Deep Learning:
- SoftMax Fuction(输出层归一化函数?)
DNN(Deep Neural Networks):
- MSE(Means Square Error,均方误差) / CE(Cross Entropy,交叉熵)
- Use to minimum total loss for softmax layer. CE is better.
- Mini-batch & batch_size(decides how many examples in a mini-batch)
- Vanishing Gradient Problem(梯度消失问题)
- ReLU(Rectified Linear Unit,线性纠正单元)
- As an activative function, used when the number of layers is quite large.
- Special cases of MaxOut
- Learnable activation function
- Adaptive learning rate
- Use a large rate first, then change to a small one
- Momentum(动量原理)
- Use the optimizer Adam(Advanced Adagrad Momentum)
- Overfitting Problem(过拟合问题)
- Use early stopping
- Weight Decay(训练时用p%的dropout,测试时对权值做(1-p%)的调整后再获得输出)
- Dropout(训练的过程舍弃神经元)
- Will change structure of networks while training. better than MaxOut
CNN(Convolutional Neural Networks):
- Image recognization suits to use CNN because of 3 important properties:
1) Patterns are much smaller than the whole image
2) The same patterns appear in different regions
3) Subsampling pixels does not change the object
- filter & channel
- stride(step)
- zero-padding
- max-pooling
- flattern
- less parameters because of sharing weights