mormot websocket
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篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了mormot websocket相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
mormot websocket
THttpApiWebSocketServer基于http.sys通讯的websocket server,同时它又能作为普通的http server使用,支持高并发。
program Project31WinHTTPEchoServer; {$I} {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses {$I} // use FastMM4 on older Delphi, or set FPC threads SysUtils, SynZip, SynCrtSock, SynCommons, SynTable; type TSimpleWebsocketServer = class private fServer: THttpApiWebSocketServer; // fProtocols: THttpApiWebSocketServerProtocolDynArray; function onHttpRequest(Ctxt: THttpServerRequest): cardinal; function onAccept(Ctxt: THttpServerRequest; var Conn: THttpApiWebSocketConnection): Boolean; procedure onConnect(const Conn: THttpApiWebSocketConnection ); procedure onMessage(const Conn: THttpApiWebSocketConnection; aBufferType: WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE; aBuffer: Pointer; aBufferSize: Cardinal); procedure onDisconnect(const Conn: THttpApiWebSocketConnection ; aStatus: WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS; aBuffer: Pointer; aBufferSize: Cardinal); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; { TSimpleWebsocketServer } constructor TSimpleWebsocketServer.Create; begin fServer := THttpApiWebSocketServer.Create(false, 8, 10000); fServer.AddUrl(‘‘,‘8888‘, False, ‘localhost‘); fServer.AddUrlWebSocket(‘whatever‘, ‘8888‘, False, ‘localhost‘); // ManualFragmentManagement = false - so Server will join all packet fragments // automatically and call onMessage with full message content fServer.RegisterProtocol(‘meow‘, False, onAccept, onMessage, onConnect, onDisconnect); fServer.RegisterCompress(CompressDeflate); fServer.OnRequest := onHttpRequest; fServer.Clone(8); end; destructor TSimpleWebsocketServer.Destroy; begin fServer.Free; inherited; end; function TSimpleWebsocketServer.onAccept(Ctxt: THttpServerRequest; var Conn: THttpApiWebSocketConnection): Boolean; begin // You can check some Ctxt parameters here Result := true; end; procedure TSimpleWebsocketServer.onConnect(const Conn: THttpApiWebSocketConnection); begin Writeln(‘New connection. Assigned connectionID=‘, Conn.index); end; procedure TSimpleWebsocketServer.onDisconnect(const Conn: THttpApiWebSocketConnection; aStatus: WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS; aBuffer: Pointer; aBufferSize: Cardinal); var str: RawUTF8; begin SetString(str, pUtf8Char(aBuffer), aBufferSize); Writeln(‘Disconnected ‘, Conn.index,‘ ‘,aStatus,‘ ‘,str); end; function TSimpleWebsocketServer.onHttpRequest(Ctxt: THttpServerRequest): cardinal; begin Writeln(‘HTTP request to ‘, Ctxt.URL); if Ctxt.URL = ‘/‘ then Ctxt.OutContent := ‘Project31SimpleEchoServer.html‘ else if Ctxt.URL = ‘/favicon.ico‘ then Ctxt.OutContent := ‘favicon.ico‘; Ctxt.OutContentType := HTTP_RESP_STATICFILE; Result := 200; end; procedure TSimpleWebsocketServer.onMessage(const Conn: THttpApiWebSocketConnection; aBufferType: WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE; aBuffer: Pointer; aBufferSize: Cardinal); var str: RawUTF8; begin Conn.Send(aBufferType, aBuffer, aBufferSize); // Conn.Protocol.Send(Conn.index, aBufferType, aBuffer, aBufferSize); //also work SetString(str, pUtf8Char(aBuffer), aBufferSize); if aBufferType = WEB_SOCKET_UTF8_MESSAGE_BUFFER_TYPE then Writeln(‘UTF8 message from ‘, Conn.index, ‘: ‘,str) else if aBufferType = WEB_SOCKET_UTF8_FRAGMENT_BUFFER_TYPE then Writeln(‘UTF8 fragment from ‘, Conn.index, ‘: ‘,str) else if (aBufferType = WEB_SOCKET_BINARY_MESSAGE_BUFFER_TYPE) or (aBufferType = WEB_SOCKET_BINARY_FRAGMENT_BUFFER_TYPE) then Writeln(aBufferType, ‘ from ‘, Conn.index, ‘ of length ‘, aBufferSize) else begin Writeln(aBufferType, ‘ from ‘, Conn.index, ‘: ‘,str); end; end; var _Server: TSimpleWebsocketServer; s: string; idx: integer; MsgBuffer: RawUTF8; CloseReasonBuffer: RawUTF8; begin MsgBuffer := ‘‘; CloseReasonBuffer := ‘Connection closed by server‘; try _Server := TSimpleWebsocketServer.Create; try Writeln(‘WebSocket server is now listen on ws://localhost:8888/whatever‘); Writeln(‘HTTP server is now listen on http://localhost:8888/‘); Writeln(‘ Point your browser to http://localhost:8888/ for initial page‘); WriteLn(‘Type one of a commnad:‘); Writeln(‘ - "close connectionID" to close existing webSocket connection‘); Writeln(‘ - "sendto connectionID" to send text to specified WebCocket‘); Writeln(‘ - "sendall" to send text to specified WebCocket‘); Writeln(‘ - press [Enter] to quit‘); Writeln(‘Waiting for command:‘); repeat Readln(s); if Pos(‘close ‘, s) = 1 then begin s := SysUtils.Trim(Copy(s, 7, Length(s))); _Server.fServer.Protocols[0].Close(StrToIntDef(s, -1), WEB_SOCKET_SUCCESS_CLOSE_STATUS, Pointer(CloseReasonBuffer), length(CloseReasonBuffer)); end else if Pos(‘sendto ‘, s) = 1 then begin s := SysUtils.Trim(Copy(s, 8, Length(s))); idx := StrToIntDef(s, -1); if (idx = -1 ) then Writeln(‘Invalid connection ID. Usage: send connectionID (Example: send 0)‘) else begin Write(‘Type text to send: ‘); Readln(MsgBuffer); if _Server.fServer.Protocols[0].Send( StrToIntDef(s, -1), WEB_SOCKET_UTF8_MESSAGE_BUFFER_TYPE, Pointer(MsgBuffer), length(MsgBuffer) ) then WriteLn(‘Sent successfully. The message should appear in the client. Waiting for command:‘) else WriteLn(‘Error‘) end; end else if (s = ‘sendall‘) then begin Write(‘Type text to send: ‘); Readln(MsgBuffer); if _Server.fServer.Protocols[0].Broadcast( WEB_SOCKET_UTF8_MESSAGE_BUFFER_TYPE, Pointer(MsgBuffer), length(MsgBuffer) ) then WriteLn(‘Broadcast successfully. All clients should got a message. Waiting for command:‘) else WriteLn(‘Error‘) end else if (s <> ‘‘) then WriteLn(‘Invalid comand; Valid command are: close, sendto, sendall‘); until s = ‘‘; finally _Server.Free; end; except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ‘: ‘, E.Message); end; end.
以上是关于mormot websocket的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
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转:Delphi语言最好的JSON代码库 mORMot学习笔记1