FileCloud 的原理简述&自己搭建文件云

Posted zhuchengyang


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了FileCloud 的原理简述&自己搭建文件云相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

FileCloud 的原理简述&自己搭建文件云

copyright(c) by zcy



  • 根目录

    • filecloudEV.html 提前验证

    • filecloudEV.aspx 判断密码是否正确

    • filecloudMAIN.aspx 主界面

    • UpLoad.asp 上传界面

    • SaveFile.asp 保存文件

    • InputFilename.aspx 让用户输入文件名

    • AddPath.aspx 将当前文件加入文件清单

    • clsField.asp 文件上传的底层支持代码

    • clsUpload.asp 文件上传的底层支持代码

    • DownLoad.aspx 下载界面

    • list.txt 用户上传的文件的清单

    • files 用户上传的文件的储存文件夹


        <title>filecloud early verification</title>
        <meta charset="UTF-8"></meta>
        <form action="filecloudEV.aspx" method="post">
                <p style="font-size:50px;">Password</p>
                <input type="password" name="password" style="font-size:50px;"></input>
                <input type="submit" value="Submit" style="font-size:50px;"></input>




        <title>filecloud early verification</title>
        <meta charset="UTF-8"></meta>
            dim a
            response.write("<center><p style=""font-size:30px"">")
            if a="XXXXXXX" then 验证密码是否正确
                response.write("Password is right!")%>
        <form action="filecloudMAIN.aspx" method="post"><!--只有正确才显示这个跳转按钮-->
            <input type="submit" value="跳转" style="font-size:30px"></input>
                response.write("Password is wrong!")
                response.write("Please go back")
            end if




        <meta charset="UTF-8"></meta>
            <a href="./UpLoad.asp" style="font-size:50px">UpLoad</a><br /><br />
            <a href="./DownLoad.aspx" style="font-size:50px">DownLoad</a><br /><br />





        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <form method="post" encType="multipart/form-data" action="SaveFile.asp">
            <input type="File" name="File1">
            <input type="Submit" value="Upload">




<!--#INCLUDE FILE="clsUpload.asp"--> <!--引用clsUpLoad.asp-->
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
            Dim Upload
            Dim Folder
            Set Upload = New clsUpload
            Folder = Server.MapPath("Uploads") & "" 绑定储存文件的路径
            Upload("File1").SaveAs Folder & Upload("File1").FileName 保存文件
            Set Upload = Nothing      
            Response.Write("<script>alert(‘UpLoad Success!‘);window.location.href=‘InputFilename.aspx‘</script>") 跳转到InputFilename.aspx



声明:这个文件以及下面的clsField.asp都是我从Stack Overflow中找到的


  NAME="Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library"
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="clsField.asp"-->
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Author:     Lewis Moten   Date:       March 19, 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Upload class retrieves multi-part form data posted to web page and parses it into objects that are easy to interface with. Requires MDAC (ADODB) COM components found on most servers today Additional compenents are not necessary.?
Class clsUpload
    Private mbinData             bytes visitor sent to server
    Private mlngChunkIndex       byte where next chunk starts
    Private mlngBytesReceived    length of data
    Private mstrDelimiter        Delimiter between multipart/form-data (43 chars)
    Private CR                   ANSI Carriage Return
    Private LF                   ANSI Line Feed
    Private CRLF                 ANSI Carriage Return & Line Feed
    Private mobjFieldAry()       Array to hold field objects
    Private mlngCount            Number of fields parsed
    Private Sub RequestData
        Dim llngLength       Number of bytes received
         Determine number bytes visitor sent
        mlngBytesReceived = Request.TotalBytes
         Store bytes recieved from visitor
        mbinData = Request.BinaryRead(mlngBytesReceived)
    End Sub
    Private Sub ParseDelimiter()
         Delimiter seperates multiple pieces of form data
             "around" 43 characters in length
             next character afterwards is carriage return (except last line has two --)
             first part of delmiter is dashes followed by hex number
             hex number is possibly the browsers session id?
        mstrDelimiter = MidB(mbinData, 1, InStrB(1, mbinData, CRLF) - 1)
    End Sub
    Private Sub ParseData()
         This procedure loops through each section (chunk) found within the
         delimiters and sends them to the parse chunk routine
        Dim llngStart    start position of chunk data
        Dim llngLength   Length of chunk
        Dim llngEnd      Last position of chunk data
        Dim lbinChunk    Binary contents of chunk
         Initialize at first character
        llngStart = 1
         Find start position
        llngStart = InStrB(llngStart, mbinData, mstrDelimiter & CRLF)
         While the start posotion was found
        While Not llngStart = 0
             Find the end position (after the start position)
            llngEnd = InStrB(llngStart + 1, mbinData, mstrDelimiter) - 2
             Determine Length of chunk
            llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart
             Pull out the chunk
            lbinChunk = MidB(mbinData, llngStart, llngLength)
             Parse the chunk
            Call ParseChunk(lbinChunk)
             Look for next chunk after the start position
            llngStart = InStrB(llngStart + 1, mbinData, mstrDelimiter & CRLF)
    End Sub
    Private Sub ParseChunk(ByRef pbinChunk)
         This procedure gets a chunk passed to it and parses its contents.
         There is a general format that the chunk follows.
         First, the deliminator appears
         Next, headers are listed on each line that define properties of the chunk.
           Content-Disposition: form-data: name="File1"; filename="C:Photo.gif"
           Content-Type: image/gif
         After this, a blank line appears and is followed by the binary data.
        Dim lstrName             Name of field
        Dim lstrFileName         File name of binary data
        Dim lstrContentType      Content type of binary data
        Dim lbinData             Binary data
        Dim lstrDisposition      Content Disposition
        Dim lstrValue            Value of field
         Parse out the content dispostion
        lstrDisposition = ParseDisposition(pbinChunk)
             And Parse the Name
            lstrName = ParseName(lstrDisposition)
             And the file name
            lstrFileName = ParseFileName(lstrDisposition)
         Parse out the Content Type
        lstrContentType = ParseContentType(pbinChunk)
         If the content type is not defined, then assume the
         field is a normal form field
        If lstrContentType = "" Then
             Parse Binary Data as Unicode
            lstrValue = CStrU(ParseBinaryData(pbinChunk))
         Else assume the field is binary data
             Parse Binary Data
            lbinData = ParseBinaryData(pbinChunk)
        End If
         Add a new field
        Call AddField(lstrName, lstrFileName, lstrContentType, lstrValue, lbinData)
    End Sub
    Private Sub AddField(ByRef pstrName, ByRef pstrFileName, ByRef pstrContentType, ByRef pstrValue, ByRef pbinData)
        Dim lobjField        Field object class
         Add a new index to the field array
         Make certain not to destroy current fields
        ReDim Preserve mobjFieldAry(mlngCount)
         Create new field object
        Set lobjField = New clsField
         Set field properties
        lobjField.Name = pstrName
        lobjField.FilePath = pstrFileName               
        lobjField.FileName = Mid(pstrFileName, InStrRev(pstrFileName, "") + 1)  <= line added to set the file name
        lobjField.ContentType = pstrContentType
         If field is not a binary file
        If LenB(pbinData) = 0 Then
            lobjField.BinaryData = ChrB(0)
            lobjField.Value = pstrValue
            lobjField.Length = Len(pstrValue)
         Else field is a binary file
            lobjField.BinaryData = pbinData
            lobjField.Length = LenB(pbinData)
            lobjField.Value = ""
        End If
         Set field array index to new field
        Set mobjFieldAry(mlngCount) = lobjField
         Incriment field count
        mlngCount = mlngCount + 1
    End Sub
    Private Function ParseBinaryData(ByRef pbinChunk)
         Parses binary content of the chunk
        Dim llngStart    Start Position
         Find first occurence of a blank line
        llngStart = InStrB(1, pbinChunk, CRLF & CRLF)
         If it doesn‘t exist, then return nothing
        If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function
         Incriment start to pass carriage returns and line feeds
        llngStart = llngStart + 4
         Return the last part of the chunk after the start position
        ParseBinaryData = MidB(pbinChunk, llngStart)
    End Function
    Private Function ParseContentType(ByRef pbinChunk)
         Parses the content type of a binary file.
           example: image/gif is the content type of a GIF image.
        Dim llngStart    Start Position
        Dim llngEnd      End Position
        Dim llngLength   Length
         Fid the first occurance of a line starting with Content-Type:
        llngStart = InStrB(1, pbinChunk, CRLF & CStrB("Content-Type:"), vbTextCompare)
         If not found, return nothing
        If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function
         Find the end of the line
        llngEnd = InStrB(llngStart + 15, pbinChunk, CR)
         If not found, return nothing
        If llngEnd = 0 Then Exit Function
         Adjust start position to start after the text "Content-Type:"
        llngStart = llngStart + 15
         If the start position is the same or past the end, return nothing
        If llngStart >= llngEnd Then Exit Function
         Determine length
        llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart
         Pull out content type
         Convert to unicode
         Trim out whitespace
         Return results
        ParseContentType = Trim(CStrU(MidB(pbinChunk, llngStart, llngLength)))
    End Function
    Private Function ParseDisposition(ByRef pbinChunk)
         Parses the content-disposition from a chunk of data
                   Content-Disposition: form-data: name="File1"; filename="C:Photo.gif"
                   Would Return:
               form-data: name="File1"; filename="C:Photo.gif"
        Dim llngStart    Start Position
        Dim llngEnd      End Position
        Dim llngLength   Length
         Find first occurance of a line starting with Content-Disposition:
        llngStart = InStrB(1, pbinChunk, CRLF & CStrB("Content-Disposition:"), vbTextCompare)
         If not found, return nothing
        If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function
         Find the end of the line
        llngEnd = InStrB(llngStart + 22, pbinChunk, CRLF)
         If not found, return nothing
        If llngEnd = 0 Then Exit Function
         Adjust start position to start after the text "Content-Disposition:"
        llngStart = llngStart + 22
         If the start position is the same or past the end, return nothing
        If llngStart >= llngEnd Then Exit Function
         Determine Length
        llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart
         Pull out content disposition
         Convert to Unicode
         Return Results
        ParseDisposition = CStrU(MidB(pbinChunk, llngStart, llngLength))
    End Function
    Private Function ParseName(ByRef pstrDisposition)
         Parses the name of the field from the content disposition
                   form-data: name="File1"; filename="C:Photo.gif"
                   Would Return:
        Dim llngStart    Start Position
        Dim llngEnd      End Position
        Dim llngLength   Length
         Find first occurance of text name="
        llngStart = InStr(1, pstrDisposition, "name=""", vbTextCompare)
         If not found, return nothing
        If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function
         Find the closing quote
        llngEnd = InStr(llngStart + 6, pstrDisposition, """")
         If not found, return nothing
        If llngEnd = 0 Then Exit Function
         Adjust start position to start after the text name="
        llngStart = llngStart + 6
         If the start position is the same or past the end, return nothing
        If llngStart >= llngEnd Then Exit Function
         Determine Length
        llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart
         Pull out field name
         Return results
        ParseName = Mid(pstrDisposition, llngStart, llngLength)
    End Function
    Private Function ParseFileName(ByRef pstrDisposition)
         Parses the name of the field from the content disposition
                   form-data: name="File1"; filename="C:Photo.gif"
                   Would Return:
        Dim llngStart    Start Position
        Dim llngEnd      End Position
        Dim llngLength   Length
         Find first occurance of text filename="
        llngStart = InStr(1, pstrDisposition, "filename=""", vbTextCompare)
         If not found, return nothing
        If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function
         Find the closing quote
        llngEnd = InStr(llngStart + 10, pstrDisposition, """")
         If not found, return nothing
        If llngEnd = 0 Then Exit Function
         Adjust start position to start after the text filename="
        llngStart = llngStart + 10
         If the start position is the same of past the end, return nothing
        If llngStart >= llngEnd Then Exit Function
         Determine length
        llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart
         Pull out file name
         Return results
        ParseFileName = Mid(pstrDisposition, llngStart, llngLength)
    End Function
    Public Property Get Count()
         Return number of fields found
        Count = mlngCount
    End Property
    Public Default Property Get Fields(ByVal pstrName)
        Dim llngIndex    Index of current field
         If a number was passed
        If IsNumeric(pstrName) Then
            llngIndex = CLng(pstrName)
             If programmer requested an invalid number
            If llngIndex > mlngCount - 1 Or llngIndex < 0 Then
                 Raise an error
                Call Err.Raise(vbObjectError + 1, "clsUpload.asp", "Object does not exist within the ordinal reference.")
                Exit Property
            End If
             Return the field class for the index specified
            Set Fields = mobjFieldAry(pstrName)
         Else a field name was passed
             convert name to lowercase
            pstrName = LCase(pstrname)
             Loop through each field
            For llngIndex = 0 To mlngCount - 1
                 If name matches current fields name in lowercase
                If LCase(mobjFieldAry(llngIndex).Name) = pstrName Then
                     Return Field Class
                    Set Fields = mobjFieldAry(llngIndex)
                    Exit Property
                End If
        End If
         If matches were not found, return an empty field
        Set Fields = New clsField
       ‘ ERROR ON NonExistant:       ‘ If matches were not found, raise an error of a non-existent field       Call Err.Raise(vbObjectError + 1, "clsUpload.asp", "Object does not exist within the ordinal reference.")       Exit Property
    End Property
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
         This event is called when you destroy the class.
           Set objUpload = Nothing
           Page finnishes executing ...
        Dim llngIndex    Current Field Index
         Loop through fields
        For llngIndex = 0 To mlngCount - 1
             Release field object
            Set mobjFieldAry(llngIndex) = Nothing
         Redimension array and remove all data within
        ReDim mobjFieldAry(-1)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
         This event is called when you instantiate the class.
           Set objUpload = New clsUpload
         Redimension array with nothing
        ReDim mobjFieldAry(-1)
         Compile ANSI equivilants of carriage returns and line feeds
        CR = ChrB(Asc(vbCr))     vbCr      Carriage Return
        LF = ChrB(Asc(vbLf))     vbLf      Line Feed
        CRLF = CR & LF           vbCrLf    Carriage Return & Line Feed
         Set field count to zero
        mlngCount = 0
         Request data
        Call RequestData
         Parse out the delimiter
        Call ParseDelimiter()
         Parse the data
        Call ParseData
    End Sub
    Private Function CStrU(ByRef pstrANSI)
         Converts an ANSI string to Unicode
         Best used for small strings
        Dim llngLength   Length of ANSI string
        Dim llngIndex    Current position
         determine length
        llngLength = LenB(pstrANSI)
         Loop through each character
        For llngIndex = 1 To llngLength
             Pull out ANSI character
             Get Ascii value of ANSI character
             Get Unicode Character from Ascii
             Append character to results
            CStrU = CStrU & Chr(AscB(MidB(pstrANSI, llngIndex, 1)))
    End Function
    Private Function CStrB(ByRef pstrUnicode)
         Converts a Unicode string to ANSI
         Best used for small strings
        Dim llngLength   Length of ANSI string
        Dim llngIndex    Current position
         determine length
        llngLength = Len(pstrUnicode)
         Loop through each character
        For llngIndex = 1 To llngLength
             Pull out Unicode character
             Get Ascii value of Unicode character
             Get ANSI Character from Ascii
             Append character to results
            CStrB = CStrB & ChrB(Asc(Mid(pstrUnicode, llngIndex, 1)))
    End Function
End Class



 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Author:     Lewis Moten   Date:       March 19, 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Field class represents interface to data passed within one field
‘ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class clsField
    Public Name              Name of the field defined in form
    Private mstrPath         Full path to file on visitors computer
                             C:Documents and SettingslmotenDesktopPhoto.gif
    Public FileDir           Directory that file existed in on visitors computer
                             C:Documents and SettingslmotenDesktop
    Public FileExt           Extension of the file
    Public FileName          Name of the file
    Public ContentType       Content / Mime type of file
    Public Value             Unicode value of field (used for normail form fields - not files)
    Public BinaryData        Binary data passed with field (for files)
    Public Length            byte size of value or binary data
    Private mstrText         Text buffer 
                                 If text format of binary data is requested more then
                                 once, this value will be read to prevent extra processing
    Public Property Get BLOB()
        BLOB = BinaryData
    End Property
    Public Function BinaryAsText()
         Binary As Text returns the unicode equivilant of the binary data.
         this is useful if you expect a visitor to upload a text file that
         you will need to work with.
         NULL values will prematurely terminate your Unicode string.
         NULLs are usually found within binary files more often then plain-text files.
         a simple way around this may consist of replacing null values with another character
         such as a space " "
        Dim lbinBytes
        Dim lobjRs
         Don‘t convert binary data that does not exist
        If Length = 0 Then Exit Function
        If LenB(BinaryData) = 0 Then Exit Function
         If we previously converted binary to text, return the buffered content
        If Not Len(mstrText) = 0 Then
            BinaryAsText = mstrText
            Exit Function
        End If
         Convert Integer Subtype Array to Byte Subtype Array
        lbinBytes = ASCII2Bytes(BinaryData)
         Convert Byte Subtype Array to Unicode String
        mstrText = Bytes2Unicode(lbinBytes)
         Return Unicode Text
        BinaryAsText = mstrText
    End Function
    Public Sub SaveAs(ByRef pstrFileName)
        Dim lobjStream
        Dim lobjRs
        Dim lbinBytes
         Don‘t save files that do not posess binary data
        If Length = 0 Then Exit Sub
        If LenB(BinaryData) = 0 Then Exit Sub
         Create magical objects from never never land
        Set lobjStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
         Let stream know we are working with binary data
        lobjStream.Type = adTypeBinary
         Open stream
        Call lobjStream.Open()
         Convert Integer Subtype Array to Byte Subtype Array
        lbinBytes = ASCII2Bytes(BinaryData)
         Write binary data to stream
        Call lobjStream.Write(lbinBytes)
         Save the binary data to file system
           Overwrites file if previously exists!
        Call lobjStream.SaveToFile(pstrFileName, adSaveCreateOverWrite)
         Close the stream object
        Call lobjStream.Close()
         Release objects
        Set lobjStream = Nothing
    End Sub
    Public Property Let FilePath(ByRef pstrPath)
        mstrPath = pstrPath
         Parse File Ext
        If Not InStrRev(pstrPath, ".") = 0 Then
            FileExt = Mid(pstrPath, InStrRev(pstrPath, ".") + 1)
            FileExt = UCase(FileExt)
        End If
         Parse File Name
        If Not InStrRev(pstrPath, "") = 0 Then
            FileName = Mid(pstrPath, InStrRev(pstrPath, "") + 1)
        End If
         Parse File Dir
        If Not InStrRev(pstrPath, "") = 0 Then
            FileDir = Mid(pstrPath, 1, InStrRev(pstrPath, "") - 1)
        End If
    End Property
    Public Property Get FilePath()
        FilePath = mstrPath
    End Property
    Private Function ASCII2Bytes(ByRef pbinBinaryData)
        Dim lobjRs
        Dim llngLength
        Dim lbinBuffer
         get number of bytes
        llngLength = LenB(pbinBinaryData)
        Set lobjRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
         create field in an empty recordset to hold binary data
        Call lobjRs.Fields.Append("BinaryData", adLongVarBinary, llngLength)
         Open recordset
        Call lobjRs.Open()
         Add a new record to recordset
        Call lobjRs.AddNew()
         Populate field with binary data
        Call lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").AppendChunk(pbinBinaryData & ChrB(0))
         Update / Convert Binary Data
             Although the data we have is binary - it has still been
             formatted as 4 bytes to represent each byte.  When we
             update the recordset, the Integer Subtype Array that we
             passed into the Recordset will be converted into a
             Byte Subtype Array
        Call lobjRs.Update()
         Request binary data and save to stream
        lbinBuffer = lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").GetChunk(llngLength)
         Close recordset
        Call lobjRs.Close()
         Release recordset from memory
        Set lobjRs = Nothing
         Return Bytes
        ASCII2Bytes = lbinBuffer
    End Function
    Private Function Bytes2Unicode(ByRef pbinBytes)
        Dim lobjRs
        Dim llngLength
        Dim lstrBuffer
        llngLength = LenB(pbinBytes)
        Set lobjRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
         Create field in an empty recordset to hold binary data
        Call lobjRs.Fields.Append("BinaryData", adLongVarChar, llngLength)
         Open Recordset
        Call lobjRs.Open()
         Add a new record to recordset
        Call lobjRs.AddNew()
         Populate field with binary data
        Call lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").AppendChunk(pbinBytes)
         Update / Convert.
             Ensure bytes are proper subtype
        Call lobjRs.Update()
         Request unicode value of binary data
        lstrBuffer = lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").Value
         Close recordset
        Call lobjRs.Close()
         Release recordset from memory
        Set lobjRs = Nothing
         Return Unicode
        Bytes2Unicode = lstrBuffer
    End Function
End Class





        <title>Filename Inputer</title>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <form action="AddPath.aspx" method="post"><!--让AddPath.aspx将它加入列表-->
            <p>Input the file‘s filename you upload just then:</p>
            <input type="input" name="fnm">
            <input type="submit" value="Submit">



<%@ Page Debug="true" %>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
            Dim fso
            Dim f
            f=fso.OpenTextFile("D:cloudlist.txt",8,True) 注意这里要用绝对路径,不然会引发权限错误
            Dim fnm
            Response.write("<script>alert(‘UpLoad Success!‘);window.location.href=‘./UpLoad.asp‘;</script>") 跳转回去




        <meta charset="UTF-8"></meta>
            Dim Fso
            Dim myFile
            Fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
            myFile = Fso.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("list.txt"),1,True)
            While Not myFile.AtEndOfStream 将文件列表中的全部输出
                Dim V=myFile.ReadLine
                Response.Write("<a href=‘UpLoads" & V & "‘ download=‘" & V & "‘style=‘font-size:30px‘>" & V & "</a><br /><br />") 输出下载标签
            End While





以上是关于FileCloud 的原理简述&自己搭建文件云的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章



Kafka 基础原理及工作流程简述


从0开始,一起搭框架做项目公共基础数据操作类 RepositoryBase
