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Parameter 参数 | Units 单位 | Input/Output 输入/输出 | Description 描述 |
DELTA, Delta | - | IO | Reduced density (rho/rhoc) |
DMOLAR, Dmolar | mol/m^3 | IO | Molar density |
D, DMASS, Dmass | kg/m^3 | IO | Mass density |
HMOLAR, Hmolar | J/mol | IO | Molar specific enthalpy |
H, HMASS, Hmass | J/kg | IO | Mass specific enthalpy |
P | Pa | IO | Pressure |
Q | mol/mol | IO | Mass vapor quality |
SMOLAR, Smolar | J/mol/K | IO | Molar specific entropy |
S, SMASS, Smass | J/kg/K | IO | Mass specific entropy |
TAU, Tau | - | IO | Reciprocal reduced temperature (Tc/T) |
T | K | IO | Temperature |
UMOLAR, Umolar | J/mol | IO | Molar specific internal energy |
U, UMASS, Umass | J/kg | IO | Mass specific internal energy |
ACENTRIC, acentric | - | O | Acentric factor |
ALPHA0, alpha0 | - | O | Ideal Helmholtz energy |
ALPHAR, alphar | - | O | Residual Helmholtz energy |
A, SPEED_OF_SOUND, speed_of_sound | m/s | O | Speed of sound |
BVIRIAL, Bvirial | - | O | Second virial coefficient |
CONDUCTIVITY, L, conductivity | W/m/K | O | Thermal conductivity |
CP0MASS, Cp0mass | J/kg/K | O | Ideal gas mass specific constant pressure specific heat |
CP0MOLAR, Cp0molar | J/mol/K | O | Ideal gas molar specific constant pressure specific heat |
CPMOLAR, Cpmolar | J/mol/K | O | Molar specific constant pressure specific heat |
CVIRIAL, Cvirial | - | O | Third virial coefficient |
CVMASS, Cvmass,O | J/kg/K | O | Mass specific constant volume specific heat |
CVMOLAR, Cvmolar | J/mol/K | O | Molar specific constant volume specific heat |
C, CPMASS, Cpmass | J/kg/K | O | Mass specific constant pressure specific heat |
DALPHA0_DDELTA_CONSTTAU, dalpha0_ddelta_consttau | - | O | Derivative of ideal Helmholtz energy with delta |
DALPHA0_DTAU_CONSTDELTA, dalpha0_dtau_constdelta | - | O | Derivative of ideal Helmholtz energy with tau |
DALPHAR_DDELTA_CONSTTAU, dalphar_ddelta_consttau | - | O | Derivative of residual Helmholtz energy with delta |
DALPHAR_DTAU_CONSTDELTA, dalphar_dtau_constdelta | - | O | Derivative of residual Helmholtz energy with tau |
DBVIRIAL_DT, dBvirial_dT | - | O | Derivative of second virial coefficient with respect to T |
DCVIRIAL_DT, dCvirial_dT | - | O | Derivative of third virial coefficient with respect to T |
DIPOLE_MOMENT, dipole_moment | C m | O | Dipole moment |
FH | O | Flammability hazard | |
FRACTION_MAX, fraction_max | - | O | Fraction (mole, mass, volume) maximum value for incompressible solutions |
FRACTION_MIN, fraction_min | - | O | Fraction (mole, mass, volume) minimum value for incompressible solutions |
FUNDAMENTAL_DERIVATIVE_OF_GAS_DYNAMICS, fundamental_derivative_of_gas_dynamics | - | O | Fundamental derivative of gas dynamics |
GAS_CONSTANT, gas_constant | J/mol/K | O | Molar gas constant |
GMOLAR_RESIDUAL, Gmolar_residual | J/mol/K | O | Residual molar Gibbs energy |
GMOLAR, Gmolar | J/mol | O | Molar specific Gibbs energy |
GWP100 | - | O | 100-year global warming potential |
GWP20 | - | O | 20-year global warming potential |
GWP500 | - | O | 500-year global warming potential |
G, GMASS, Gmass | J/kg | O | Mass specific Gibbs energy |
HELMHOLTZMASS, Helmholtzmass | J/kg | O | Mass specific Helmholtz energy |
HELMHOLTZMOLAR, Helmholtzmolar | J/mol | O | Molar specific Helmholtz energy |
HH | - | O | Health hazard |
HMOLAR_RESIDUAL, Hmolar_residual | J/mol/K | O | Residual molar enthalpy |
ISENTROPIC_EXPANSION_COEFFICIENT, isentropic_expansion_coefficient | - | O | Isentropic expansion coefficient |
ISOBARIC_EXPANSION_COEFFICIENT, isobaric_expansion_coefficient | 1/K | O | Isobaric expansion coefficient |
ISOTHERMAL_COMPRESSIBILITY, isothermal_compressibility | 1/Pa | O | Isothermal compressibility |
I, SURFACE_TENSION, surface_tension | N/m | O | Surface tension |
M, MOLARMASS, MOLAR_MASS, MOLEMASS, molar_mass, molarmass, molemass | kg/mol | O | Molar mass |
ODP | - | O | Ozone depletion potential |
PCRIT, P_CRITICAL, Pcrit, p_critical, pcrit | Pa | O | Pressure at the critical point |
PHASE, Phase | O | Phase index as a float | |
PH | - | O | Physical hazard |
PIP | - | O | Phase identification parameter |
PMAX, P_MAX, P_max, pmax | Pa | O | Maximum pressure limit |
PMIN, P_MIN, P_min, pmin | Pa | O | Minimum pressure limit |
PRANDTL, Prandtl | - | O | Prandtl number |
PTRIPLE, P_TRIPLE, p_triple, ptriple | Pa | O | Pressure at the triple point (pure only) |
P_REDUCING, p_reducing | Pa | O | Pressure at the reducing point |
RHOCRIT, RHOMASS_CRITICAL, rhocrit, rhomass_critical | kg/m^3 | O | Mass density at critical point |
RHOMASS_REDUCING, rhomass_reducing | kg/m^3 | O | Mass density at reducing point |
RHOMOLAR_CRITICAL, rhomolar_critical | mol/m^3 | O | Molar density at critical point |
RHOMOLAR_REDUCING, rhomolar_reducing | mol/m^3 | O | Molar density at reducing point |
SMOLAR_RESIDUAL, Smolar_residual | J/mol/K | O | Residual molar entropy (sr/R = s(T,rho) - s^0(T,rho)) |
TCRIT, T_CRITICAL, T_critical, Tcrit | K | O | Temperature at the critical point |
TMAX, T_MAX, T_max, Tmax | K | O | Maximum temperature limit |
TMIN, T_MIN, T_min, Tmin | K | O | Minimum temperature limit |
TTRIPLE, T_TRIPLE, T_triple, Ttriple | K | O | Temperature at the triple point |
T_FREEZE, T_freeze | K | O | Freezing temperature for incompressible solutions |
T_REDUCING, T_reducing | K | O | Temperature at the reducing point |
V, VISCOSITY, viscosity | Pa s | O | Viscosity |
Z | - | O | Compressibility factor |