12.21日-12.24日,全能舞者Marvin Ramos在成都
Posted Amigo.Soshow Dance School
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了12.21日-12.24日,全能舞者Marvin Ramos在成都相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
今天介绍一位活力激情,热情似火的Salsa超级大师,Marvin Ramos!

Salsa:Salsa on1&on2, 古巴Salsa,Rumba & Afro,波多黎各风格,哥伦比亚风格等

曾为Salsa巨星La India, Gilberto Santa Rosa, Los Van Van, Grupo Niche, Victor Manuel, Celia Cruz, Manolin El Doctor de La Salsa等演唱会伴舞。
走出SALSA圈外,Marvin Ramos 曾经是迈克尔·杰克逊(MJ)舞团成员之一。
Rumba is a family of percussive rhythms, song and dance that originatedin Cubaas a combination of the musical traditions of Africans brought to Cuba as slavesand Spanish colonizers. (伦巴舞起源于古巴,它是由古巴和西班牙殖民者的奴隶非洲人传入的是结合了敲击节奏,歌曲和舞蹈的传统音乐结。)
The name derives from the Cuban Spanish word rumbo which means "party" or "spree". (这个名字来自于古巴西班牙语单词Rumbo,意味着“聚会”或“狂欢”。)
It is secular, with no religious connections.( 它是世俗的,没有宗教的联系。)
People of African descent in Havana and Matanzas originally used the word rumba as a synonym for party. (非洲血统的人在哈瓦那和马坦萨斯最初是用词伦巴作为“聚会”的同义词。)
Olavo Alén states that over time, "rumba ceased to be simply another word for party and took on the meaning both of a defined Cuban musical genre andalso of a very specific form of dance."( Olavo Alén描述了那一段时期:“伦巴不再仅仅属于单纯的“聚会”一个词义,它已经变成一种古巴音乐体裁,也是一种具体舞蹈形式。”)
The term spread in the 1930s and 1940s to the faster popular music of Cuba (the"Peanut Vendor"was a classic), where it was used as a catch-all term, rather like salsa today. (这种形式在1930年代和1940年代在流行古巴音乐间快速传播(卖花生的小贩是经典代表,在那个时期,Rumba是一种包括万象的素数,像现在的Salsa一样。)
Also, the term is used inthe international Latin-American dance syllabus, where it is a misnomer: themusic used for this slower dance is the bolero-son. (同时,该词被用于国际拉丁舞蹈教学大纲,这是一种误称:它使用的这种缓慢音乐其实是Bolero-son。)Ballroomrumba, or rhumba, is basically son and not based on the authentic folk loric rumba. Similarly, the African style of pop music called African Rumba or soukousis also son-based.(Ballroom rumba,或者是Rhumba,它其实是一种son,而不是基于真实的民间舞。相似的,所谓的非洲风格的流行音乐,也叫做非洲Rumba或者是Soukous的,也是建立在Son音乐类型的基础上的。)
The term is also used today for various styles of popularmusic from Spain,as part of the so-called Cantes de ida y vuelta, or music that developed between both sides of the atlantic. Flamenco rumba is a genre that is entirely different from Cuban rumba.(这个属于也同时被用于各种流派的西语流行歌曲中,成为Cante de ida yvuelta的一部分,或者是在泛太平洋沿岸演变的音乐。佛朗明哥Rumba是与古巴(非洲)伦巴完全不同的舞蹈形式。)
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