COMP3608 Artificial Intelligence难点讲解

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COMP3608 – Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Adv) Semester 1, 2019
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Assignment 1: Playing Connect 4
Submission: 11:59pm, 5 April 2019 (Friday, week 6).
This assignment is worth 10% of your final mark. It is an individual assignment; no group work.
The assignment will be split into two parts: auto-marked and tournament. The auto-marked
component of the assessment will be worth 80% of the marks (8% of your final mark), and the
tournament will be worth 20% of the marks (2% of your final mark).
Your mark for the auto-marked part will be your mark from the automatic grading system, and your
mark for the tournament part will be determined by your position in the tournament.
Late submissions policy
Auto-marked component: late submissions are allowed for up to 3 days late. A penalty of 5%
per day late will apply. Assignments more than 3 days late will not be accepted (i.e. will get 0
marks). The day cut-off time is 11:59pm.
Tournament component: no late submissions are allowed.
Programming languages
Your implementation can be written in Python, Java, C, C++ or MATLAB. The assignment will be tested
using the language versions as described in the “How your program will be run” section below, so it is
important that your program can be run in the specified versions.
Your assignment must be completed individually using the submission tool PASTA
( In order to connect to the website, you’ll need to be
connected to the university VPN. You can read this page to find out how to connect to the VPN. PASTA
will allow you to make as many submissions as you wish, and each submission will provide you with
feedback on each of the components of the assignment. Your last submission before the assignment
deadline will be marked, and the mark displayed on PASTA will be the final mark for your assignment.
COMP3608 – Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Adv) Semester 1, 2019
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  1. Connect 4
    In this assignment, you will implement the minimax search algorithm with and without alpha-beta
    pruning in order to play a game of Connect 4.
    The game of Connect 4 is played on a 6x7 vertical board (6 rows
    and 7 columns) with 21 red tokens and 21 yellow tokens. Players
    take turns in putting one of their tokens into the top of one of
    the columns, where it falls to the bottom-most available slot in
    that column, thus there are at most seven possible moves at any
    given point.
    The first player to achieve a configuration where four of his/her
    tokens are lined up (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) wins.
  2. Tasks
    Write a program that, given an initial starting state of the board, and whose turn it is to play, will
    output the column to play in. Your program will accept inputs to determine whether it will use the
    regular minimax algorithm, or minimax with alpha-beta pruning. It will also need to accept input of a
    specified cut-off (maximum search depth).
    See the section on “Input and Output” for how your program is expected to behave.
    You will need to implement a version that follows strict rules for auto-marking, and you will also have
    the opportunity to implement your own algorithm to take part in a tournament-style competition.
    The Auto-marked Version
    Your auto-marked version of the program will need to follow a strict set of rules in order to be
    deterministic and automatically testable.
    Search method
    Your algorithm will perform a depth-first search (limited by a maximum depth) through the state
    space. When choosing the next (child) states, examine them in a left-to-right order, so the left-most
    column (column 0) is considered first, then the next column (column 1) and so on up to the right-most
    column (column 6).
    Dealing with ties
    When choosing the “maximum” or “minimum” node, if there is a tie for the next best node to choose,
    then choose the node that was examined first (i.e. the left-most one).
    Utility and Evaluation Functions
    When implementing this version, you will need use the following (quite unintelligent) utility and
    evaluation functions:
    if red is winner:
    return 10000
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    if yellow is winner
    return -10000
    return SCORE(state, red player) – SCORE(state, yellow player)
    SCORE(state, player):
    return number of tokens of player’s colour +
    • NUM_IN_A_ROW(2, state, player) +
    • NUM_IN_A_ROW(3, state, player) +
    • NUM_IN_A_ROW(4 or more, state, player)
      NUM_IN_A_ROW(count, state, player):
      returns the number of times that <state> contains a <count>-in-a-row
      for the given <player>
      The evaluation function for this board would be calculated as
      follows (note that a 3-in-a-row does not count as any 2-in-arows):= 6 + (10 × 4) + (100 × 1)= 146
    • (10 × 3) + (100 × 1)= 135
      The Tournament Version
      Your tournament version of the program does not need to be so strictly implemented. You will be free
      to implement your own algorithm for determining which column to play in. This may be as simple as
      making up your own version of the evaluation function, or as complicated as writing an entirely
      different search algorithm.
      You must, however, follow the following restrictions:
  3. Your algorithm will be timed out after 1 second. If your program does not offer an output
    before this timeout, your move will be forfeit, and play will return to the other player. Yes,
    this timeout is language-agnostic, and yes, it does mean that certain languages will have a
    slight advantage, however in the past, top performers were written in ‘slower’ languages.
  4. Your program must be entirely self-contained. It will not be able to interact with the filesystem
    or the network (no writing files or connecting to the internet).
  5. You must still conform to the provided input and output rules, as provided in the “Input and
    Output” section.
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  6. Input and Output
    As your program will be automatically tested, it is important that you adhere to these strict rules for
    program input and output.
    Your program should be called ConnectFour, and will be run from the command line with the following
  7. A string of characters representing the current board state. This string will be in the following
    And each row will contain 7 characters, representing the seven columns in the board. The
    characters will be only r, y and ., representing a red token, a yellow token and a blank
    space respectively.
    Note: row0 corresponds to the bottom row, and row5 corresponds to the top row.
  8. Either “red” or “yellow” to indicate the player who is about to play a piece.
  9. Either “M”, indicating that your program should use the regular minimax algorithm, or “A”
    indicating that your program should use minimax with alpha-beta pruning. This argument
    will not be provided to your tournament code.
  10. A number representing the maximum depth that the algorithm should search to. This
    argument will not be provided to your tournament code.
    For example, if the program is given the following arguments:
    .ryyrry,.rryry.,..y.r..,..y....,.......,....... red A 4
    Then this would be built into the game board below, indicating that it is red’s turn to play, and the
    algorithm should use alpha-beta pruning with a maximum search depth of 4.
    Assumptions about the input
    You can assume that all inputs will be sensible, in that the player will only be either “red” or “yellow”,
    the algorithm will only be either “M” or “A”, and the depth will be an integer > 0.
    The state provided will be possible to make in a real game (no floating pieces), however it will not
    necessarily represent a balanced game (e.g. it might be full of red tokens).
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    How your program will be run
    The following examples show how the program would be run for each of the submission languages,
    assuming we want to run the above example. For brevity, the game state has been abbreviated to
    “<state>”, however this would actually be written exactly as in the example above.
    Python (version 3.7.0):
    python <state> red A 4
    Java (version 8):
    java ConnectFour <state> red A 4
    C (gcc version 6.3.0):
    gcc –lm -w -std=c99 –o ConnectFour ConnectFour.c *.c
    ./ConnectFour <state> red A 4
    C++ (gcc version 6.3.0):
    g++ –o ConnectFour ConnectFour.cpp
    ./ConnectFour <state> red A 4
    MATLAB (version R2018a):
    mcc -m -o ConnectFour -R -nodisplay -R -nojvm ConnectFour
    ./ <MATLAB_install_directory> <state> red A 4
    matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -nojvm -nodisplay -r
    Note: MATLAB must be run this way (compiled first) to speed up MATLAB running
    submissions. The arguments are passed to your ConnectFour function as strings. For
    example, the example above will be executed as a function call like this:
    For your automatically tested version of the program, you will output two lines only. The first line will
    contain the column that the algorithm will play in. This will be a single integer, where 0 represents the
    left-most column and 6 represents the right-most column.
    The second line will be the number of nodes that were examined during the search, where a node is
    considered examined when you perform the terminal test on it.
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    As an example, running your code with the example from above:
    .ryyrry,.rryry.,..y.r..,..y....,.......,....... red A 4
    Should result in the following output:
    This indicates that red should play in the second column, and that 297 nodes were examined.
    For the tournament version of the code, your program is not required to print the second line. You
    still need to print the first line (as described above), however this is the only output your program
    should have.
  11. Submission Details
    This assignment is to be submitted electronically via the PASTA submission system.
    Your submission files should be zipped together in a single .zip file and include a main program called
    ConnectFour. Valid extensions are .java, .py, .c, .cpp, .cc, and .m. Zip only the submission files, not the
    folder – when your zip file is unzipped there should be only submission files, not a folder with
    submission files. Only .zip format is accepted; do not use any other format, e.g. .rar or .7z. If your
    program contains only a single file, then you can just submit the file without zipping it.
    Upload your auto-marking submission on PASTA under Assignment 1, and your tournament version
    on PASTA under Assignment 1 – Tournament.


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