Posted jintian
yield item 会执行 process_item
def process_item return item 交给下一个pipeline
raise DropItem 丢弃掉,不给下一个pipeline
crawler.settings crawler封装了settings

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Define your item pipelines here # # Don‘t forget to add your pipeline to the ITEM_PIPELINES setting # See: http://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/item-pipeline.html from scrapy.exceptions import DropItem class Day96Pipeline(object): def __init__(self,conn_str): self.conn_str = conn_str @classmethod def from_crawler(cls, crawler): """ 初始化时候,用于创建pipeline对象 :param crawler: :return: """ conn_str = crawler.settings.get(‘DB‘) return cls(conn_str) def open_spider(self,spider): """ 爬虫开始执行时,调用 :param spider: :return: """ self.conn = open(self.conn_str, ‘a‘) def close_spider(self,spider): """ 爬虫关闭时,被调用 :param spider: :return: """ self.conn.close() def process_item(self, item, spider): """ 每当数据需要持久化时,就会被调用 :param item: :param spider: :return: """ # if spider.name == ‘chouti‘ tpl = "%s\\n%s\\n\\n" %(item[‘title‘],item[‘href‘]) self.conn.write(tpl) # 交给下一个pipeline处理 return item # 丢弃item,不交给 # raise DropItem() class Day97Pipeline(object): def __init__(self,conn_str): self.conn_str = conn_str @classmethod def from_crawler(cls, crawler): """ 初始化时候,用于创建pipeline对象 :param crawler: :return: """ conn_str = crawler.settings.get(‘DB‘) return cls(conn_str) def open_spider(self,spider): """ 爬虫开始执行时,调用 :param spider: :return: """ self.conn = open(self.conn_str, ‘a‘) def close_spider(self,spider): """ 爬虫关闭时,被调用 :param spider: :return: """ self.conn.close() def process_item(self, item, spider): """ 每当数据需要持久化时,就会被调用 :param item: :param spider: :return: """ # if spider.name == ‘chouti‘ tpl = "%s\\n%s\\n\\n" %(item[‘title‘],item[‘href‘]) self.conn.write(tpl)
27-Jenkins-Pipeline-Pipeline Basic Steps插件之timeoutwaitUntilwithEnv方法