jquery easy ui datagrid 怎样设置宽度,让列永远百分之百填充



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了jquery easy ui datagrid 怎样设置宽度,让列永远百分之百填充相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

fitColumns 参数设置为true可以达到你的要求,fit 参数可以让高度也自适应,这两个参数使用的前提是你放置grid的盒子有宽度和高度.



jQuery是一个快速、简洁的javascript框架,是继Prototype之后又一个优秀的JavaScript代码库(或JavaScript框架)。jQuery设计的宗旨是“write Less,Do More”,即倡导写更少的代码,做更多的事情。它封装JavaScript常用的功能代码,提供一种简便的JavaScript设计模式,优化html文档操作、事件处理、动画设计和Ajax交互。

jQuery的核心特性可以总结为:具有独特的链式语法和短小清晰的多功能接口;具有高效灵活的css选择器,并且可对CSS选择器进行扩展;拥有便捷的插件扩展机制和丰富的插件。jQuery兼容各种主流浏览器,如IE 6.0+、FF 1.5+、Safari 2.0+、Opera 9.0+等。

参考技术A 我想正在用JQuery Easy UI的朋友一定很希望DataGrid能够自适应页面大小变化,目前我还没发现其自带此功能,因此简单写了一个实现方法,与网友们分享,也希望能够帮助有需要的朋友。

Js代码 收藏代码
* JQuery扩展方法,用户对JQuery EasyUI的DataGrid控件进行操作。
* 修改DataGrid对象的默认大小,以适应页面宽度。
* @param heightMargin
* 高度对页内边距的距离。
* @param widthMargin
* 宽度对页内边距的距离。
* @param minHeight
* 最小高度。
* @param minWidth
* 最小宽度。
resizeDataGrid : function(heightMargin, widthMargin, minHeight, minWidth)
var height = $(document.body).height() - heightMargin;
var width = $(document.body).width() - widthMargin;

height = height < minHeight ? minHeight : height;
width = width < minWidth ? minWidth : width;

height : height,
width : width


Js代码 收藏代码
var datagridId = 'userDataGrid';

// 其他代码

// 第一次加载时自动变化大小
$('#' + datagridId).resizeDataGrid(20, 20, 300, 600);

// 当窗口大小发生变化时,调整DataGrid的大小
$('#' + datagridId).resizeDataGrid(20, 20, 300, 600);


$('#' + datagridId).datagrid(
title: '用户类型',
url: 'userType.json',
fitColumns: false,本回答被提问者和网友采纳
参考技术B 请参考API(http://www.jeasyui.net/plugins/183.html)
fitColumns 参数设置为true可以达到你的要求,
fit 参数可以让高度也自适应,

参考技术C 不设置width属性,加上一个fixed设置为true.就可以自适应了。多看文档。 参考技术D 在外层套一个div作为容器,设置宽度100%

JQuery Easy Ui dataGrid 数据表格

Extend from $.fn.panel.defaults. Override defaults with $.fn.datagrid.defaults.

The datagrid displays data in a tabular format and offers rich support to select, sort, group and edit data. The datagrid has been designed to reduce development time and to require no specific knowledge from developers. It is both featherweight and feature-rich. Cell merging, multi-column headers, frozen columns and footers are just a few of its features.



  • panel
  • resizable
  • linkbutton
  • pagination


Create datagrid from an existing table element, defining columns, rows, and data in html.

  1. <table class="easyui-datagrid">
  2. <thead>
  3. <tr>
  4. <th data-options="field:‘code‘">Code</th
  5. <th data-options="field:‘name‘">Name</th
  6. <th data-options="field:‘price‘">Price</th
  7. </tr
  8. </thead
  9. <tbody>
  10. <tr>
  11. <td>001</td<td>name1</td<td>2323</td
  12. </tr
  13. <tr>
  14. <td>002</td<td>name2</td<td>4612</td
  15. </tr
  16. </tbody
  17. </table

Create datagrid via <table> markup. The nested <th> tags define the columns on the table.

  1. <table class="easyui-datagrid" style="width:400px;height:250px"
  2. data-options="url:‘datagrid_data.json‘,fitColumns:true,singleSelect:true">
  3. <thead>
  4. <tr>
  5. <th data-options="field:‘code‘,width:100">Code</th
  6. <th data-options="field:‘name‘,width:100">Name</th
  7. <th data-options="field:‘price‘,width:100,align:‘right‘">Price</th
  8. </tr
  9. </thead
  10. </table

Create datagrid using javascript is also allowed.

  1. <table id="dg"></table
  1. $(‘#dg‘).datagrid({
  2. url:‘datagrid_data.json‘,
  3. columns:[[
  4. {field:‘code‘,title:‘Code‘,width:100},
  5. {field:‘name‘,title:‘Name‘,width:100},
  6. {field:‘price‘,title:‘Price‘,width:100,align:‘right‘}
  7. ]]
  8. });

Query data with some parameters.

  1. $(‘#dg‘).datagrid(‘load‘, {
  2. name: ‘easyui‘,
  3. address: ‘ho‘
  4. });

After changing data to server, refresh the front data.

  1. $(‘#dg‘).datagrid(‘reload‘); // reload the current page data



The properties extend from panel. below is the added properties for datagrid.

columns array The datagrid columns config object, see column properties for more details. undefined
frozenColumns array Same as the columns property, but the these columns will be frozen on left. undefined
fitColumns boolean True to auto expand/contract the size of the columns to fit the grid width and prevent horizontal scrolling. false
resizeHandle string Resizing column position, Available value are: ‘left‘,‘right‘,‘both‘. When ‘right‘, users can resize columns by dragging the right edge of column headers, etc.
This property is available since version 1.3.2.
autoRowHeight boolean Defines if set the row height based on the contents of that row. Set to false can improve loading performance. true
toolbar array,selector The top toolbar of datagrid panel. Possible values:
1) an array, each tool options are same as linkbutton.
2) a selector that indicate the toolbar.

Define toolbar within a <div> tag:


	toolbar: ‘#tb‘
<div id="tb">
<a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:‘icon-edit‘,plain:true"/a>
<a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:‘icon-help‘,plain:true"/a>

Define toolbar via array:

	toolbar: [{
		iconCls: ‘icon-edit‘,
		handler: function(){alert(‘edit‘)}
		iconCls: ‘icon-help‘,
		handler: function(){alert(‘help‘)}
striped boolean True to stripe the rows. false
method string The method type to request remote data. post
nowrap boolean True to display data in one line. Set to true can improve loading performance. true
idField string Indicate which field is an identity field. null
url string A URL to request data from remote site. null
data array,object The data to be loaded. This property is available since version 1.3.2.

Code example:

	data: [
		{f1:‘value11‘, f2:‘value12‘},
		{f1:‘value21‘, f2:‘value22‘}
loadMsg string When loading data from remote site, show a prompt message. Processing, please wait …
pagination boolean True to show a pagination toolbar on datagrid bottom. false
rownumbers boolean True to show a row number column. false
singleSelect boolean True to allow selecting only one row. false
checkOnSelect boolean If true, the checkbox is checked/unchecked when the user clicks on a row. If false, the checkbox is only checked/unchecked when the user clicks exactly on the checkbox.
This property is available since version 1.3.
selectOnCheck boolean If set to true, clicking a checkbox will always select the row. If false, selecting a row will not check the checkbox.
This property is available since version 1.3.
pagePosition string Defines position of the pager bar. Available values are: ‘top‘,‘bottom‘,‘both‘.
This property is available since version 1.3.
pageNumber number When set pagination property, initialize the page number. 1
pageSize number When set pagination property, initialize the page size. 10
pageList array When set pagination property, initialize the page size selecting list. [10,20,30,40,50]
queryParams object When request remote data, sending additional parameters also.

Code example:

	queryParams: {
		name: ‘easyui‘,
		subject: ‘datagrid‘
sortName string Defines which column can be sorted. null
sortOrder string Defines the column sort order, can only be ‘asc‘ or ‘desc‘. asc
multiSort boolean Defines if to enable multiple column sorting. This property is available since version 1.3.4. false
remoteSort boolean Defines if to sort data from server. true
showHeader boolean Defines if to show row header. true
showFooter boolean Defines if to show row footer. false
scrollbarSize number The scrollbar width(when scrollbar is vertical) or height(when scrollbar is horizontal). 18
rowStyler function Return style such as ‘background:red‘. The function take two parameter:
rowIndex: the row index, start with 0
rowData: the record corresponding to this row

Code example:

	rowStyler: function(index,row){
		if (row.listprice>80){
			return ‘background-color:#6293BB;color:#fff;‘;
loader function Defines how to load data from remote server. Return false can abort this action. This function takes following parameters:
param: the parameter object to pass to remote server.
success(data): the callback function that will be called when retrieve data successfully.
error(): the callback function that will be called when failed to retrieve data.
json loader
loadFilter function Return the filtered data to display. The function take one parameter ‘data‘ that indicate the original data. You can change original source data to standard data format. This function must return standard data object that contain ‘total‘ and ‘rows‘ properties.

Code example:

// removing ‘d‘ object from asp.net web service json output
	loadFilter: function(data){
		if (data.d){
			return data.d;
		} else {
			return data;
editors object Defines the editor when editing a row. predefined editors
view object Defines the view of datagrid. default view



The DataGrid Columns is an array object, which element is an array too. The element of element array is a config object, which defines every column field.


Code example:

  1. columns:[[
  2. {field:‘itemid‘,title:‘Item ID‘,rowspan:2,width:80,sortable:true},
  3. {field:‘productid‘,title:‘Product ID‘,rowspan:2,width:80,sortable:true},
  4. {title:‘Item Details‘,colspan:4}
  5. ],[
  6. {field:‘listprice‘,title:‘List Price‘,width:80,align:‘right‘,sortable:true},
  7. {field:‘unitcost‘,title:‘Unit Cost‘,width:80,align:‘right‘,sortable:true},
  8. {field:‘attr1‘,title:‘Attribute‘,width:100},
  9. {field:‘status‘,title:‘Status‘,width:60}
  10. ]]


title string The column title text. undefined
field string The column field name. undefined
width number The width of column. If not defined, the width will auto expand to fit its contents. undefined
rowspan number Indicate how many rows a cell should take up. undefined
colspan number Indicate how many columns a cell should take up. undefined
align string Indicate how to align the column data. ‘left‘,‘right‘,‘center‘ can be used. undefined
halign string Indicate how to align the column header. Possible values are: ‘left‘,‘right‘,‘center‘. If not assigned, the header alignment is same as data alignment defined via ‘align‘ property. This property is available since version 1.3.2. undefined
sortable boolean True to allow the column can be sorted. undefined
order string The default sort order, can only be ‘asc‘ or ‘desc‘. This property is available since version 1.3.2. undefined
resizable boolean True to allow the column can be resized. undefined
fixed boolean True to prevent from adjusting width when ‘fitColumns‘ is set to true. undefined
hidden boolean True to hide the column. undefined
checkbox boolean True to show a checkbox. The checkbox column has fixed width. undefined
formatter function The cell formatter function, take three parameters:
value: the field value.
rowData: the row record data.
rowIndex: the row index.

Code example:

		{field:‘userId‘,title:‘User‘, width:80,
			formatter: function(value,row,index){
				if (row.user){
					return row.user.name;
				} else {
					return value;
styler function The cell styler function, return style string to custom the cell style such as ‘background:red‘. The function take three parameter:
value: the field value.
rowData: the row record data.
rowIndex: the row index.

Code example:

		{field:‘listprice‘,title:‘List Price‘, width:80, align:‘right‘,
			styler: function(value,row,index){
				if (value < 20){
					return ‘background-color:#ffee00;color:red;‘;
sorter function The custom field sort function that used to do local sorting, take two parameters:
a: the first field value.
b: the second field value.

Code example:

	remoteSort: false,
	columns: [[
				a = a.split(‘/‘);  
				b = b.split(‘/‘);  
				if (a[2] == b[2]){  
					if (a[0] == b[0]){  
						return (a[1]>b[1]?1:-1);  
					} else {  
						return (a[0]>b[0]?1:-1);  
				} else {  
					return (a[2]>b[2]?1:-1);  
editor string,object Indicate the edit type. When string indicates the edit type, when object contains two properties:
type: string, the edit type, possible type is: text,textarea,checkbox,numberbox,validatebox,datebox,combobox,combotree.
options: object, the editor options corresponding to the edit type.



Override defaults with $.fn.datagrid.defaults.editors.


Every editor has following actions:

init container, options Initialize the editor and return the target object.
destroy target Destroy the editor if necessary.
getValue target Get value from editor text.
setValue target , value Set value for editor.
resize target , width Resize the editor if necessary.

For example, the text editor is defined as following:

  1. $.extend($.fn.datagrid.defaults.editors, {
  2. text: {
  3. init: function(container, options){
  4. var input = $(‘<input type="text" class="datagrid-editable-input">‘).appendTo(container);
  5. return input;
  6. },
  7. destroy: function(target){
  8. $(target).remove();
  9. },
  10. getValue: function(target){
  11. return $(target).val();
  12. },
  13. setValue: function(target, value){
  14. $(target).val(value);
  15. },
  16. resize: function(target, width){
  17. $(target)._outerWidth(width);
  18. }
  19. }
  20. });


Override defaults with $.fn.datagrid.defaults.view.

The view is an object that will tell datagrid how to render rows. The object must defines the following functions:

render target, container, frozen Called when the data is loaded.
target: DOM object, the datagrid object.
container: the rows container.
frozen: indicate if to render the frozen container.
renderFooter target, container, frozen This is an option function to render row footer.
renderRow target, fields, frozen, rowIndex, rowData This is an option function and will be called by render function.
refreshRow target, rowIndex Defines how to refresh the specified row.
onBeforeRender target, rows Fires before the view is rendered.
onAfterRender target Fires after the view is rendered.



The events extend from panel, below is the added events for datagrid.

onLoadSuccess data Fires when data is loaded successfully.
onLoadError none Fires when some error occur to load remote data.
onBeforeLoad param Fires before a request is made to load data. If return false the load action will be canceled.
onClickRow rowIndex, rowData Fires when user click a row, the parameters contains:
rowIndex: the clicked row index, start with 0
rowData: the record corresponding to the clicked row
onDblClickRow rowIndex, rowData Fires when user dblclick a row, the parameters contains:
rowIndex: the clicked row index, start with 0
rowData: the record corresponding to the clicked row
onClickCell rowIndex, field, value Fires when user click a cell.
onDblClickCell rowIndex, field, value Fires when user dblclick a cell.

Code example:

// when double click a cell, begin editing and make the editor get focus
	onDblClickCell: function(index,field,value){
		$(this).datagrid(‘beginEdit‘, index);
		var ed = $(this).datagrid(‘getEditor‘, {index:index,field:field});
onSortColumn sort, order Fires when user sort a column, the parameters contains:
sort: the sort column field name
order: the sort column order
onResizeColumn field, width Fires when user resize the column.
onSelect rowIndex, rowData Fires when user select a row, the parameters contains:
rowIndex: the selected row index, start with 0
rowData: the record corresponding to the selected row
onUnselect rowIndex, rowData Fires when user unselect a row, the parameters contains:
rowIndex: the unselected row index, start with 0
rowData: the record corresponding to the unselected row
onSelectAll rows Fires when user select all rows.
onUnselectAll rows Fires when user unselect all rows.
onCheck rowIndex,rowData Fires when user check a row, the parameters contains:
rowIndex: the checked row index, start with 0
rowData: the record corresponding to the checked row
This event is available since version 1.3.
onUncheck rowIndex,rowData Fires when user uncheck a row, the parameters contains:
rowIndex: the unchecked row index, start with 0
rowData: the record corresponding to the unchecked row
This event is available since version 1.3.
onCheckAll rows Fires when user check all rows. This event is available since version 1.3.
onUncheckAll rows Fires when user uncheck all rows. This event is available since version 1.3.
onBeforeEdit rowIndex, rowData Fires when user start editing a row, the parameters contains:
rowIndex: the editing row index, start with 0
rowData: the record corresponding to the editing row
onAfterEdit rowIndex, rowData, changes Fires when user finish editing, the parameters contains:
rowIndex: the editing row index, start with 0
rowData: the record corresponding to the editing row
changes: the changed field/value pairs
onCancelEdit rowIndex, rowData Fires when user cancel editing a row, the parameters contains:
rowIndex: the editing row index, start with 0
rowData: the record corresponding to the editing row
onHeaderContextMenu e, field Fires when the header of datagrid is right clicked.
onRowContextMenu e, rowIndex, rowData Fires when a row is right clicked.



options none Return the options object.
getPager none Return the pager object.
getPanel none Return the panel object.
getColumnFields frozen Return the column fields. If frozen setted to true the frozen column fields is returned.
Code example:
var opts = $(‘#dg‘).datagrid(‘getColumnFields‘);	// get unfrozen columns
var opts = $(‘#dg‘).datagrid(‘getColumnFields‘, true); // get frozen columns
getColumnOption field Return the specified column option.
resize param Do resize and do layout.
load param Load and show the first page rows. If the ‘param‘ is specified, it will replace with the queryParams property. Usually do a query by passing some parameters, this method can be called to load new data from server.
	code: ‘01‘,
	name: ‘name01‘
reload param Reload the rows. Same as the ‘load‘ method but stay on current page.
reloadFooter footer Reload the footer rows. Code examples:
// update footer row values and then refresh
var rows = $(‘#dg‘).datagrid(‘getFooterRows‘);
rows[0][‘name‘] = ‘new name‘;
rows[0][‘salary‘] = 60000;

// update footer rows with new data
	{name: ‘name1‘, salary: 60000},
	{name: ‘name2‘, salary: 65000}
loading none Display loading status.
loaded none Hide loading status.
fitColumns none Make columns auto expand/collapse to fit datagrid width.
fixColumnSize field Fix columns size. If ‘field‘ parameter is not assigned, all columns size will be fixed.

Code example:

$(‘#dg‘).datagrid(‘fixColumnSize‘, ‘name‘);  // fix the ‘name‘ column size
$(‘#dg‘).datagrid(‘fixColumnSize‘);  // fix all columns size
fixRowHeight index Fix the specified row height. If ‘index‘ parameter is not assigned, all rows height will be fixed.
freezeRow index Freeze the specify row that will always be displayed at the top when the datagrid is scrolled down. This method is available since version 1.3.2.
autoSizeColumn field adjusts the column width to fit the contents. This method is available since version 1.3.
loadData data Load local data, the old rows will be removed.
getData none Return the loaded data.
getRows none Return the current page rows.
getFooterRows none Return the footer rows.
getRowIndex row Return the specified row index, the row parameter can be a row record or an id field value.
getChecked none Return all rows where the checkbox has been checked. This method is available since version 1.3.
getSelected none Return the first selected row record or null.
getSelections none Return all selected rows, when no record selected, am empty array will return.
clearSelections none Clear all selections.
clearChecked none Clear all checked rows. This method is available since version 1.3.2.
scrollTo index Scroll to the specified row. This method is available since version 1.3.3.
highlightRow index Highlight a row. This method is available since version 1.3.3.
selectAll none Select all current page rows.
unselectAll none Unselect all current page rows.
selectRow index Select a row, the row index start with 0.
selectRecord idValue Select a row by passing id value parameter.
unselectRow index Unselect a row.
checkAll none Check all current page rows. This method is available since version 1.3.
uncheckAll none Uncheck all current page rows. This method is available since version 1.3.
checkRow index Check a row, the row index start with 0. This method is available since version 1.3.
uncheckRow index Uncheck a row, the row index start with 0. This method is available since version 1.3.
beginEdit index Begin editing a row.
endEdit index End editing a row.
cancelEdit index Cancel editing a row.
getEditors index Get the specified row editors. Each editor has the following properties:
actions: the actions that the editor can do, same as the editor definition.
target: the target editor jQuery object.
field: the field name.
type: the editor type, such as ‘text‘,‘combobox‘,‘datebox‘, etc.
getEditor options Get the specified editor, the options contains two properties:
index: the row index.
field: the field name.

Code example:

// get the datebox editor and change its value
var ed = $(‘#dg‘).datagrid(‘getEditor‘, {index:1,field:‘birthday‘});
$(ed.target).datebox(‘setValue‘, ‘5/4/2012‘);
refreshRow index Refresh a row.
validateRow index validate the specified row, return true when valid.
updateRow param Update the specified row, the param contains following properties:
index: the row index to be updated.
row: the new row data.

Code example:

	index: 2,
	row: {
		name: ‘new name‘,
		note: ‘new note message‘
appendRow row Append a new row. The new row will be added to the last position:
	name: ‘new name‘,
	age: 30,
	note: ‘some messages‘
insertRow param Insert a new row, the param contains following properties:
index: the row index to insert into, if not defined, append the new row.
row: the row data. Code examples:
// insert a new row at second row position
	index: 1,	// index start with 0
	row: {
		name: ‘new name‘,
		age: 30,
		note: ‘some messages‘
deleteRow index Delete a row.
getChanges type Get changed rows since the last commit. The type parameter indicate which type changed rows, possible value is: inserted,deleted,updated,etc. When the type parameter is not assigned, return all changed rows.
acceptChanges none Commits all the changes data since it was loaded or since the last time acceptChanges was called.
rejectChanges none Rolls back all the changes data since it was created, or since the last time acceptChanges was called.
mergeCells options Merge some cells to one cell, the options contains following properties:
index: the row index.
field: the field name.
rowspan: the rowspan count to be merged.
colspan: the colspan count to be merged.
showColumn field Display the specified column.
hideColumn field Hide the specified column.

以上是关于jquery easy ui datagrid 怎样设置宽度,让列永远百分之百填充的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

jquery easy ui datagrid 怎样设置宽度,让列永远百分之百填充

在asp.net中,如何用将jquery easy-ui datagrid 中的数据导出到Excel。谢谢啦,感激不尽啊!!

easy ui datagrid翻页刷新问题

Easy UI行号位数多显示有问题

easy ui datagrid 让某行复选框不能选中

easy ui 中grid级联操作