csharp 用于模拟摆动的Unity脚本



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了csharp 用于模拟摆动的Unity脚本相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

// Author: Eric Eastwood (ericeastwood.com)
// Description:
//		Written for this gd.se question: http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/a/75748/16587
//		Simulates/Emulates pendulum motion in code
// 		Works in any 3D direction and with any force/direciton of gravity
// Demonstration: https://i.imgur.com/vOQgFMe.gif
// Usage: https://i.imgur.com/BM52dbT.png
public class Pendulum : MonoBehaviour {
	public GameObject Pivot;
	public GameObject Bob;
	public float mass = 1f;
	float ropeLength = 2f;
	Vector3 bobStartingPosition;
	bool bobStartingPositionSet = false;
	// You could define these in the `PendulumUpdate()` loop 
	// But we want them in the class scope so we can draw gizmos `OnDrawGizmos()`
	private Vector3 gravityDirection;
	private Vector3 tensionDirection;
	private Vector3 tangentDirection;
	private Vector3 pendulumSideDirection;
	private float tensionForce = 0f;
	private float gravityForce = 0f;
	// Keep track of the current velocity
	Vector3 currentVelocity = new Vector3();
	// We use these to smooth between values in certain framerate situations in the `Update()` loop
	Vector3 currentStatePosition;
	Vector3 previousStatePosition;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		// Set the starting position for later use in the context menu reset methods
		this.bobStartingPosition = this.Bob.transform.position;
		this.bobStartingPositionSet = true;
	float t = 0f;
	float dt = 0.01f;
	float currentTime = 0f;
	float accumulator = 0f;
	void Update()
		/* */
		// Fixed deltaTime rendering at any speed with smoothing
		// Technique: http://gafferongames.com/game-physics/fix-your-timestep/
		float frameTime = Time.time - currentTime;
		this.currentTime = Time.time;
		this.accumulator += frameTime;
		while (this.accumulator >= this.dt)
			this.previousStatePosition = this.currentStatePosition;
			this.currentStatePosition = this.PendulumUpdate(this.currentStatePosition, this.dt);
			//integrate(state, this.t, this.dt);
			accumulator -= this.dt;
			this.t += this.dt;
		float alpha = this.accumulator/this.dt;
		Vector3 newPosition = this.currentStatePosition*alpha + this.previousStatePosition*(1f-alpha);
		this.Bob.transform.position = newPosition; //this.currentStatePosition;
		/* */
		//this.Bob.transform.position = this.PendulumUpdate(this.Bob.transform.position, Time.deltaTime);
	// Use this to reset forces and go back to the starting position
	[ContextMenu("Reset Pendulum Position")]
	void ResetPendulumPosition()
	// Use this to reset any built up forces
	[ContextMenu("Reset Pendulum Forces")]
	void ResetPendulumForces()
		this.currentVelocity = Vector3.zero;
		// Set the transition state
		this.currentStatePosition = this.Bob.transform.position;
	void PendulumInit()
		// Get the initial rope length from how far away the bob is now
		this.ropeLength = Vector3.Distance(Pivot.transform.position, Bob.transform.position);
	void MoveBob(Vector3 resetBobPosition)
		// Put the bob back in the place we first saw it at in `Start()`
		this.Bob.transform.position = resetBobPosition;
		// Set the transition state
		this.currentStatePosition = resetBobPosition;
	Vector3 PendulumUpdate(Vector3 currentStatePosition, float deltaTime)
		// Add gravity free fall
		this.gravityForce = this.mass * Physics.gravity.magnitude;
		this.gravityDirection = Physics.gravity.normalized;
		this.currentVelocity += this.gravityDirection * this.gravityForce * deltaTime;
		Vector3 pivot_p = this.Pivot.transform.position;
		Vector3 bob_p = this.currentStatePosition;
		Vector3 auxiliaryMovementDelta = this.currentVelocity * deltaTime;
		float distanceAfterGravity = Vector3.Distance(pivot_p, bob_p + auxiliaryMovementDelta);
		// If at the end of the rope
		if(distanceAfterGravity > this.ropeLength || Mathf.Approximately(distanceAfterGravity, this.ropeLength))
			this.tensionDirection = (pivot_p - bob_p).normalized;
			this.pendulumSideDirection = (Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 0f) * this.tensionDirection);
			this.pendulumSideDirection.Scale(new Vector3(1f, 0f, 1f));
			this.tangentDirection = (-1f * Vector3.Cross(this.tensionDirection, this.pendulumSideDirection)).normalized;
			float inclinationAngle = Vector3.Angle(bob_p-pivot_p, this.gravityDirection);
			this.tensionForce = this.mass * Physics.gravity.magnitude * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * inclinationAngle);
			float centripetalForce = ((this.mass * Mathf.Pow(this.currentVelocity.magnitude, 2))/this.ropeLength);
			this.tensionForce += centripetalForce;
			this.currentVelocity += this.tensionDirection * this.tensionForce * deltaTime;
		// Get the movement delta
		Vector3 movementDelta = Vector3.zero;
		movementDelta += this.currentVelocity * deltaTime;
		//return currentStatePosition + movementDelta;
		float distance = Vector3.Distance(pivot_p, currentStatePosition + movementDelta);
		return this.GetPointOnLine(pivot_p, currentStatePosition + movementDelta, distance <= this.ropeLength ? distance : this.ropeLength);
	Vector3 GetPointOnLine(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, float distanceFromStart)
		return start + (distanceFromStart * Vector3.Normalize(end - start));
	void OnDrawGizmos()
		// purple
		Gizmos.color = new Color(.5f, 0f, .5f);
		Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(this.Pivot.transform.position, this.ropeLength);
		Gizmos.DrawWireCube(this.bobStartingPosition, new Vector3(.5f, .5f, .5f));
		// Blue: Auxilary
		Gizmos.color = new Color(.3f, .3f, 1f); // blue
		Vector3 auxVel = .3f * this.currentVelocity;
		Gizmos.DrawRay(this.Bob.transform.position, auxVel);
		Gizmos.DrawSphere(this.Bob.transform.position + auxVel, .2f);
		// Yellow: Gravity
		Gizmos.color = new Color(1f, 1f, .2f);
		Vector3 gravity = .3f * this.gravityForce*this.gravityDirection;
		Gizmos.DrawRay(this.Bob.transform.position, gravity);
		Gizmos.DrawSphere(this.Bob.transform.position + gravity, .2f);
		// Orange: Tension
		Gizmos.color = new Color(1f, .5f, .2f); // Orange
		Vector3 tension = .3f * this.tensionForce*this.tensionDirection;
		Gizmos.DrawRay(this.Bob.transform.position, tension);
		Gizmos.DrawSphere(this.Bob.transform.position + tension, .2f);
		// Red: Resultant
		Gizmos.color = new Color(1f, .3f, .3f); // red
		Vector3 resultant = gravity + tension;
		Gizmos.DrawRay(this.Bob.transform.position, resultant);
		Gizmos.DrawSphere(this.Bob.transform.position + resultant, .2f);
		/* * /
		// Green: Pendulum side direction
		Gizmos.color = new Color(.3f, 1f, .3f);
		Gizmos.DrawRay(this.Bob.transform.position, 3f*this.pendulumSideDirection);
		Gizmos.DrawSphere(this.Bob.transform.position + 3f*this.pendulumSideDirection, .2f);
		/* */
		/* * /
		// Cyan: tangent direction
		Gizmos.color = new Color(.2f, 1f, 1f); // cyan
		Gizmos.DrawRay(this.Bob.transform.position, 3f*this.tangentDirection);
		Gizmos.DrawSphere(this.Bob.transform.position + 3f*this.tangentDirection, .2f);
		/* */

以上是关于csharp 用于模拟摆动的Unity脚本的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

csharp Unity编辑器脚本,用于更好地编辑预制件。放入资产/编辑。

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