
Posted 胜天半月子



一、First Day

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  1. Yes,I’m knitting,I’m knitting,I had a little downtime ,because I finished the last show,and I was like,you know,what?(是的,我在织东西,当我完成最后一场演出后,我有了一些休息时间,你知道我想做什么吗?)
  2. I got to just watch a show that people like that I’ve missed,because,you know,we don’t have the time .Maybe you have time sometimes,I don’t know.(我去看了一部大家都喜欢而我却错过了的剧,因为平时我们都没有时间,我不知道你是不是有时候会有这个时间)
  3. I watched a littile bit of Outlander ,and I was so struck by the knitting on the show.No,no.I’m telling you right now.(我看了一点《古战场传奇》,我被节目中编织品深深打动的打动了。不,不,我现在告诉你)
  4. this woman,this beautiful actress,I think her name is Caitriona Balfe?I’m so sorry if I’m saying that wrong.(这位女士,这位漂亮的女演员,我记得她的名字是 Caitriona Balfe?如果我说错了,那很抱歉啊。)
  5. She’s wearing this cowl,It’s called a cowl,It’s like a brown scarf,yes,there it is.Look at that.Gorgeous.(她戴着这个头巾,应该叫头巾。他就像一件棕色的围巾–是的,就是这个。看看,超级漂亮。)
  6. So I paused it,I took photos,and I was like,I’m going to make this cowl.And I googled it,and it turns out I’m not alone.(所以我点了暂停,拍了一些照片,我想,我要做这件头巾。我在谷歌上搜索了一下,结果发现(在想做头巾这件事情上)我并不孤单)
  7. Every else googled it,too?
    Outlander knits is like a whole community.
    Oh,wow.Yep.Wow,how many people here are part of that community? No one.(其他人也用谷歌搜索了吗? 古战场传奇里的编织物(爱好者)就像一个完整的社区。哦,哇。是的。现场有多少人在这个社区里?没有啥)
  8. Hey! No one. Me! All right.
    And look who did it? Me!
    You did it! Oh,wow.
    Congratulations .Thank you.
    (嘿,没有人啊!我! 好吧…)
  • 单词解读

    How much downtime did we log last week?

    log :v. 把…载入正式记录
    knitting:n. 针织;编织;针织品;编织物 v. “knit”的现在分词
    knit:v. 编织;针织;机织;织平针 n. 编织的衣服;针织衫
    Outlander :n. 外国人;外地人;外来者;陌生人
    be struck by : 被打动;深受打动;被某物砸中
    cowl:n. 大风帽;烟囱罩
    gorgeous:adj. 漂亮的;艳丽的;美丽动人的;光彩夺目的

    brilliance:n. 光辉;【光】辉度;漂亮;(名声)煊赫
    wearing:adj. 令人精疲力竭的;使人疲倦的;令人厌烦的

    turn out :v. 证明;原来;到场

二、Second Day

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  1. This was-about midway through 2020,when-I was just buying random things-online,and-I got-a new dog named Ethel.(大约是在2020年中,当时只是想在网上随便买些东西,我养了一只名叫Ethel的新狗狗)
  2. And it’s like -a BabyBjorn for a small puppy.I’m the Crazy Dog Lady.
  3. Do you let the dog walk-ever?Oh,she was like 2 month-old-at that point,and she couldn’t walk. She can walk now.

  • 单词解读
    midway :n. 中途;娱乐场; 到(进程的)一半时,在(一段时间的)中间
    She stopped working midway through her pregnancy.

    puppy:n. 小狗;幼犬;傲慢小子;自负无礼的青年
    at that point:在那时;在那个阶段;就在那时

三、Third Day

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  1. Here’s how it works.One person will put on these headphones,noise-canceling,with loud music playing.(规则是这样的,一个人带上耳机是降噪的,放着响亮的音乐)
  2. And then the other person picks up a card.Here’s your cards.Don’t look,Sorry,I’m not looking.
  3. And then you sing the song lyrics-on your card and the person wearing the headphones tries to guess what you’re singing.(你唱出你卡片上的歌词,另一个人猜出你在唱什么)

  • 单词解读
    Here’s how it works:这里是它的运作方式;具体实施方式
    Latin Music:拉丁音乐
    Country Music:乡村音乐
    leave (someone) gussing:捉摸不透

四、Forth Day

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  1. That’s crazy,and are you,are you ,are you good at this game?
    I’m really good,15 years,I’ve been playing for 15 years,I have to be pretty good.(这个太棒了,你擅长玩这个游戏吗?当然,我已经玩这个游戏15年了,我的技术非常好。)
  2. So good,do you have a nickname stuff?(历害,你在游戏里有绰号吗?)
    No,I get in my mode like,so when we play,me and my boys,we play ago like,uh,in the summertime,like ten of us,we kind of have like a tournamet,like a sunmmer long tournament,and we like lock in like it’s I broke plenty of controllers like.(不,我玩这个游戏有我喜欢的模式,我以前在夏天和我朋友们玩的时候是10个人一起打比赛,就像打一季夏季长联赛那样,我们宅在家里特别投入的玩,以至我用坏了很多手柄。)
  3. My brother ,my brother,he’s not allowed to play anymore,cause(口语=because) he’ll break my TV.(我的兄弟也不允许再玩这个游戏了,因为他把我的电视都整坏了。)
  4. Hey, but you play as you?(那你在游戏里选球员是选你自己吗?)
    No,that’s kind of arrogant.(不,那就有点傲慢了啊…)
  5. No, you have to play as you,who do you play as ?Uh,anybody.(哦不,你只能选你自己响,不然你选谁?额,随便哪个都行。)
    Just tell me,who do you play as ?
    All right,Lebron.(告诉我吧,你到底选的谁?好吧,勒布朗·詹姆斯。)
  • 单词解读
    lock in:锁定;锁住;锁入
    plenty of :许多;大量的;充足的
    tournament:n. 锦标赛;联赛
    stuff:n. 东西;原料;物品;基本特征
    v. 填满;装满;塞满;灌满
    arrogant:adj. 傲慢的;自大的

五、Fifth Day

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  1. I don’t want to spoil either I,so it starts you kind of don’t really know waht you’re watching.(我不想剧透,电影一开始,你可能真的不知道你在看的是个啥。)
  2. cause you know you bought a thriller but the way it starts you’re like where is this going and what’s oing t happen you see that there’s this.(但是你知道这是一部恐怖片,它开展的方式,剧情发展的走向,以及你即将看到的画面都是可以吸引你的。)
  3. Relationship going on between myself and my husband in the movie and it’s clearly toxic and not healthy and something is off,but you don’t know exactly what,(电影里,我和我丈夫的关系是极其糟糕的,这段婚姻基本已经结束了,但是你不会知道这是为什么,)
  4. um my character has been in this marrige that’s been dead for a long time.(因为我饰演的角色,拥有的不过是一段很长的名存实亡的婚姻而已。)
  • 单词解读
    spoil:v. 破坏;搞坏;糟蹋;毁掉
    thrill:n. 兴奋;激动;震颤感;兴奋感
    v. 使非常兴奋;使非常激动
    thriller:n. (尤指关于罪案或间谍的)惊险小说(或戏剧、电影)
    toxic :恶毒的;造成阴影的

六、Sixth Day

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  1. I’m with kat dennings,the start of daydream nation,and Kat when I spoke with you last year, you were playing a messed up teen and this year you’re playing another teenager.(我正在和出演《白日梦王国》的明星凯特·戴琳斯在一起。去年我采访你的时候,你正在饰演一个叛逆青年,今年你恰好又出演了另一个青年。)
  2. Does it help you have a young director like Mike in playing the angst of a teen?(和迈克(指导演Michael Goldbach,Mike是对Michael的昵称)这样的年轻导演合作,对你演好青少年的忧虑有帮助吗?)
  3. Yes,you know 'cause I think this film is, is a little autobiographical and he put some of his own experience in it(当然,因为这部电影是有一些导演自传的特点,他把他自己的经历放了进去)
  4. So it helps very much 'cause you know he’s he is young and more recently than not I suppose was, was a teenager ,and I even more recently was a teenager(所以他对我帮助非常大,因为他是个青年导演,而我也是个青年演员)
  5. So playing Caroline’s unique kind of confusion was,was really fun and challenging.(所以扮演卡洛琳的特有的叛逆、迷茫真的非常有趣,也很有挑战性。)
  • 单词解读
    kat dennings: 凯特·戴琳斯(Kat Dennings),原名凯瑟琳·维多利亚·李特维克(Katherine Victoria Litwack) [1] ,1986年6月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州费城,美籍犹太人 [2] ,美国女演员。
    messed up:搞砸了;混乱;一团糟
    angst:n. (对形势、事态、生活的)忧虑
    All my children went through a period of late-adolescent angst.
    autobiographical 自传的;自传体的;自传式的
    more recently:最近;更近;特别是最近

七、Seventh Day

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  1. It’s so traumatic to deliver a baby even-if you’re not asuffering from-anxiety-or depression-or any kind-of mental illness to begin with.(即使你一开始没有焦虑、抑郁、或者任何精神疾病,生孩子也是令人痛苦的)
  2. Every mother I’ve-ever spoken to I know is terrified-of the night times,(我所认识的每一位母亲都对夜晚的时光感到恐惧)
  3. because you put your baby to sleep and you’re just hoping that they don’t die-in the middle-of the night .It’s grim.(因为当你的孩子入睡时,你会担心你的孩子在半夜死去,这是残酷的)
  4. But-it’s-a reality-of motherhood and of having-a small child.(但也是身为母亲和有一个小孩子的现实)

  • 单词解读
    Some of the most disturbed children had witnessed really traumatic things, such as rape and murder.
    disturbed: adj. 有精神病的;心理不正常的;精神紊乱的;不幸的
    rape:n. 油菜;强奸罪;强奸案;肆意损坏
    deliver a baby:接生;给……接生;接生小孩
    She had gone to a neighbouring village to deliver a baby.
    grim:adj. 严肃的;坚定的;阴冷的;令人不快的
    The future looks grim.

    motherhood :母性;母亲身份
    the small of the/one's back :


每日英语--Week 1




