Posted hnxxcxg
TSynThread = class(TThread)
TServerGeneric = class(TSynThread)
THttpServerGeneric = class(TServerGeneric)
THttpApiServer = class(THttpServerGeneric)
THttpApiWebSocketServer = class(THttpApiServer)
TSynThread = class(TThread)
TServerGeneric = class(TSynThread)
THttpServerGeneric = class(TServerGeneric)
THttpApiServer = class(THttpServerGeneric)
THttpApiWebSocketServer = class(THttpApiServer)
TSynThread = class(TThread)
TSynThreadPool = class
TSynThreadPoolTHttpServer = class(TSynThreadPool)
TSynThread = class(TThread)
TSynThreadPool = class
TSynThreadPoolTHttpServer = class(TSynThreadPool)
TSynThread = class(TThread)
TSynThreadPool = class
TSynThreadPoolTHttpServer = class(TSynThreadPool)
//标识为HTTP/1.1 keep alive,或HTTP正文长度大于1 MB
//标识为HTTP/1.1 keep alive,或HTTP正文长度大于1 MB
THttpApiServer = class(THttpServerGeneric)
WINDOWS HTTP.SYS的相关说明,在此略过,有兴趣的朋友,可以自己百度。
使用快速http.sys内核模式服务器的HTTP服务器。 允许应用程序通过HTTP进行通信,而不需要使用Microsoft Internet信息服务器(IIS)。应用程序可以注册接收特定url的HTTP请求、接收HTTP请求和发送HTTP响应。
Windows Server 2003操作系统支持HTTP服务器API,以及带有Service Pack 2(SP2)的Windows XP。请注意,Microsoft IIS 5 在带有SP2的Windows XP上运行无法与其他HTTP共享端口80同时运行的应用程序。
使用快速http.sys内核模式服务器的HTTP服务器。 允许应用程序通过HTTP进行通信,而不需要使用Microsoft Internet信息服务器(IIS)。应用程序可以注册接收特定url的HTTP请求、接收HTTP请求和发送HTTP响应。
Windows Server 2003操作系统支持HTTP服务器API,以及带有Service Pack 2(SP2)的Windows XP。请注意,Microsoft IIS 5 在带有SP2的Windows XP上运行无法与其他HTTP共享端口80同时运行的应用程序。
THttpApiWebSocketServer = class(THttpApiServer)
使用快速HTTP.sys内核模式服务器的HTTP&WebSocket服务器 。可以像简单的THttpApiServer一样使用。当AddUrlWebSocket被调用时,将添加支持WebSocket。 在这种情况下,WebSocket将以异步方式接收帧。
使用快速HTTP.sys内核模式服务器的HTTP&WebSocket服务器 。可以像简单的THttpApiServer一样使用。当AddUrlWebSocket被调用时,将添加支持WebSocket。 在这种情况下,WebSocket将以异步方式接收帧。
TCrtSocket = class
THttpSocket = class(TCrtSocket)
THttpServerSocket = class(THttpSocket)
TCrtSocket = class
THttpSocket = class(TCrtSocket)
THttpServerSocket = class(THttpSocket)
TCrtSocket = class
/// Fast low-level Socket implementation
// - direct access to the OS (Windows, Linux) network layer API
// - use Open constructor to create a client to be connected to a server
// - use Bind constructor to initialize a server
// - use SockIn and SockOut (after CreateSock*) to read/readln or write/writeln
// as with standard Delphi text files (see SendEmail implementation)
// - even if you do not use read(SockIn^), you may call CreateSockIn then
// read the (binary) content via SockInRead/SockInPending methods, which would
// benefit of the SockIn^ input buffer to maximize reading speed
// - to write data, CreateSockOut and write(SockOut^) is not mandatory: you
// rather may use SockSend() overloaded methods, followed by a SockFlush call
// - in fact, you can decide whatever to use none, one or both SockIn/SockOut
// - since this class rely on its internal optimized buffering system,
// TCP_NODELAY is set to disable the Nagle algorithm
// - our classes are (much) faster than the Indy or Synapse implementation
/// Fast low-level Socket implementation
// - direct access to the OS (Windows, Linux) network layer API
// - use Open constructor to create a client to be connected to a server
// - use Bind constructor to initialize a server
// - use SockIn and SockOut (after CreateSock*) to read/readln or write/writeln
// as with standard Delphi text files (see SendEmail implementation)
// - even if you do not use read(SockIn^), you may call CreateSockIn then
// read the (binary) content via SockInRead/SockInPending methods, which would
// benefit of the SockIn^ input buffer to maximize reading speed
// - to write data, CreateSockOut and write(SockOut^) is not mandatory: you
// rather may use SockSend() overloaded methods, followed by a SockFlush call
// - in fact, you can decide whatever to use none, one or both SockIn/SockOut
// - since this class rely on its internal optimized buffering system,
// TCP_NODELAY is set to disable the Nagle algorithm
// - our classes are (much) faster than the Indy or Synapse implementation
THttpSocket = class(TCrtSocket)
/// parent of THttpClientSocket and THttpServerSocket classes
// - contain properties for implementing HTTP/1.1 using the Socket API
// - handle chunking of body content
// - can optionaly compress and uncompress on the fly the data, with
// standard gzip/deflate or custom (synlzo/synlz) protocols
/// parent of THttpClientSocket and THttpServerSocket classes
// - contain properties for implementing HTTP/1.1 using the Socket API
// - handle chunking of body content
// - can optionaly compress and uncompress on the fly the data, with
// standard gzip/deflate or custom (synlzo/synlz) protocols
THttpServerSocket = class(THttpSocket)
/// Socket API based HTTP/1.1 server class used by THttpServer Threads
/// Socket API based HTTP/1.1 server class used by THttpServer Threads
THttpServer = class(THttpServerGeneric)
THttpServer 支持跨操作系统,至于它的性能如何,咏南没有测试,所以不得而知。
/// main HTTP server Thread using the standard Sockets API (e.g. WinSock)
// - bind to a port and listen to incoming requests
// - assign this requests to THttpServerResp threads from a ThreadPool
// - it implements a HTTP/1.1 compatible server, according to RFC 2068 specifications
// - if the client is also HTTP/1.1 compatible, KeepAlive connection is handled:
// multiple requests will use the existing connection and thread;
// this is faster and uses less resources, especialy under Windows
// - a Thread Pool is used internaly to speed up HTTP/1.0 connections - a
// typical use, under Linux, is to run this class behind a nginx frontend,
// configured as https reverse proxy, leaving default "proxy_http_version 1.0"
// and "proxy_request_buffering on" options for best performance, and
// setting KeepAliveTimeOut=0 in the THttpServer.Create constructor
// - under windows, will trigger the firewall UAC popup at first run
// - don‘t forget to use Free method when you are finished
//-将此请求分配给线程池中的thttpserver resp线程
//-根据RFC 2068规范,它实现了一个与HTTP/1.1兼容的服务器
//配置为https反向代理,保留默认的“proxy_http_version 1.0”
//和“proxy_request_buffering on”选项以获得最佳性能,以及
THttpServer 支持跨操作系统,至于它的性能如何,咏南没有测试,所以不得而知。
/// main HTTP server Thread using the standard Sockets API (e.g. WinSock)
// - bind to a port and listen to incoming requests
// - assign this requests to THttpServerResp threads from a ThreadPool
// - it implements a HTTP/1.1 compatible server, according to RFC 2068 specifications
// - if the client is also HTTP/1.1 compatible, KeepAlive connection is handled:
// multiple requests will use the existing connection and thread;
// this is faster and uses less resources, especialy under Windows
// - a Thread Pool is used internaly to speed up HTTP/1.0 connections - a
// typical use, under Linux, is to run this class behind a nginx frontend,
// configured as https reverse proxy, leaving default "proxy_http_version 1.0"
// and "proxy_request_buffering on" options for best performance, and
// setting KeepAliveTimeOut=0 in the THttpServer.Create constructor
// - under windows, will trigger the firewall UAC popup at first run
// - don‘t forget to use Free method when you are finished
//-将此请求分配给线程池中的thttpserver resp线程
//-根据RFC 2068规范,它实现了一个与HTTP/1.1兼容的服务器
//配置为https反向代理,保留默认的“proxy_http_version 1.0”
//和“proxy_request_buffering on”选项以获得最佳性能,以及
THttpClientSocket = class(THttpSocket)
/// Socket API based REST and HTTP/1.1 compatible client class
// - this component is HTTP/1.1 compatible, according to RFC 2068 document
// - the REST commands (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE) are directly available
// - open connection with the server with inherited Open(server,port) function
// - if KeepAlive>0, the connection is not broken: a further request (within
// KeepAlive milliseconds) will use the existing connection if available,
// or recreate a new one if the former is outdated or reset by server
// (will retry only once); this is faster, uses less resources (especialy
// under Windows), and is the recommended way to implement a HTTP/1.1 server
// - on any error (timeout, connection closed) will retry once to get the value
// - don‘t forget to use Free procedure when you are finished
///基于Socket API的REST和HTTP/1.1兼容的客户端类
//-根据RFC 2068文件,该组件与HTTP/1.1兼容
/// Socket API based REST and HTTP/1.1 compatible client class
// - this component is HTTP/1.1 compatible, according to RFC 2068 document
// - the REST commands (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE) are directly available
// - open connection with the server with inherited Open(server,port) function
// - if KeepAlive>0, the connection is not broken: a further request (within
// KeepAlive milliseconds) will use the existing connection if available,
// or recreate a new one if the former is outdated or reset by server
// (will retry only once); this is faster, uses less resources (especialy
// under Windows), and is the recommended way to implement a HTTP/1.1 server
// - on any error (timeout, connection closed) will retry once to get the value
// - don‘t forget to use Free procedure when you are finished
///基于Socket API的REST和HTTP/1.1兼容的客户端类
//-根据RFC 2068文件,该组件与HTTP/1.1兼容
还有许多的客户端类,咏南不再一 一贴出,在此略过,有兴趣的可以自己查看源码。
STM32 USB使用记录:使用CDC类虚拟串口(VCP)进行通讯
Omi框架学习之旅 - 组件通讯(data通讯) 及原理说明