
Posted zhaocj




4.1 原理


设图像中某像素点的二维坐标为(x, y),它所对应的世界坐标为(X, Y, Z),两者之间的关系为:


式中,R为旋转矩阵,K为相机的内参数矩阵。像素点可以映射到不同的表面上,最简单的是映射到平面上,设(u, v)为映射后的二维坐标,则





上面的变换是由源图像变换到投影图像上,即由(x, y)映射为(u, v),我们称为正向投影。如果是由投影图像变换为源图像,我们称为反向投影。反向投影的公式为:







由(X, Y, Z)得到(x, y)的公式也是式74。















4.2 源码



template <class P>
class CV_EXPORTS RotationWarperBase : public RotationWarper

    Point2f warpPoint(const Point2f &pt, const Mat &K, const Mat &R);
    Rect buildMaps(Size src_size, const Mat &K, const Mat &R, Mat &xmap, Mat &ymap);
    Point warp(const Mat &src, const Mat &K, const Mat &R, int interp_mode, int border_mode,
               Mat &dst);
    void warpBackward(const Mat &src, const Mat &K, const Mat &R, int interp_mode, int border_mode,
                      Size dst_size, Mat &dst);
    Rect warpRoi(Size src_size, const Mat &K, const Mat &R);

    float getScale() const  return projector_.scale;     //得到尺度
    void setScale(float val)  projector_.scale = val;     //设置尺度


    // Detects ROI of the destination image. It's correct for any projection.
    virtual void detectResultRoi(Size src_size, Point &dst_tl, Point &dst_br);

    // Detects ROI of the destination image by walking over image border.
    // Correctness for any projection isn't guaranteed.
    void detectResultRoiByBorder(Size src_size, Point &dst_tl, Point &dst_br);

    P projector_;    //表示投影的方法


template <class P>
Point2f RotationWarperBase<P>::warpPoint(const Point2f &pt, const Mat &K, const Mat &R)

    projector_.setCameraParams(K, R);    //设置相机参数
    Point2f uv;    //表示投射映射点
    projector_.mapForward(pt.x, pt.y, uv.x, uv.y);    //前向投影,得到投射点
    return uv;    //返回投射点

template <class P>
Rect RotationWarperBase<P>::buildMaps(Size src_size, const Mat &K, const Mat &R, Mat &xmap, Mat &ymap)

    projector_.setCameraParams(K, R);    //设置相机参数

    Point dst_tl, dst_br;    //表示投影区域的左上角坐标和右下角坐标
    detectResultRoi(src_size, dst_tl, dst_br); 
    xmap.create(dst_br.y - dst_tl.y + 1, dst_br.x - dst_tl.x + 1, CV_32F);
    ymap.create(dst_br.y - dst_tl.y + 1, dst_br.x - dst_tl.x + 1, CV_32F);

    float x, y;    //表示反向投影映射后的x轴和y轴坐标值
    for (int v = dst_tl.y; v <= dst_br.y; ++v) 
        for (int u = dst_tl.x; u <= dst_br.x; ++u)
            projector_.mapBackward(static_cast<float>(u), static_cast<float>(v), x, y);
  <float>(v - dst_tl.y, u - dst_tl.x) = x;    //赋值
  <float>(v - dst_tl.y, u - dst_tl.x) = y;    //赋值

    return Rect(dst_tl, dst_br);    //返回投影映射区域

template <class P>
Point RotationWarperBase<P>::warp(const Mat &src, const Mat &K, const Mat &R, int interp_mode, int border_mode,
                                  Mat &dst)

    Mat xmap, ymap;
    Rect dst_roi = buildMaps(src.size(), K, R, xmap, ymap);    //调用buildMaps函数

    dst.create(dst_roi.height + 1, dst_roi.width + 1, src.type());    //创建大小
    remap(src, dst, xmap, ymap, interp_mode, border_mode);

    return;    //返回左上角坐标

template <class P>
Rect RotationWarperBase<P>::warpRoi(Size src_size, const Mat &K, const Mat &R)

    projector_.setCameraParams(K, R);    //设置相机参数

    Point dst_tl, dst_br;
    detectResultRoi(src_size, dst_tl, dst_br);    //得到映射区域

    return Rect(dst_tl, Point(dst_br.x + 1, dst_br.y + 1));    //返回映射矩形区域

template <class P>
void RotationWarperBase<P>::detectResultRoi(Size src_size, Point &dst_tl, Point &dst_br)

    float tl_uf = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();    //先初始化为最大值
    float tl_vf = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();    //先初始化为最大值
    float br_uf = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();    //先初始化为最小值
    float br_vf = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();    //先初始化为最小值

    float u, v;
    for (int y = 0; y < src_size.height; ++y)    //遍历源图区域
        for (int x = 0; x < src_size.width; ++x)
            projector_.mapForward(static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(y), u, v);
            tl_uf = std::min(tl_uf, u); tl_vf = std::min(tl_vf, v);    //更新左上角坐标
            br_uf = std::max(br_uf, u); br_vf = std::max(br_vf, v);    //更新右下角坐标
    dst_tl.x = static_cast<int>(tl_uf);
    dst_tl.y = static_cast<int>(tl_vf);
    dst_br.x = static_cast<int>(br_uf);
    dst_br.y = static_cast<int>(br_vf);

template <class P>
void RotationWarperBase<P>::detectResultRoiByBorder(Size src_size, Point &dst_tl, Point &dst_br)

    float tl_uf = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();    //先初始化为最大值
    float tl_vf = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();    //先初始化为最大值
    float br_uf = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();    //先初始化为最小值
    float br_vf = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();    //先初始化为最小值

    float u, v;
    for (float x = 0; x < src_size.width; ++x)    //遍历源图的横坐标
        projector_.mapForward(static_cast<float>(x), 0, u, v);    //上边映射
        tl_uf = std::min(tl_uf, u); tl_vf = std::min(tl_vf, v);
        br_uf = std::max(br_uf, u); br_vf = std::max(br_vf, v);
        projector_.mapForward(static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(src_size.height - 1), u, v);
        tl_uf = std::min(tl_uf, u); tl_vf = std::min(tl_vf, v);
        br_uf = std::max(br_uf, u); br_vf = std::max(br_vf, v);
    for (int y = 0; y < src_size.height; ++y)    //遍历源图的纵坐标
        projector_.mapForward(0, static_cast<float>(y), u, v);    左边映射
        tl_uf = std::min(tl_uf, u); tl_vf = std::min(tl_vf, v);
        br_uf = std::max(br_uf, u); br_vf = std::max(br_vf, v);
        projector_.mapForward(static_cast<float>(src_size.width - 1), static_cast<float>(y), u, v);
        tl_uf = std::min(tl_uf, u); tl_vf = std::min(tl_vf, v);
        br_uf = std::max(br_uf, u); br_vf = std::max(br_vf, v);
    dst_tl.x = static_cast<int>(tl_uf);
    dst_tl.y = static_cast<int>(tl_vf);
    dst_br.x = static_cast<int>(br_uf);
    dst_br.y = static_cast<int>(br_vf);


struct CV_EXPORTS ProjectorBase

    void setCameraParams(const Mat &K = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F),
                         const Mat &R = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F),
                         const Mat &T = Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_32F));

    float scale;    //表示尺度
    float k[9];    //表示相机的内参数矩阵K,用向量形式表示
    float rinv[9];    //表示相机旋转矩阵r的逆(就是R),用向量形式表示
    float r_kinv[9];    //表示rK-1(就是R-1K-1),用向量形式表示
    float k_rinv[9];    //表示Kr-1(就是KR),用向量形式表示
    float t[3];    //表示三个方向的平移量


void ProjectorBase::setCameraParams(const Mat &K, const Mat &R, const Mat &T)

    CV_Assert(K.size() == Size(3, 3) && K.type() == CV_32F);
    CV_Assert(R.size() == Size(3, 3) && R.type() == CV_32F);
    CV_Assert((T.size() == Size(1, 3) || T.size() == Size(3, 1)) && T.type() == CV_32F);

    Mat_<float> K_(K);    //复制
    k[0] = K_(0,0); k[1] = K_(0,1); k[2] = K_(0,2);
    k[3] = K_(1,0); k[4] = K_(1,1); k[5] = K_(1,2);
    k[6] = K_(2,0); k[7] = K_(2,1); k[8] = K_(2,2);

    Mat_<float> Rinv = R.t();    //得到r的逆,即R-1
    rinv[0] = Rinv(0,0); rinv[1] = Rinv(0,1); rinv[2] = Rinv(0,2);
    rinv[3] = Rinv(1,0); rinv[4] = Rinv(1,1); rinv[5] = Rinv(1,2);
    rinv[6] = Rinv(2,0); rinv[7] = Rinv(2,1); rinv[8] = Rinv(2,2);

    Mat_<float> R_Kinv = R * K.inv();    //得到rK-1,即R-1K-1
    r_kinv[0] = R_Kinv(0,0); r_kinv[1] = R_Kinv(0,1); r_kinv[2] = R_Kinv(0,2);
    r_kinv[3] = R_Kinv(1,0); r_kinv[4] = R_Kinv(1,1); r_kinv[5] = R_Kinv(1,2);
    r_kinv[6] = R_Kinv(2,0); r_kinv[7] = R_Kinv(2,1); r_kinv[8] = R_Kinv(2,2);

    Mat_<float> K_Rinv = K * Rinv;    //得到Kr-1,即KR
    k_rinv[0] = K_Rinv(0,0); k_rinv[1] = K_Rinv(0,1); k_rinv[2] = K_Rinv(0,2);
    k_rinv[3] = K_Rinv(1,0); k_rinv[4] = K_Rinv(1,1); k_rinv[5] = K_Rinv(1,2);
    k_rinv[6] = K_Rinv(2,0); k_rinv[7] = K_Rinv(2,1); k_rinv[8] = K_Rinv(2,2);

    Mat_<float> T_(T.reshape(0, 3));    //复制
    t[0] = T_(0,0); t[1] = T_(1,0); t[2] = T_(2,0);




void PlaneProjector::mapForward(float x, float y, float &u, float &v)    //正向

    float x_ = r_kinv[0] * x + r_kinv[1] * y + r_kinv[2];
    float y_ = r_kinv[3] * x + r_kinv[4] * y + r_kinv[5];
    float z_ = r_kinv[6] * x + r_kinv[7] * y + r_kinv[8];
    x_ = t[0] + x_ / z_ * (1 - t[2]);
    y_ = t[1] + y_ / z_ * (1 - t[2]);
    u = scale * x_;
    v = scale * y_;

void PlaneProjector::mapBackward(float u, float v, float &x, float &y)    //反向

    u = u / scale - t[0];
    v = v / scale - t[1];
    float z;
    x = k_rinv[0] * u + k_rinv[1] * v + k_rinv[2] * (1 - t[2]);
    y = k_rinv[3] * u + k_rinv[4] * v + k_rinv[5] * (1 - t[2]);
    z = k_rinv[6] * u + k_rinv[7] * v + k_rinv[8] * (1 - t[2]);
    x /= z;
    y /= z;


void CylindricalProjector::mapForward(float x, float y, float &u, float &v)    //正向

    float x_ = r_kinv[0] * x + r_kinv[1] * y + r_kinv[2];
    float y_ = r_kinv[3] * x + r_kinv[4] * y + r_kinv[5];
    float z_ = r_kinv[6] * x + r_kinv[7] * y + r_kinv[8];
    u = scale * atan2f(x_, z_);
    v = scale * y_ / sqrtf(x_ * x_ + z_ * z_);

void CylindricalProjector::mapBackward(float u, float v, float &x, float &y)    //反向

    u /= scale;
    v /= scale;

    float x_ = sinf(u);
    float y_ = v;
    float z_ = cosf(u);
    float z;
    x = k_rinv[0] * x_ + k_rinv[1] * y_ + k_rinv[2] * z_;
    y = k_rinv[3] * x_ + k_rinv[4] * y_ + k_rinv[5] * z_;
    z = k_rinv[6] * x_ + k_rinv[7] * y_ + k_rinv[8] * z_;
    if (z > 0)  x /= z; y /= z; 
    else x = y = -1;


void SphericalProjector::mapForward(float x, float y, float &u, float &v)    //正向

    float x_ = r_kinv[0] * x + r_kinv[1] * y + r_kinv[2];
    float y_ = r_kinv[3] * x + r_kinv[4] * y + r_kinv[5];
    float z_ = r_kinv[6] * x + r_kinv[7] * y + r_kinv[8];
    u = scale * atan2f(x_, z_);
    float w = y_ / sqrtf(x_ * x_ + y_ * y_ + z_ * z_);
    v = scale * (static_cast<float>(CV_PI) - acosf(w == w ? w : 0));

void SphericalProjector::mapBackward(float u, float v, float &x, float &y)    //反向

    u /= scale;
    v /= scale;
    float sinv = sinf(static_cast<float>(CV_PI) - v);
    float x_ = sinv * sinf(u);
    float y_ = cosf(static_cast<float>(CV_PI) - v);
    float z_ = sinv * cosf(u);

    float z;
    x = k_rinv[0] * x_ + k_rinv[1] * y_ + k_rinv[2] * z_;
    y = k_rinv[3] * x_ + k_rinv[4] * y_ + k_rinv[5] * z_;
    z = k_rinv[6] * x_ + k_rinv[7] * y_ + k_rinv[8] * z_;
    if (z > 0)  x /= z; y /= z; 
    else x = y = -1;


void StereographicProjector::mapForward(float x, float y, float &u, float &v)    //正向

    float x_ = r_kinv[0] * x + r_kinv[1] * y + r_kinv[2];
    float y_ = r_kinv[3] * x + r_kinv[4] * y + r_kinv[5];
    float z_ = r_kinv[6] * x + r_kinv[7] * y + r_kinv[8];
    float u_ = atan2f(x_, z_);
    float v_ = (float)CV_PI - acosf(y_ / sqrtf(x_ * x_ + y_ * y_ + z_ * z_));

    float r = sinf(v_) / (1 - cosf(v_));

    u = scale * r * cos(u_);
    v = scale * r * sin(u_);

void StereographicProjector::mapBackward(float u, float v, float &x, float &y)    //反向

    u /= scale;
    v /= scale;

    float u_ = atan2f(v, u);
    float r = sqrtf(u*u + v*v);
    float v_ = 2 * atanf(1.f / r);

    float sinv = sinf((float)CV_PI - v_);
    float x_ = sinv * sinf(u_);
    float y_ = cosf((float)CV_PI - v_);
    float z_ = sinv * cosf(u_);
    float z;
    x = k_rinv[0] * x_ + k_rinv[1] * y_ + k_rinv[2] * z_;
    y = k_rinv[3] * x_ + k_rinv[4] * y_ + k_rinv[5] * z_;
    z = k_rinv[6] * x_ + k_rinv[7] * y_ + k_rinv[8] * z_;
    if (z > 0)  x /= z; y /= z; 
    else x = y = -1;


void FisheyeProjector::mapForward(float x, float y, float &u, float &v)    //正向

    float x_ = r_kinv[0] * x + r_kinv[1] * y + r_kinv[2];
    float y_ = r_kinv[3] * x + r_kinv[4] * y + r_kinv[5];
    float z_ = r_kinv[6] * x + r_kinv[7] * y + r_kinv[8];
    float u_ = atan2f(x_, z_);
    float v_ = (float)CV_PI - acosf(y_ / sqrtf(x_ * x_ + y_ * y_ + z_ * z_));

    u = scale * v_ * cosf(u_);
    v = scale * v_ * sinf(u_);

void FisheyeProjector::mapBackward(float u, float v, float &x, float &y)    //反向

    u /= scale;
    v /= scale;
    float u_ = atan2f(v, u);
    float v_ = sqrtf(u*u + v*v);

    float sinv = sinf((float)CV_PI - v_);
    float x_ = sinv * sinf(u_);
    float y_ = cosf((float)CV_PI - v_);
    float z_ = sinv * cosf(u_);

    float z;
    x = k_rinv[0] * x_ + k_rinv[1] * y_ + k_rinv[2] * z_;
    y = k_rinv[3] * x_ + k_rinv[4] * y_ + k_rinv[5] * z_;
    z = k_rinv[6] * x_ + k_rinv[7] * y_ + k_rinv[8] * z_;
    if (z > 0)  x /= z; y /= z; 
    else x = y = -1;


class WarperCreator

    virtual ~WarperCreator() 
    virtual Ptr<detail::RotationWarper> create(float scale) const = 0;


class PlaneWarper : public WarperCreator

    Ptr<detail::RotationWarper> create(float scale) const  return new detail::PlaneWarper(scale); 

4.3 应用



#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "highgui.h"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp"
#include "opencv2/nonfree/nonfree.hpp"
#include "opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp"

#include "opencv2/stitching/detail/autocalib.hpp"
#include "opencv2/stitching/detail/blenders.hpp"
#include "opencv2/stitching/detail/camera.hpp"
#include "opencv2/stitching/detail/exposure_compensate.hpp"
#include "opencv2/stitching/detail/matchers.hpp"
#include "opencv2/stitching/detail/motion_estimators.hpp"
#include "opencv2/stitching/detail/seam_finders.hpp"
#include "opencv2/stitching/detail/util.hpp"
#include "opencv2/stitching/detail/warpers.hpp"
#include "opencv2/stitching/warpers.hpp"

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream> 
#include <string>
#include <iomanip> 
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
using namespace detail;

int main(int argc, char** argv)

   vector<Mat> imgs;    //输入图像
   Mat img = imread("1.jpg");
   img = imread("2.jpg");

   Ptr<FeaturesFinder> finder;    //特征检测
   finder = new SurfFeaturesFinder();
   vector<ImageFeatures> features(2);
   (*finder)(imgs[0], features[0]);
   (*finder)(imgs[1], features[1]);

   vector<MatchesInfo> pairwise_matches;    //特征匹配
   BestOf2NearestMatcher matcher(false, 0.3f, 6, 6);
   matcher(features, pairwise_matches);

   HomographyBasedEstimator estimator;    //相机参数评估
   vector<CameraParams> cameras;
   estimator(features, pairwise_matches, cameras);
   for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras.size(); ++i)
      Mat R;
      cameras[i].R.convertTo(R, CV_32F);
      cameras[i].R = R;

   Ptr<detail::BundleAdjusterBase> adjuster;    //光束平差法,精确相机参数
   adjuster = new detail::BundleAdjusterReproj(); 
    (*adjuster)(features, pairwise_matches, cameras);

   vector<Mat> rmats;
   for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras.size(); ++i)
   waveCorrect(rmats, WAVE_CORRECT_HORIZ);    //波形校正
   for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras.size(); ++i)
      cameras[i].R = rmats[i];

   vector<Point> corners(2);    //表示映射变换后图像的左上角坐标
   vector<Mat> masks_warped(2);    //表示映射变换后的图像掩码
   vector<Mat> images_warped(2);    //表示映射变换后的图像
   vector<Size> sizes(2);    //表示映射变换后的图像尺寸
   vector<Mat> masks(2);    //表示源图的掩码

   for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)    //初始化源图的掩码
      masks[i].create(imgs[i].size(), CV_8U);    //定义尺寸大小
      masks[i].setTo(Scalar::all(255));    //全部赋值为255,表示源图的所有区域都使用

   Ptr<WarperCreator> warper_creator;    //定义图像映射变换创造器
   //warper_creator = new cv::PlaneWarper();    //平面投影
   //warper_creator = new cv::CylindricalWarper();    //柱面投影
   //warper_creator = new cv::SphericalWarper();    //球面投影
   //warper_creator = new cv::FisheyeWarper();    //鱼眼投影
   warper_creator = new cv::StereographicWarper();    //立方体投影

   Ptr<RotationWarper> warper = warper_creator->create(static_cast<float>(cameras[0].focal));
   for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
      Mat_<float> K;
      cameras[i].K().convertTo(K, CV_32F);    //转换相机内参数的数据类型
      corners[i] = warper->warp(imgs[i], K, cameras[i].R, INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_REFLECT, images_warped[i]); 
      sizes[i] = images_warped[i].size();    //得到尺寸
      warper->warp(masks[i], K, cameras[i].R, INTER_NEAREST, BORDER_CONSTANT, masks_warped[i]);

   for(int k =0;k<2;k++)
      for(int i=0;i<sizes[k].height;i++)
         for(int j=0;j<sizes[k].width;j++)
            if(masks_warped[k].at<uchar>(i, j)==0)    //掩码
               images_warped[k].at<Vec3b>(i, j)[0]=0;
               images_warped[k].at<Vec3b>(i, j)[1]=0;
               images_warped[k].at<Vec3b>(i, j)[2]=0;

   imwrite("warp1.jpg", images_warped[0]);
   imwrite("warp2.jpg", images_warped[1]);

   return 0;



图10 立体投影图


Opencv2.4.9源码分析——Gradient Boosted Trees

Win7下qt5.3.1+opencv2.4.9编译环境的搭建(好多 Opencv2.4.9源码分析的博客)

Opencv2.4.9源码分析——Cascade Classification



Opencv2.4.9源码分析——Cascade Classification