


【中文标题】如何删除多维字符串数组中的空元素?【英文标题】:How to remove the empty element in multi dimentional string array? 【发布时间】:2020-08-09 17:33:28 【问题描述】:
String[][] array = "abcd","","asdf","","","","","","","","","";

我想从数组中删除 "","" 元素。

如何在 Java 中做到这一点?



删除? 您无法更改现有数组的大小。 如果你想创建一个只有这些元素的新数组,计算每个数组的长度,根据这些长度创建一个新数组,将元素添加到新数组中。

String[][] array= "abcd","","asdf","","","","","","","","","";
//Assuming you want a 1-D array
int valuesPresent = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arrray.length; i++) 
    for (int j = 0; i < arrray[i].length; i++) 
        if (array[i][j] != "") 

//Now you know how many values are there, so initialize a new array of that size 
String[] answer = new String[valuesPresent];
//Now add all the values to it
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arrray.length; i++) 
    for (int j = 0; i < arrray[i].length; i++) 
        if (array[i][j] != "") 
            answer[index] = array[i][j];


//Just reordered input so we can understand better
String[][] array= "abcd","zxcs", //Row 0, col 0 = abcd and col 1 = zxcs
                   "asdf","",     //Row 1, col 0 = asdf and col 1 = ""
                   "","";        //Row 2, col 0 = "" and col 2 = ""
//Counts how many columns have values(are not equal to "") in each row
int rowsWithValues = 0; //Counts how many rows have at least 1 value. Here, 2 
for (int row = 0; row < arrray.length; row++) 
    for (int col = 0; col < arrray[row].length; col++) 
        if (array[row][col] != "") 
            rowsWithValues++; //Since there's a col with value for this row
            break; //If any one value has been found, no need to check other cols

//Now we know how many rows we need in the result array: 2 (row 2 has no values)
String[][] result = new String[2][];
//We need to add the 2 rows with values now
int arrayIndex = 0; //Points to next empty index in result[][]
for (int row = 0; row < arrray.length; row++) 
    int colsWithValues = 0; //Cols with values for each row
    for (int col = 0; col < arrray[i].length; col++) 
        if (array[row][col] != "") 
            colsWithValues ++; //Col with value found for this row
    //Eg. For row 0, colsWithValues will be 2, since 2 cols have values(abcd, zxcs)
    //We need to add these 2 cols as a single array to result
    String[] currentRow = new String[colsWithValues]; //Will be 2 here for row 0
    int rowIndex = 0; //Points to next empty column in currentRow[]
    for (int col = 0; col < array[row].length; col++) 
        if (array[row][col] != "") 
            currentRow[rowIndex] = array[row][col];
    //After this, for row 0, currentRow will be abcd, zxcs
    //Just add it to our result
    result[arrayIndex] = currentRol;
    //After 1st iteration, result will be "abcd", "zxcs", 

    //During 2nd iteration, arrayIndex == 1, currentRow == "asdf"
    //On adding it to result[1], result will be "abcd", "zxcs", "asdf"


不,如果你有 "abcd","aa","asdf","","","","","","","","",""; 你的 valuesPresent 将是 3 但实际上你有 2 个子数组 ;) 先生,我可以初始化一个可变长度的二维数组 我将多维数组作为输出 @DevilsHnd 是的,(array[i][j] != "") 暗示它是空的,对吧? @azro 用于一维数组; valuesPresent == 3,这将产生一个包含 "abcd", "aa", "asdf" 的一维数组,这是一维数组所期望的。【参考方案2】:
private String[][] removeFromArray(String[][] source, String[] objToRemove) 
    return Arrays.stream(source)
                 .filter(element -> !Arrays.equals(element , objToRemove))

void example() 
    final String[] empty = new String[]"", "";
    String[][] array = "abcd", "", "asdf", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "";
    array = removeFromArray(array, empty);



@OmkarGhurye 你能解释一下问题是什么吗?它已经过测试并且可以在示例中使用【参考方案3】:

我在这里假设嵌套数组可以是任意大小,而不仅仅是 2 个元素。

创建一个接受Stream&lt;String&gt; 的谓词并检查是否有任何元素不为空且非空。

String[][] array= "abcd","","asdf","","","","","","","","","";

Predicate<Stream<String>> arrayPredicate = element -> 
               element.anyMatch(ele ->Objects.nonNull(ele) && !ele.isEmpty());


String[][] copyArray = Arrays.stream(array)
         .filter(arr -> arrayPredicate.test(Arrays.stream(arr)))

array = copyArray;  // reassign to array



首先,不要使用==!= 比较两个字符串相等性,即使是字符串数组:

if (array[i][j] != "") 


if (!array[i][j].equals("")) 

如果您还不太了解 Streams,那么这可能是您感兴趣的一种方式:

public static String[][] removeNullStringRows(String[][] array) 
    if (array == null || array.length == 0) 
        return null;
    int validCount = 0;  // Row Index Counter for the new 2D Array

    /* Find out how may rows within the 2D array are valid
       (where the do not consist of Null Strings "", "").
       This let's you know how many rows you need to initialize 
       your new 2D Array to.         */
    for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) 
        for (int j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++) 
            if (!array[i][j].equals(""))  

    /* Declare and initialize your new 2D Array. This is 
       assuming the column count is the same in all rows.  */
    String[][] array2 = new String[validCount][array[0].length];

    validCount = 0; // Used as an index increment counter for the new 2D Array

    // Iterate through the supplied 2D Array and weed out
    // the bad (invalid) rows.
    for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)   // Iterate Rows...
        for (int j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++)   // Iterate Columns
            /* Does this row contain anything other than a Null String ("")?
               If it does then accept the entire Row into the new 2D Array.  */
            if (!array[i][j].equals(""))  
                // Retrieve all the columns for this row
                for (int k = 0; k < array[i].length; k++) 
                   array2[validCount][k] = array[i][k]; 
                // The above small 'for' loop can be replaced with:
                // System.arraycopy(array[i], 0, array2[validCount], 0, array[i].length);

                validCount++; // Increment our Row Index Counter for the new 2D Array           
                break;  // Get out of this column iterator. We already know it's good.
    return array2;  // Return the new 2D Array.


// Your current 2D Array
String[][] array = 
                    "abcd","", "asdf","", "","", 
                    "","", "","", "",""

// If the supplied 2D Array is null contains no rows 
// then get out of here.
if (array == null || array.length == 0) 

// Display the original 2D Array (array) in the Console window
System.out.println("The original 2D Array:");
for (int i = 0; i < array.length;i++) 

// Remove all rows that contain all Null String Columns.
// Make your Array equal what is returned by our method.
array = removeNullStringRows(array);

// Display the new 2D Array (array) in the Console window.
System.out.println("The New 2D Array:");
for (int i = 0; i < array.length;i++) 


The original 2D Array:
[abcd, ]
[asdf, ]
[, ]
[, ]
[, ]
[, ]

The New 2D Array:
[abcd, ]
[asdf, ]




String[][] array = "abcd","","asdf","","","","","","","","","";
String[][] nonEmptyArray = Arrays.stream(array)
        .map(row -> Arrays.stream(row)
                // filter out 'null' elements and empty strings
                .filter(e -> e != null && e.length() > 0)
                // an array of non-empty strings or an empty
                // array if there are no such strings
        // filter out empty arrays
        .filter(row -> row.length > 0)
        // an array of non-empty arrays
// output
System.out.println(Arrays.deepToString(nonEmptyArray)); // [[abcd], [asdf]]




08.18 javascript 06 数组 数组的概念 创建数组 读取数组中的元素 稀疏数组 添加和删除数组的元素 数组遍历 多维数组 数组的方法 类数组对象 作为数组的字符串



