Posted fpga&matlab
time = cputime;
% computering run time
w = 1; % inertia weight
c1 = 2; % acceleration
c2 = 2; % acceleration
eta =0.9; % updatingthe value of inertia weight in every iteration
%global Npop ; % particles number
Npop = 25 ;
%Vmax = 25; % the max value of velocity
%Vmin = 0; % the min value of velocity
%threshold = 1; %
itera = 1; % the times of iteration
rand('state',sum(100*clock)); % generate variable random numbers with time
% initialization
x1 = rand(Npop, 1) + 2.6; % x1 = [2.6, 3.6]
x2 = rand(Npop, 1)*0.1 + 0.7; % x2 = [0.7, 0.8]
x3 = round(rand(Npop, 1) * 11 + 17); % x3 = [17, 28] integer value
x4 = rand(Npop, 1) + 7.3; % x4 = [7.3, 8.3]
x5 = rand(Npop, 1) + 7.3; % x5 = [7.3, 8.3]
x6 = rand(Npop, 1) + 2.9; % x6 = [2.9, 3.9]
x7 = rand(Npop, 1)*0.5 + 5.0; % x7 = [5.0, 5.5]
v1max = 0.3*( max(x1) - min(x1));
v2max = 0.3*( max(x2) - min(x2));
v3max = 0.3*( max(x3) - min(x3));
v4max = 0.3*( max(x4) - min(x4));
v5max = 0.3*( max(x5) - min(x5));
v6max = 0.3*( max(x6) - min(x6));
v7max = 0.3*( max(x7) - min(x7));
v1 = rand(Npop, 1) * v1max; %
v2 = rand(Npop, 1) * v2max; %
v3 = rand(Npop, 1) * v3max; %
v4 = rand(Npop, 1) * v4max; %
v5 = rand(Npop, 1) * v5max; %
v6 = rand(Npop, 1) * v6max; %
v7 = rand(Npop, 1) * v7max; %
% computing the fitness value of every particles
fit = fitness(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7,itera);
%pbest = [x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 fit]; % pbest
pworst = [x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 fit];
%[maxfit, indfit] = max(fit); % find the particle whose fitness value is the max
%gbest = [x1(indfit) x2(indfit) x3(indfit) x4(indfit) x5(indfit) maxfit]; % take that particle as the gbest particle
[minfit, indfit] = min(fit); % find the particle whose fitness value is the min
gworst = [x1(indfit) x2(indfit) x3(indfit) x4(indfit) x5(indfit) x6(indfit) x7(indfit) minfit]; % take that particle as the gworst
%the error between the gbest and gworst
%error = (maxfit - minfit)/maxfit; %
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% --◆initialization complete
G_BEST = zeros(1,401);
ITERA_N =1000;
itera = 0;
Diversity = zeros(ITERA_N+1,1);
dir = 1;
DivH = 0.001;
DivL = 0.00005;
while itera <= ITERA_N, % start iteration
itera = itera + 1; % the times of iteration
Diversity(itera) = (var(x1) + var(x2) + var(x3) + var(x4) + var(x5) + var(x6) + var(x7))/Npop ;
h1 = rand; h2 = rand; % random number: h1 and h2
% if Diversity(itera) > DivH & dir < 0
% dir = 1;
% elseif Diversity(itera) < DivL & dir > 0
% dir = -1;
% end
v1 = w * v1 + dir*(c1 * h1 * (pworst(:,1) - x1) + c2 * h2 * (gworst(1) - x1)); % updatingv1
v2 = w * v2 + dir*(c1 * h1 * (pworst(:,2) - x2) + c2 * h2 * (gworst(2) - x2)); % updating v2
v3 = w * v3 + dir*(c1 * h1 * (pworst(:,3) - x3) + c2 * h2 * (gworst(3) - x3)); % updating v3
v4 = w * v4 + dir*(c1 * h1 * (pworst(:,4) - x4) + c2 * h2 * (gworst(4) - x4)); % updating v4
v5 = w * v5 + dir*(c1 * h1 * (pworst(:,5) - x5) + c2 * h2 * (gworst(5) - x5)); % updating v5
v6 = w * v6 + dir*(c1 * h1 * (pworst(:,6) - x6) + c2 * h2 * (gworst(6) - x6)); % updating v6
v7 = w * v7 + dir*(c1 * h1 * (pworst(:,7) - x7) + c2 * h2 * (gworst(7) - x7)); % updating v7
v1(find( v1 > v1max)) = v1max; v1(find( v1 < -v1max)) = -v1max;
v2(find( v2 > v2max)) = v2max; v2(find( v2 < -v2max)) = -v2max;
v3(find( v3 > v3max)) = v3max; v3(find( v3 < -v3max)) = -v3max;
v4(find( v4 > v4max)) = v4max; v4(find( v4 < -v4max)) = -v4max;
v5(find( v5 > v5max)) = v5max; v5(find( v5 < -v5max)) = -v5max;
v6(find( v6 > v6max)) = v6max; v6(find( v6 < -v6max)) = -v6max;
v7(find( v7 > v7max)) = v7max; v7(find( v7 < -v7max)) = -v7max;
x1 = x1 + v1; % updating x1
x2 = x2 + v2; % updating x2
x3 = round(x3 + v3); % updating x3,integer value
x4 = x4 + v4; % updating x4
x5 = x5 + v5; % updating x5
x6 = x6 + v6; % updating x6
x7 = x7 + v7; % updating x7
x1(find( x1 > 3.6 )) = 3.6; x1(find( x1 < 2.6 )) = 2.6; %
x2(find( x2 > 0.8 )) = 0.8; x2(find( x2 < 0.7 )) = 0.7; % make the values of x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 limited in its region
x3(find( x3 > 28 )) = 28 ; x3(find( x3 < 17 )) = 17;
x4(find( x4 > 8.3 )) = 8.3; x4(find( x4 < 7.3 )) = 7.3;
x5(find( x5 > 8.3 )) = 8.3; x5(find( x5 < 7.3 )) = 7.3;
x6(find( x6 > 3.9 )) = 3.9; x6(find( x6 < 2.9 )) = 2.9;
x7(find( x7 > 5.5 )) = 5.5; x7(find( x7 < 5.0 )) = 5.0;
% updating pbest and gbest
[new_fit ]= fitness(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 ,x7,itera); % computing every particles' fitness value
%for i = 1 : Npop, % 1:40
% if new_fit(i) > pbest(i,6),
% pbest(i,:) = [x1(i) x2(i) x3(i) x4(i) x5(i) new_fit(i)]; % updating pbest
% end
for i = 1 : Npop, % 1:40
if new_fit(i) < pworst(i,8),
pworst(i,:) = [x1(i) x2(i) x3(i) x4(i) x5(i) x6(i) x7(i) new_fit(i)]; % updating pbest
% [maxfit, indfit] = max(fit); %
% gbest = [x1(indfit) x2(indfit) maxfit];
% [maxfit(itera), indfit] = max(new_fit); % find the max fitness value in this iteration
% if maxfit(itera) > gbest(3),
% gbest = [x1(indfit) x2(indfit) maxfit(itera)]; % updating gbest
% end;
[minfit(itera), indfit] = min(new_fit); % find the min fitness value in this iteration
if minfit(itera) < gworst(8)
gworst = [x1(indfit) x2(indfit) x3(indfit) x4(indfit) x5(indfit) x6(indfit) x7(indfit) minfit(itera)]; % updating gworst
G_BEST(itera) = gworst(8);
avgfit(itera) = mean(new_fit); %computing the average fitness value of all particles
% error
% error = (maxfit(itera)- minfit(itera))/maxfit(itera); %
% w
w = w * eta;
% plotting result
%plot(x1, x2, '.',gbest(1),gbest(2),'r.')
%axis([-500 500 -500 500])
%title('The distribution of particles')
%xlabel('x position');
%ylabel('y position');
t = 1 : ITERA_N+1; %
plot(t, minfit,'b', t, avgfit,'g')
hold on
axis([0 ITERA_N+10 2500 5000]);
title('fitness values');
ylabel('fitness values');
x1 = gworst(1)*ones(40,1);
x2 = gworst(2)*ones(40,1);
x3 = gworst(3)*ones(40,1);
x4 = gworst(4)*ones(40,1);
x5 = gworst(5)*ones(40,1);
x6 = gworst(6)*ones(40,1);
x7 = gworst(7)*ones(40,1);
g1 = gcon1(x1, x2, x3);
g2 = gcon2(x1, x2, x3);
g3 = gcon3(x2, x3, x4, x6);
g4 = gcon4(x2, x3, x5, x7);
g5 = gcon5(x2, x3, x4, x6);
g6 = gcon6(x2, x3, x5, x7);
g7 = gcon7(x2, x4);
g8 = gcon8(x1, x2);
g9 = gcon9(x1, x2);
g10 = gcon10(x4, x6);
g11 = gcon11(x5, x7);
time = cputime - time