®Geovin Du Dream Park™:
®Geovin Du Dream Park™:
csharp: read system DSN configured get Driver Names on windows
create pdf file using Spire.Pdf or iTextSharp or PdfSharp
csharp: MySQL Stored Procedure using DAL
csharp:workflow and bpm(Business Process Management)
csharp: Procedure with DAO(Data Access Object) and DAL(Data Access Layer)
cpp: read and write utf-8 text file
Python3.4:splinter or traceback
php7.27: export excel from mysql
PHP7.27: connect mysql 5.7 using new mysqli_connect
csharp: mappings using Dapper-Extensions+Dapper.net.
MySQL5.7: Paging using Mysql Stored Proc
SQL Server: create table sql script
postgresql-10.1-3-windows-x64 安装之后,起动pgAdmin 4问题(win10)
MySQL and Sql Server:Getting metadata using sql script (SQL-92 standard)
csharp: Emgu.CV.OCR and Tesseract.OCR Optical Character Recognition