labels, valid_mask)
	print(loss.item(), acc)
print('Accuracy on test: '.format(evaluate(model, graph, node_features, node_labels, test_mask)))

# Save model.
torch.save(model, 'node_sage.m')


2 边分类代码示例


# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

import dgl
import torch
import numpy as np
import dgl.nn as dglnn
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import dgl.function as fn

# 1 Contruct a two-layer GNN model.
class SAGE(nn.Module):
	def __init__(self, in_feats, hid_feats, out_feats):
		self.conv1 = dglnn.SAGEConv(in_feats=in_feats, out_feats=hid_feats, aggregator_type='mean')
		self.conv2 = dglnn.SAGEConv(in_feats=hid_feats, out_feats=out_feats, aggregator_type='mean')

	def forward(self, graph, inputs):
		# inputs are features of nodes
		h = self.conv1(graph, inputs)
		h = F.relu(h)
		h = self.conv2(graph, h)
		return h	

# 2 Generate data randomly.
src = np.random.randint(0, 100, 500)
dst = np.random.randint(0, 100, 500)
edge_pred_graph = dgl.graph((np.concatenate([src, dst]), np.concatenate([dst, src])))
edge_pred_graph.ndata['feature'] = torch.randn(100, 10)
edge_pred_graph.edata['feature'] = torch.randn(1000, 10)
edge_pred_graph.edata['label'] = torch.randn(1000)
edge_pred_graph.edata['train_mask'] = torch.zeros(1000, dtype=torch.bool).bernoulli(0.6)

# 3 Define predictor to compute feature of edge.
# Here gives two predictors `DotProductPredictor` and `MLPPredictor`, but we only apply the former predictor `DotProductPredictor`.
class DotProductPredictor(nn.Module):									
	# Simply compute the feature of edge by do dot production using the source node and dst
	def forward(self, graph, h):
		# h contains the node representations computed from the GNN defined
		# in the node classification section (Section 5.1).
		with graph.local_scope():
			graph.ndata['h'] = h
			graph.apply_edges(fn.u_dot_v('h', 'h', 'score'))
			return graph.edata['score']

class MLPPredictor(nn.Module):
	def __init__(self, in_features, out_classes):
		self.W = nn.Linear(in_features * 2, out_classes)

	def apply_edges(self, edges):
		h_u = edges.src['h']
		h_v = edges.dst['h']
		score = self.W(torch.cat([h_u, h_v], 1))
		return 'score': score

	def forward(self, graph, h):
		# h contains the node representations computed from the GNN defined
		# in the node classification section (Section 5.1).
		with graph.local_scope():
			graph.ndata['h'] = h
			return graph.edata['score']

# 4 Define model.
class Model(nn.Module):
	def __init__(self, in_features, hidden_features, out_features):
		self.sage = SAGE(in_features, hidden_features, out_features)
		self.pred = DotProductPredictor()
	def forward(self, g, x):
		h = self.sage(g, x)
		return self.pred(g, h)	

node_features = edge_pred_graph.ndata['feature']
edge_label = edge_pred_graph.edata['label']								 # This is not label, but a value only. In this case we just do regression.
train_mask = edge_pred_graph.edata['train_mask']

# Train model.
model = Model(10, 20, 5)
opt = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters())
for epoch in range(1000):
	pred = model(edge_pred_graph, node_features)
	loss = ((pred[train_mask] - edge_label[train_mask]) ** 2).mean()	

# Save model.
torch.save(model, 'edge_sage.m')



比较图神经网络PyTorch Geometric 与 Deep Graph Library,帮助团队选出适合的GNN库

学习笔记图神经网络库 DGL 入门教程(backend pytorch)
