Pandas:从 DataFrame 列制作字典的最有效方法



【中文标题】Pandas:从 DataFrame 列制作字典的最有效方法【英文标题】:Pandas: Most efficient way to make dictionary of dictionaries from DataFrame columns 【发布时间】:2016-01-15 14:35:05 【问题描述】:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random

labels = ["c1","c2","c3"]
c1 = ["one","one","one","two","two","three","three","three","three"]
c2 = [random.random() for i in range(len(c1))]
c3 = ["alpha","beta","gamma","alpha","gamma","alpha","beta","gamma","zeta"]
DF = pd.DataFrame(np.array([c1,c2,c3])).T
DF.columns = labels

DataFrame 看起来像:

      c1               c2     c3
0    one   0.440958516531  alpha
1    one   0.476439953723   beta
2    one   0.254235673552  gamma
3    two   0.882724336464  alpha
4    two    0.79817899139  gamma
5  three   0.677464637887  alpha
6  three   0.292927670096   beta
7  three  0.0971956881825  gamma
8  three   0.993934915508   zeta


D_greek_value = 

for greek in set(DF["c3"]):
    D_c1_c2 = 
    for i in range(DF.shape[0]):
        row = DF.iloc[i,:]
        if row[2] == greek:
            D_c1_c2[row[0]] = row[1]
    D_greek_value[greek] = D_c1_c2


'alpha': 'one': '0.67919712421',
  'three': '0.67171020684',
  'two': '0.571150669821',
 'beta': 'one': '0.895090207979', 'three': '0.489490074662',
 'gamma': 'one': '0.964777504708',
  'three': '0.134397632659',
  'two': '0.10302290374',
 'zeta': 'three': '0.0204226923557'

我不想假设 c1 会成块出现(“一个”每次都在一起)。我在几百 MB 的 csv 上执行此操作,我觉得我做错了。如果您有任何想法,请提供帮助!



IIUC,您可以利用groupby 来处理大部分工作:

>>> result = df.groupby("c3")[["c1","c2"]].apply(lambda x: dict(x.values)).to_dict()
>>> pprint.pprint(result)
'alpha': 'one': 0.440958516531,
           'three': 0.677464637887,
           'two': 0.8827243364640001,
 'beta': 'one': 0.47643995372299996, 'three': 0.29292767009599996,
 'gamma': 'one': 0.254235673552,
           'three': 0.0971956881825,
           'two': 0.79817899139,
 'zeta': 'three': 0.993934915508

一些解释:首先我们按 c3 分组,并选择列 c1 和 c2。这给了我们想要变成字典的组:

>>> grouped = df.groupby("c3")[["c1", "c2"]]
>>> grouped.apply(lambda x: print(x,"\n","--")) # just for display purposes
      c1                   c2
0    one    0.679926178687387
3    two  0.11495090934413166
5  three   0.7458197179794177 
      c1                   c2
0    one    0.679926178687387
3    two  0.11495090934413166
5  three   0.7458197179794177 
      c1                   c2
1    one  0.12943266757277916
6  three  0.28944292691097817 
      c1                   c2
2    one  0.36642834809341274
4    two   0.5690944224514624
7  three   0.7018221838129789 
      c1                  c2
8  three  0.7195852795555373 


>>> d3
      c1        c2
2    one  0.366428
4    two  0.569094
7  three  0.701822


>>> dict(d3)
'c1': 2      one
4      two
7    three
Name: c1, dtype: object, 'c2': 2    0.366428
4    0.569094
7    0.701822
Name: c2, dtype: float64
>>> d3.to_dict()
'c1': 2: 'one', 4: 'two', 7: 'three', 'c2': 2: 0.36642834809341279, 4: 0.56909442245146236, 7: 0.70182218381297889

但是我们可以通过使用.values 下拉到基础数据来忽略这一点,然后可以将其传递给dict

>>> d3.values
array([['one', 0.3664283480934128],
       ['two', 0.5690944224514624],
       ['three', 0.7018221838129789]], dtype=object)
>>> dict(d3.values)
'three': 0.7018221838129789, 'one': 0.3664283480934128, 'two': 0.5690944224514624

因此,如果我们应用它,我们将得到一个 Series,其中索引作为我们想要的 c3 键,值作为字典,我们可以使用 .to_dict() 将其转换为字典:

>>> result = df.groupby("c3")[["c1", "c2"]].apply(lambda x: dict(x.values))
>>> result
alpha    'three': '0.7458197179794177', 'one': '0.6799...
beta     'one': '0.12943266757277916', 'three': '0.289...
gamma    'three': '0.7018221838129789', 'one': '0.3664...
zeta                       'three': '0.7195852795555373'
dtype: object
>>> result.to_dict()
'zeta': 'three': '0.7195852795555373', 'gamma': 'three': '0.7018221838129789', 'one': '0.36642834809341274', 'two': '0.5690944224514624', 'beta': 'one': '0.12943266757277916', 'three': '0.28944292691097817', 'alpha': 'three': '0.7458197179794177', 'one': '0.679926178687387', 'two': '0.11495090934413166'


非常好。我想知道这是否比我发布的更快。我希望groupby 会非常快,但 lambda 可能会减慢它的速度。不过我懒得去计时了。 @StevenRumbalski:我也是。 :-) 我试图看看我是否可以仅使用矢量化操作获得相同的结果但反弹了;其他人可能有更聪明的东西。但是我认为您已经将手指放在了大问题上(迭代次数过多),相比之下,除此之外的所有内容都是次要的.. @DSM 我知道如何使用 lambda 函数进行排序,但正是从“.apply”到“.to_dict()”? @O.rka:我添加了一些解释,逐步分解。【参考方案2】:


由于您需要字典,您可以使用 collections.defaultdictdict 作为嵌套字典的默认构造函数:

from collections import defaultdict

result = defaultdict(dict)
for dx, num_word, val, greek in DF.itertuples():
    result[greek][num_word] = val

或者使用常规字典和对setdefault 的调用来创建嵌套字典。

result = 
for dx, num_word, val, greek in DF.itertuples():
    result.setdefault(greek, )[num_word] = val


以上是关于Pandas:从 DataFrame 列制作字典的最有效方法的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何使用 Pandas 从 DataFrame 或 np.array 中的列条目创建字典

尝试从 Pandas DataFrame 中的字典访问第一个值时出现浮点错误

将 pandas Dataframe 列映射到字典值

如何使用 python 或 pandas 根据包含字典列表的列过滤 DataFrame?


从 Pandas Column 解压字典