mollnn's Blog

mollnn's Blog:



[HDU4609] 3-idiots - 多项式乘法,FFT

[HDU1402] A * B Problem Plus

BZOJ2190 SDOI2008 仪仗队 gcd,欧拉函数

训练20191009 2018-2019 ACM-ICPC, Asia East Continent Finals

SP1716 GSS3 - Can you answer these queries III - 动态dp,线段树

[WC2006] 水管局长 - Link Cut Tree

[CF1236D] Alice and the Doll - 模拟,STL

[CF705B] Spider Man - 博弈论

[CCPC2019秦皇岛] E. Escape

[Codechef - ADITREE] Adi and the Tree - 树链剖分,线段树

[TJOI2015]弦论 - 后缀自动机

[CF484D] Kindergarten - 贪心

[CF467C] George and Job - DP,前缀和