Posted yrz001030
#include"stdio.h" #include"string.h" #include"iostream" #include"algorithm" using namespace std; class StringBad{ private: char *str; int len; static int num_strings; public: StringBad(const char *s); StringBad(); ~StringBad(); friend std::ostream & operator << (std :: ostream & os,const StringBad &st); }; int StringBad :: num_strings = 0;///不能在类中初始化静态成员 StringBad :: StringBad(const char *s) { len = strlen(s); str = new char[len + 1]; strcpy(str,s); num_strings ++; cout << num_strings << ":"" << str << "" object created "; } StringBad::StringBad() { len = 4; str = new char [4]; strcpy(str,"c++"); num_strings ++; cout << num_strings << ":"" << str << "" default object created "; } StringBad :: ~StringBad() { cout << """ << str << "" object deleted,"; -- num_strings; cout << num_strings << " left "; delete [] str; } std:: ostream & operator << (std :: ostream &os,const StringBad &st) { os << st.str; return os; } void callme1(StringBad &); void callme2(StringBad); int main() { using std :: endl; StringBad headline1("Celery Stalks at Midnight"); StringBad headline2("Lettuce Prey"); StringBad sports("Spinach Leaves Bow1 for Dollars"); cout << "headline1: " << headline1 << endl; cout << "headline2: " << headline2 << endl; cout << "sports:" << sports << endl; callme1(headline1); cout << "headline1: " << headline1 << endl; callme2(headline2); cout << "headline2: " << headline2 << endl; cout << "Initialize one object to another: "; StringBad sailor = sports; cout << "sailor: " << sailor << endl; cout << "Assign one object to another: "; StringBad knot; knot = headline1; cout << "knot:" << knot << endl; cout << "End of main() "; return 0; } void callme1(StringBad &rsb) { cout << "String passed by reference: "; cout << " "" << rsb << "" "; } void callme2(StringBad sb) { cout << "String passed by value: "; cout << " "" << sb << "" "; }
#include"stdio.h" #include"string.h" #include"algorithm" using namespace std; class Brass{ private: enum {MAX = 35}; char fullName[MAX]; long acctNum; double balance; public: Brass(const char *s = "Nullbody",long an = -1,double bal = 0.0); void Deposit(double amt); virtual void Withdraw(double amt); ///virtual 关键字至关重要,使用了:程序将根据引用或指针指向的对象的类型来选择方法 ///未使用,则程序将根据引用类型或指针的类型来选择方法。(派生类和基类重载了方法) double Balance()const; virtual void ViewAcct()const; virtual ~Brass(){} }; ///Brasss plus Account Class class BrassPlus: public Brass{ private: double maxLoan; double rate; double owerBank; public: BrassPlus(const char *s = "Nullbody",long an = -1,double bal = 0.0,double m1 = 500,double r = 0.10); BrassPlus(const Brass & ba,double m1 = 500,double r = 0.1); virtual void ViewAcct()const; virtual void Withdraw(double amt); void ResetMax(double m){maxLoan = m;} void ResetRate(double r){rate = r;} void ResetOwes(){owesBank = 0;} };