Posted qw1234567
- 阅读官方英文文档学习QUARTUSii15的使用和熟悉利用DE1-SOC设计数字集成电路的流程和方法。
- 设计流水灯和HELLODE1-SOC流水效果作为,SOC作业1。
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1, 在添加PLL时MegaWizard软件无法打开,闪现推出。(CUP爆表,占有率达到100),怎么解决????
在外国论坛看到了解答:Hi, I asked the Altera Support for help but that was not very fruitful. I finally circumvented the problem by installing Quartus 13.1 on a different PC where the problem does not occur any more. The Altera support was not able to reproduce the problem. As soon as I reported that the software was running on a different PC, the supporter came to the conclusion that this is not a software bug. If you ask me, I do not agree with this conclusion. Any detail seems to be different in the overall windows environment that is not handled properly and that makes the software to fail. I‘d suggest to try two things: Open a support ticket at Altera by yourself to show them, that there are other people who have the same problem. Further try to install Quartus on a different machine and check if the issue occurs there (if you have the opportunity to do so). Finally, you could still consider to reinstall windows and Quartus 13.1 to get a clean installation (or use a virtual machine to reduce effort).
1.Quartus ii 15.0 和Modelsim se-64安装,安装过程参照网上的资料可以成功,建议安装在默认目录可以减少出现未知BUG的概率。
2.对Quartus ii 15.0 和Modelsim se-64建立了简单的工程对新软件进行了熟悉。参照了DE1-SOC的官方文档My_First_Fpga。稍后会尝试翻译给大家!又需要的可以联系我