


【中文标题】当有人加入或离开其语音频道时,让机器人向文本频道发送消息【英文标题】:Make a bot send a message to a text channel when somebody joins or leaves its voice channel 【发布时间】:2019-04-07 14:03:39 【问题描述】:


bot.on('voiceStateUpdate', (oldMember, newMember) => 
  let newUserChannel = newMember.voiceChannel;
  let oldUserChannel = oldMember.voiceChannel;
  if (oldUserChannel === undefined && newUserChannel !== undefined) 
    if (newUserChannel === bot.voiceChannel) 
   else if (newUserChannel === undefined) 




我认为这不起作用,因为您使用的是 bot.voiceChannel,但它不存在:.voiceChannelGuildMember 的属性,因此您需要先获取成员。 我会这样做:

bot.on('voiceStateUpdate', (oldMember, newMember) => 
  // Here I'm storing the IDs of their voice channels, if available
  let oldChannel = oldMember.voiceChannel ? oldMember.voiceChannel.id : null;
  let newChannel = newMember.voiceChannel ? newMember.voiceChannel.id : null;
  if (oldChannel == newChannel) return; // If there has been no change, exit

  // Here I'm getting the bot's channel (bot.voiceChannel does not exist)
  let botMember = oldMember.guild.member(bot.user),
    botChannel = botMember ? botMember.voiceChannel.id : null;

  // Here I'm getting the channel, just replace VVV this VVV with the channel's ID
  let textChannel = oldMember.guild.channels.get('CHANNEL_ID_HERE');
  if (!textChannel) throw new Error("That channel does not exist.");

  // Here I don't need to check if they're the same, since it would've exit before
  if (newChannel == botChannel) 
    // console.log("A user joined.");
    textChannel.send(`$newMember has joined the voice channel.`);
   else if (oldChannel == botChannel) 
    // console.log("A user left.");
    textChannel.send(`$newMember has left the voice channel.`);


如果用户已加入,我如何向文本频道发送消息? 我编辑了我的答案。您需要先获取您要发送消息的频道,然后您可以使用TextChannel.send() 最后一件事,我将如何获得加入的用户名。 newMemer.username 似乎不起作用 我编辑了我的答案:如果您想@提及用户,请使用我现在回答中的代码(当您将 GuildMember 转换为字符串时,它会成为提及)。如果您只想使用usernametag 或其他User 属性,只需使用newMember.user -> newMember.user.usernamenewMember.user.tag 等等... 非常感谢!


Discord.js 尝试在用户加入语音频道时发送消息



Discord.js 机器人无法离开语音频道

Discord 机器人不离开语音频道

如何使用 Discord.py Cogs 使 Discord Bot 加入语音频道并在成员加入频道时播放音频文件