
Posted 胜天半月子




一、First Day

  • 例句
  1. I didn’t like chocolate most-of my life. And I remember I was -on-a flight like -a year ago,and I was starving.(我这辈子大部分时间都不喜欢巧克力。)
  2. And the-only thing-I saw was-a baby Twix.And -I was like,“You know what? I -am desperate,I’m gonna try this Twix.”
  3. So I try it,and I was like ,"Jesus Christ," this-is really good.

  • 单词解读
    flight:n. 飞行;班机;逃走;飞机的)旅行
    take flight :逃走;逃跑;飞翔


    desperate:adj. 绝望的
    Jesus Christ:上帝啊 天哪

二、Second Day

  • 例句
  1. IS Lucy Hale ,a vegetarian.I don’t know ,maybe. I like to call myself-a social carnivore because I never eat meat like-alone.(Lucy Hale是一位素食主义者吗?我不知道,也许吧。我喜欢称自己为群居肉食者,因为我从不单独吃肉)
  2. I never have -it -a lot,but when -I’m-out with friends -I’ll occasionally have-it.(我从来不吃很多,但是我和朋友出去的时候偶尔会吃)
  3. What is Lucy hale’s favorite color? This-is-a great question.Favorite color to wear,black.Favorite color in life,Lavender.(最喜欢穿的颜色,黑色;生活中最喜欢的颜色,淡紫色)

  • 单词解读
    social carnivore
    friends in high place:位高权重的朋友;高层的朋友

    lavender:n. 淡紫色;熏衣草(园林植物或灌木,开紫花,有香味)
    adj. 淡紫色的;熏衣草的

三、 Third Day

  • 例句
  1. My route when -I would walk -home from-opera practice was -actually past this butcher,(当我结束歌剧练习返回家的途中,在路上经过这家肉店)
  2. This like big fancy Madison-Avenue butcher.I love to eat.(这家麦迪逊大街非常棒的肉店,我非常喜欢吃)
  3. And so I would stop -in at the butchers-and if - I could sing them -an-aria,they would give me-a hot dog.(所以我会在肉店停下来,如果‘我给他们唱一首咏叹调,他们就会给我一个热狗)

  • 单词解读
    butcher:n. 屠夫肉贩;肉店;肉铺
    v. 屠杀;杀戮;屠宰;宰杀

    grocery:n. 食品杂货店(在美式英语中 grocery store 常用以指 supermarket)
    Madison Avenue:麦迪逊大道;麦迪逊大街;纽约麦迪逊大道
    fancy :v. 想象;竟然;认为;想要
    n. 爱好;想象的事物;想象(力);想要
    adj. 异常复杂的;太花哨的;精致的;有精美装饰的
    a fancy restaurant : 豪华的餐厅
    fancy tuna : 特级金枪鱼

    aria:n. (尤指歌剧或清唱剧中的)咏叹调

四、 Fourth Day

  • 例句
  1. 'How jennifer lawrence became an actress ?
  2. I was in New York watching street dancing and some took my picture and then my life exploded.(我当时在纽约看街舞,然后有人给我拍照然后的生活就骤然改变了)
  3. Is jeenifer lawrence quiting hollyhood? I don’t know-if-it’ll be my choice.I think -I’m more likely to be fired from Hollywood.(jeenifer lawrence会退出好莱坞吗?我不知道是否会是我的选择,我认为我更可能被好莱坞解雇)

  • 单词解读

    skirmish:n. 小冲突;小规模战斗;(尤指)遭遇战;(尤指政治上对立双方的)小争执
    v. 发生小规模战斗(或冲突、争执)
    on fire :着火;起火;起火着火 ; 狂热;热恋

    fire :n. 火灾;火力;射击;失火
    v. 射击;解雇;开火;点火

五、 Fifth Day

  • 例句
  1. And your son now is how old,three? oh,yeah,he’s gonna be three in March.
  2. And what is he into ? What’s a three-year-old into now? Oh my gosh,he’s into cars,he’s into animals ,he’s into fruit.(那他喜欢什么呢?一个三岁的孩子喜欢什么呢?)
  3. He’s into so many different things,and he loves the Lion King .He just absolutely loves-it.(他喜欢很多不同的东西,他喜欢狮子王,他就是极其喜欢他)

  • 单词解读
    any old :任何….都;毫不挑剔;随便哪个

    couch :睡椅;长沙发椅;长椅
    what is he into
    be into :被迷住;对……感兴趣;热衷于




每日英语--Week 1


