Posted boiledwater
l 最基本的,考虑接口是否适配,收集socket数据了还是log数据,输出到哪里;
l 考虑技术框架的性能,是否满足业务的需求;
l 还需要考虑灵活性,如果需要做一些过滤或者自定义开发,是否容易;
l 考虑对性能的影响,数据收集不能影响了业务系统本身的运行,不能资源消耗太大;
l 考虑运维的难易程度,有的技术方案依赖很多,配置很复杂,就容易出错;
l 考虑技术框架是否高可靠,不会出现丢数据的情况。
Source Type |
Comments |
Avro Source |
Listens on Avro port and receives events from external Avro client streams. |
Thrift Source |
Listens on Thrift port and receives events from external Thrift client streams. |
Exec Source |
Exec source runs a given Unix command on start-up and expects that process to continuously produce data on standard out (stderr is simply discarded, unless property logStdErr is set to true). |
JMS Source |
JMS Source reads messages from a JMS destination such as a queue or topic. |
SSL and JMS Source |
MS client implementations typically support to configure SSL/TLS via some Java system properties defined by JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension). |
Spooling Directory Source |
This source lets you ingest data by placing files to be ingested into a “spooling” directory on disk. |
Taildir Source |
Watch the specified files, and tail them in nearly real-time once detected new lines appended to the each files. |
Kafka Source |
Kafka Source is an Apache Kafka consumer that reads messages from Kafka topics. |
NetCat TCP Source |
A netcat-like source that listens on a given port and turns each line of text into an event. |
NetCat UDP Source |
As per the original Netcat (TCP) source, this source that listens on a given port and turns each line of text into an event and sent via the connected channel. Acts like nc -u -k -l [host] [port]. |
Sequence Generator Source |
A simple sequence generator that continuously generates events with a counter that starts from 0, increments by 1 and stops at totalEvents. |
Syslog Sources |
Reads syslog data and generate Flume events. |
Syslog TCP Source |
The original, tried-and-true syslog TCP source. |
Multiport Syslog TCP Source |
his is a newer, faster, multi-port capable version of the Syslog TCP source. |
Syslog UDP Source |
HTTP Source |
A source which accepts Flume Events by HTTP POST and GET. |
Stress Source |
StressSource is an internal load-generating source implementation which is very useful for stress tests. |
Custom Source |
A custom source is your own implementation of the Source interface. |
Scribe Source |
Scribe is another type of ingest system. To adopt existing Scribe ingest system, Flume should use ScribeSource based on Thrift with compatible transfering protocol. |
Sink Type |
Comments |
HDFS Sink |
This sink writes events into the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). It currently supports creating text and sequence files. It supports compression in both file types. |
Hive Sink |
This sink streams events containing delimited text or JSON data directly into a Hive table or partition. Events are written using Hive transactions. |
Logger Sink |
Logs event at INFO level. Typically useful for testing/debugging purpose. |
Avro Sink |
This sink forms one half of Flume’s tiered collection support. Flume events sent to this sink are turned into Avro events and sent to the configured hostname / port pair. |
Thrift Sink |
This sink forms one half of Flume’s tiered collection support. Flume events sent to this sink are turned into Thrift events and sent to the configured hostname / port pair. |
IRC Sink |
The IRC sink takes messages from attached channel and relays those to configured IRC destinations. |
File Roll Sink |
Stores events on the local filesystem. |
Null Sink |
Discards all events it receives from the channel. |
HBaseSink |
This sink writes data to HBase. The Hbase configuration is picked up from the first hbase-site.xml encountered in the classpath. A class implementing HbaseEventSerializer which is specified by the configuration is used to convert the events into HBase puts and/or increments. |
HBase2Sink |
HBase2Sink is the equivalent of HBaseSink for HBase version 2. |
AsyncHBaseSink |
This sink writes data to HBase using an asynchronous model. |
MorphlineSolrSink |
This sink extracts data from Flume events, transforms it, and loads it in near-real-time into Apache Solr servers, which in turn serve queries to end users or search applications. |
ElasticSearchSink |
This sink writes data to an elasticsearch cluster. By default, events will be written so that the Kibana graphical interface can display them - just as if logstash wrote them. |
Kafka Sink |
This is a Flume Sink implementation that can publish data to a Kafka topic. |
HTTP Sink |
Behaviour of this sink is that it will take events from the channel, and send those events to a remote service using an HTTP POST request. The event content is sent as the POST body. |
Custom Sink |
A custom sink is your own implementation of the Sink interface. A custom sink’s class and its dependencies must be included in the agent’s classpath when starting the Flume agent. |
Input Plugin |
Description |
azure_event_hubs |
Receives events from Azure Event Hubs |
beats |
Receives events from the Elastic Beats framework |
cloudwatch |
Pulls events from the Amazon Web Services CloudWatch API |
couchdb_changes |
Streams events from CouchDB’s _changes URI |
dead_letter_queue |
read events from Logstash’s dead letter queue |
elasticsearch |
Reads query results from an Elasticsearch cluster |
exec |
Captures the output of a shell command as an event |
file |
Streams events from files |
ganglia |
Reads Ganglia packets over UDP |
gelf |
Reads GELF-format messages from Graylog2 as events |
generator |
Generates random log events for test purposes |
github |
Reads events from a GitHub webhook |
google_cloud_storage |
Extract events from files in a Google Cloud Storage bucket |
google_pubsub |
Consume events from a Google Cloud PubSub service |
graphite |
Reads metrics from the graphite tool |
heartbeat |
Generates heartbeat events for testing |
http |
Receives events over HTTP or HTTPS |
http_poller |
Decodes the output of an HTTP API into events |
imap |
Reads mail from an IMAP server |
irc |
Reads events from an IRC server |
java_generator |
Generates synthetic log events |
java_stdin |
Reads events from standard input |
jdbc |
Creates events from JDBC data |
jms |
Reads events from a Jms Broker |
jmx |
Retrieves metrics from remote Java applications over JMX |
kafka |
Reads events from a Kafka topic |
kinesis |
Receives events through an AWS Kinesis stream |
log4j |
Reads events over a TCP socket from a Log4j SocketAppender object |
lumberjack |
Receives events using the Lumberjack protocl |
meetup |
Captures the output of command line tools as an event |
pipe |
Streams events from a long-running command pipe |
puppet_facter |
Receives facts from a Puppet server |
rabbitmq |
Pulls events from a RabbitMQ exchange |
redis |
Reads events from a Redis instance |
relp |
Receives RELP events over a TCP socket |
rss |
Captures the output of command line tools as an event |
s3 |
Streams events from files in a S3 bucket |
s3_sns_sqs |
Reads logs from AWS S3 buckets using sqs |
salesforce |
Creates events based on a Salesforce SOQL query |
snmp |
Polls network devices using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) |
snmptrap |
Creates events based on SNMP trap messages |
sqlite |
Creates events based on rows in an SQLite database |
sqs |
Pulls events from an Amazon Web Services Simple Queue Service queue |
stdin |
Reads events from standard input |
stomp |
Creates events received with the STOMP protocol |
syslog |
Reads syslog messages as events |
tcp |
Reads events from a TCP socket |
Reads events from the Twitter Streaming API |
udp |
Reads events over UDP |
unix |
Reads events over a UNIX socket |
varnishlog |
Reads from the varnish cache shared memory log |
websocket |
Reads events from a websocket |
wmi |
Creates events based on the results of a WMI query |
xmpp |
Receives events over the XMPP/Jabber protocol |
Output Plugin |
Description |
boundary |
Sends annotations to Boundary based on Logstash events |
circonus |
Sends annotations to Circonus based on Logstash events |
cloudwatch |
Aggregates and sends metric data to AWS CloudWatch |
csv |
Writes events to disk in a delimited format |
datadog |
Sends events to DataDogHQ based on Logstash events |
datadog_metrics |
Sends metrics to DataDogHQ based on Logstash events |
elastic_app_search |
Sends events to the Elastic App Search solution |
elasticsearch |
Stores logs in Elasticsearch |
Sends email to a specified address when output is received |
exec |
Runs a command for a matching event |
file |
Writes events to files on disk |
ganglia |
Writes metrics to Ganglia’s gmond |
gelf |
Generates GELF formatted output for Graylog2 |
google_bigquery |
Writes events to Google BigQuery |
google_cloud_storage |
Uploads log events to Google Cloud Storage |
google_pubsub |
Uploads log events to Google Cloud Pubsub |
graphite |
Writes metrics to Graphite |
graphtastic |
Sends metric data on Windows |
http |
Sends events to a generic HTTP or HTTPS endpoint |
influxdb |
Writes metrics to InfluxDB |
irc |
Writes events to IRC |
java_sink |
Discards any events received |
java_stdout |
Prints events to the STDOUT of the shell |
juggernaut |
Pushes messages to the Juggernaut websockets server |
kafka |
Writes events to a Kafka topic |
librato |
Sends metrics, annotations, and alerts to Librato based on Logstash events |
loggly |
Ships logs to Loggly |
lumberjack |
Sends events using the lumberjack protocol |
metriccatcher |
Writes metrics to MetricCatcher |
mongodb |
Writes events to MongoDB |
nagios |
Sends passive check results to Nagios |
nagios_nsca |
Sends passive check results to Nagios using the NSCA protocol |
opentsdb |
Writes metrics to OpenTSDB |
pagerduty |
Sends notifications based on preconfigured services and escalation policies |
pipe |
Pipes events to another program’s standard input |
rabbitmq |
Pushes events to a RabbitMQ exchange |
redis |
Sends events to a Redis queue using the RPUSH command |
redmine |
Creates tickets using the Redmine API |
riak |
Writes events to the Riak distributed key/value store |
riemann |
Sends metrics to Riemann |
s3 |
Sends Logstash events to the Amazon Simple Storage Service |
sns |
Sends events to Amazon’s Simple Notification Service |
solr_http |
Stores and indexes logs in Solr |
sqs |
Pushes events to an Amazon Web Services Simple Queue Service queue |
statsd |
Sends metrics using the statsd network daemon |
stdout |
Prints events to the standard output |
stomp |
Writes events using the STOMP protocol |
syslog |
Sends events to a syslog server |
tcp |
Writes events over a TCP socket |
timber |
Sends events to the Timber.io logging service |
udp |
Sends events over UDP |
webhdfs |
Sends Logstash events to HDFS using the webhdfs REST API |
websocket |
Publishes messages to a websocket |
xmpp |
Posts events over XMPP |
zabbix |
Sends events to a Zabbix server |
Input type |
Comments |
Log |
read lines from log files. |
Stdin |
read events from standard in. |
Container |
read containers log files. |
Kafka |
read from topics in a Kafka cluster. |
Redis |
read entries from Redis slowlogs. |
read events over UDP. |
Docker |
read logs from Docker containers. |
read events over TCP. |
Syslog |
read events over TCP or UDP, this input will parse BSD (rfc3164) event and some variant. |
s3 |
retrieve logs from S3 objects that are pointed by messages from specific SQS queues. |
NetFlow |
read NetFlow and IPFIX exported flows and options records over UDP. |
Google Pub/Sub |
read messages from a Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic subscription. |
Azure eventhub |
read messages from an azure eventhub. |
Output type |
Comments |
Elasticsearch |
sends the transactions directly to Elasticsearch by using the Elasticsearch HTTP API. |
Logstash |
sends events directly to Logstash by using the lumberjack protocol, which runs over TCP. Logstash allows for additional processing and routing of generated events. |
Kafka |
sends the events to Apache Kafka. |
Redis |
inserts the events into a Redis list or a Redis channel. |
File |
dumps the transactions into a file where each transaction is in a JSON format. |
Console |
writes events in JSON format to stdout. |
大数据技术之_18_大数据离线平台_02_Nginx+Mysql+数据收集+Web 工程 JS/JAVA SDK 讲解+Flume 故障后-如何手动上传 Nginx 日志文件至 HDFS 上(示例代码