模拟NEERC15 A Adjustment Office (2015-2016 ACM-ICPC)(Codeforces GYM 100851)
Posted Coolxxx
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了模拟NEERC15 A Adjustment Office (2015-2016 ACM-ICPC)(Codeforces GYM 100851)相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
一个N*N的矩阵A,Ai,j=i+j,Q次操作,每次分两种,R r取出第r行还未被取的所有数,并输出和。C c取出第c列还未被取出的所有数并输出和。

1 // 2 //by coolxxx 3 //#include<bits/stdc++.h> 4 #include<iostream> 5 #include<algorithm> 6 #include<string> 7 #include<iomanip> 8 #include<map> 9 #include<stack> 10 #include<queue> 11 #include<set> 12 #include<bitset> 13 #include<memory.h> 14 #include<time.h> 15 #include<stdio.h> 16 #include<stdlib.h> 17 #include<string.h> 18 //#include<stdbool.h> 19 #include<math.h> 20 #define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) 21 #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) 22 #define abs(a) ((a)>0?(a):(-(a))) 23 #define lowbit(a) (a&(-a)) 24 #define sqr(a) ((a)*(a)) 25 #define swap(a,b) ((a)^=(b),(b)^=(a),(a)^=(b)) 26 #define mem(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof(a)) 27 #define eps (1e-8) 28 #define J 10 29 #define mod 1000000007 30 #define MAX 0x7f7f7f7f 31 #define PI 3.14159265358979323 32 #define N 1000004 33 using namespace std; 34 typedef long long LL; 35 int cas,cass; 36 int n,m,lll,ans; 37 LL sum,tot,a,b; 38 LL c[N]; 39 char s[2]; 40 bool u[N],v[N]; 41 int main() 42 { 43 #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE 44 // freopen("3.txt","r",stdin); 45 // freopen("2.txt","w",stdout); 46 #endif 47 int i,j,k; 48 // for(scanf("%d",&cass);cass;cass--) 49 // for(scanf("%d",&cas),cass=1;cass<=cas;cass++) 50 // while(~scanf("%s",s+1)) 51 while(~scanf("%d",&n)) 52 { 53 sum=tot=a=b=0;mem(u,0);mem(v,0); 54 scanf("%d",&m); 55 c[1]=1LL*(2+1+n)*n/2; 56 for(i=2;i<=n;i++)c[i]=c[i-1]+n; 57 for(i=1;i<=m;i++) 58 { 59 scanf("%s%d",s,&cas); 60 if(s[0]==\'R\') 61 { 62 if(u[cas]){puts("0");continue;} 63 printf("%I64d\\n",c[cas]-tot-b*cas); 64 sum+=cas; 65 a++; 66 u[cas]=1; 67 } 68 else 69 { 70 if(v[cas]){puts("0");continue;} 71 printf("%I64d\\n",c[cas]-sum-a*cas); 72 tot+=cas; 73 b++; 74 v[cas]=1; 75 } 76 } 77 } 78 return 0; 79 } 80 /* 81 // 82 83 // 84 */
以上是关于模拟NEERC15 A Adjustment Office (2015-2016 ACM-ICPC)(Codeforces GYM 100851)的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
模拟NEERC15 E Easy Problemset (2015-2016 ACM-ICPC)(Codeforces GYM 100851)
模拟赛小结:2014-2015 ACM-ICPC, NEERC, Southern Subregional Contest
代码对齐 (Alignment of Code,ACM/ICPC NEERC 2010,UVa1593)
Codeforces Gym 101190 NEERC 16 .L List of Primes(递归)
Gym100851A Adjustment Office 思维+模拟
2016 NEERC, Moscow Subregional Contest K. Knights of the Old Republic(Kruskal思想)