Java 整数到短的转换规则



【中文标题】Java 整数到短的转换规则【英文标题】:Java integer to short conversion rules 【发布时间】:2020-07-30 16:20:37 【问题描述】:

在代码中,只有第一种情况(整数变量到 short)有编译错误(从 int 到 short 的有损转换)。为什么其他情况(整数文字转短,最终整数变量转短)没有同样的编译错误?

public class Test
    public static void main(String[] args)
        short shortNum = 0;
        //integer variable to short
        int intNum = 12;
        shortNum = intNum;
        //integer literal to short
        shortNum = 12;

        //final integer variable to short
        final int finalNum = 12;
        shortNum = finalNum;


编译器可以看到常量值12 适合一个short。 【参考方案1】:

将答案视为 cmets:

short shortNum = 0;

//integer variable to short
int intNum = 12;
shortNum = intNum; //doesn't work, because casting primitives is required any time you are going from a larger numerical data type to a smaller numerical data type.
//integer literal to short
shortNum = 12; //This is not integer literal per se, you're initializing your short variable with 12, which fits in short data type, so it's short.

//final integer variable to short
final int finalNum = 12; //your variable is final, and according to Java Language Specification, if final variable's value fits into the type you're casting it, then no explicit cast is needed.
shortNum = finalNum;


还要注意byteshortchar 数据类型在与算术运算符一起使用时有一个棘手的部分。例如short x = 2; short y = 3; short z = x + y; 将无法编译,因为结果被提升为int 这可以这样表达:From OCA Java SE 8 Book: short values are automatically promoted to int when applying any arithmetic operator, with the resulting value being of type int.【参考方案2】:

答案在这篇文章中:Type cast issue from int to byte using final keyword in java。

如果 Java 知道该数字是一个常量并且适合另一种类型,那么您可以使用它。



以上是关于Java 整数到短的转换规则的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何将整数转换为 Python 中最短的 url 安全字符串?



java 转换规则

