JavaScript 解析URI
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了JavaScript 解析URI相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
//**************************** URI *******************************
//splits a URI into its parts
//returns null if str is not a valid URI
//does not support IPvFuture domains
//see RFC 3986
function parseURI(str)
if(!str) return null;
var regexUri = /^([a-z0-9+.-]+):(?:\/\/(?:((?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=:]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*)@)?((?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*|\[(?:[0-9A-F:.]{2,})\])(?::(\d*))?(\/(?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=:@\/]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*)?|(\/?(?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=:@]|%[0-9A-F]{2})+(?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=:@\/]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*)?)(?:\?((?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=:\/?@]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*))?(?:#((?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=:\/?@]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*))?$/i;
/*composed as follows:
([a-z0-9+.-]+): #scheme
\/\/ #it has an authority:
(?:((?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=:]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*)@)? #userinfo
((?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*|\[(?:[0-9A-F:.]{2,})\]) #host (loose check to allow for IPv6 addresses)
(?::(\d*))? #port
(\/(?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=:@\/]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*)? #path
#it doesn't have an authority:
(\/?(?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=:@]|%[0-9A-F]{2})+(?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=:@\/]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*)? #path
\?((?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=:/?@]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*) #query string
#((?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=:/?@]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*) #fragment
if(!regexUri.test(str)) return null; //invalid URI
//these extra steps are required to check for validity of the host depending on if it's a URL or not,
// since URLs allow IPv6 addresses (i.e., they allow '[', ':', and ']')
var scheme = str.replace(regexUri, "$1").toLowerCase();
var host = str.replace(regexUri, "$3");
if(host && (scheme == "http" || scheme == "https")) //if it's a URL
if(!normalizeURLDomain(host)) return null; //invalid host
else if(host) //host may not include '[', ':', or ']'
if((/[:\[\]]/).test(host)) return null; //invalid host
var parts = {
uri: scheme+str.slice(scheme.length), //make sure scheme is lower case
scheme: scheme,
authority: "", //userinfo@host:port
userinfo: str.replace(regexUri, "$2"),
host: host,
port: str.replace(regexUri, "$4"),
path: str.replace(regexUri, "$5$6"),
query: str.replace(regexUri, "$7"),
fragment: str.replace(regexUri, "$8")
parts.authority = (parts.userinfo ? parts.userinfo+"@" : "") + + (parts.port ? ":"+parts.port : "");
return parts;
//splits a query string into its name/value pairs
//returns a 2-D array
function parseQueryNumeric(str)
var results = []; //array of objects {name, value}
var pairs = str.split("&");
var pair, j, result;
for(var i=0; i<pairs.length; i++)
pair = pairs[i].split("=");
if(!pair[0]) continue; //if there is no name, skip it
result = {
name: pair[0],
value: ""
if(pair.length > 0) //if it has a value
result.value = pair[1]; //set the value
for(j=2; j<pair.length; j++) //if there is more than one "=", include its encoded form in the value
result.value += "%3D"+pair[j];
return results;
//splits a query string into its name/value pairs
//returns an associative array
//if there are multiple pairs with the same name, the last pair is used
function parseQueryAssociative(str)
var results = {}; //associative array
var pairs = str.split("&");
var pair, j, result;
for(var i=0; i<pairs.length; i++)
pair = pairs[i].split("=");
if(!pair[0]) continue; //if there is no name, skip it
results[pair[0]] = "";
if(pair.length > 0) //if it has a value
results[pair[0]] = pair[1]; //set the value
for(j=2; j<pair.length; j++) //if there is more than one "=", include its encoded form in the value
results[pair[0]] += "%3D"+pair[j];
return results;
//**************************** URL *******************************
//splits a URL (i.e., http(s) scheme URI) into its parts
//returns null if str is not a valid URL
//does not support IPvFuture domains
//see RFC 2616
//note: according to the RFC, fragments aren't part of a URL (they're only used by the browser, never sent to the server)
// but this function allows them anyway, of course
function parseURL(str)
var uri = parseURI(str);
if(!uri) return null; //invalid URI
if((uri.scheme != "http" && uri.scheme != "https") || !uri.authority) return null; //it's not a URL
if(! return null; //no domain
var parts = {
url: "",
protocol: uri.scheme,
authority: "", //domain:port
domain: normalizeURLDomain(,
port: uri.port, //defaults: http 80, https 443
path: (normalizeURLPath(uri.path) || "/"),
query: uri.query,
anchor: uri.fragment
if(!parts.domain) return null; //invalid domain
parts.authority = parts.domain + (parts.port ? ":"+parts.port : "");
parts.url = parts.protocol + "://" + parts.authority + parts.path + (parts.query ? "?"+parts.query : "") +
(parts.anchor ? "#"+parts.anchor : "");
return parts;
//converts an obscured URL domain to a more readable one
//returns "" if it's not a valid domain
//does not support IPvFuture domains
// and RFC 1123 (Section 2.1)
// and RFC 2181 (Section 11)
function normalizeURLDomain(domain)
if(!domain) return "";
if(domain.toLowerCase() == "localhost") return "localhost";
domain = domain.replace(/%3(\d)/g, "$1"); //decimals
//upper-case letters (converted to lower-case)
domain = domain.replace(/%41/ig, "a").replace(/%42/ig, "b").replace(/%43/ig, "c").replace(/%44/ig, "d").replace(/%45/ig, "e");
domain = domain.replace(/%46/ig, "f").replace(/%47/ig, "g").replace(/%48/ig, "h").replace(/%49/ig, "i").replace(/%4A/ig, "j");
domain = domain.replace(/%4B/ig, "k").replace(/%4C/ig, "l").replace(/%4D/ig, "m").replace(/%4E/ig, "n").replace(/%4F/ig, "o");
domain = domain.replace(/%50/ig, "p").replace(/%51/ig, "q").replace(/%52/ig, "r").replace(/%53/ig, "s").replace(/%54/ig, "t");
domain = domain.replace(/%55/ig, "u").replace(/%56/ig, "v").replace(/%57/ig, "w").replace(/%58/ig, "x").replace(/%59/ig, "y");
domain = domain.replace(/%5A/ig, "z");
//lower-case letters
domain = domain.replace(/%61/ig, "a").replace(/%62/ig, "b").replace(/%63/ig, "c").replace(/%64/ig, "d").replace(/%65/ig, "e");
domain = domain.replace(/%66/ig, "f").replace(/%67/ig, "g").replace(/%68/ig, "h").replace(/%69/ig, "i").replace(/%6A/ig, "j");
domain = domain.replace(/%6B/ig, "k").replace(/%6C/ig, "l").replace(/%6D/ig, "m").replace(/%6E/ig, "n").replace(/%6F/ig, "o");
domain = domain.replace(/%70/ig, "p").replace(/%71/ig, "q").replace(/%72/ig, "r").replace(/%73/ig, "s").replace(/%74/ig, "t");
domain = domain.replace(/%75/ig, "u").replace(/%76/ig, "v").replace(/%77/ig, "w").replace(/%78/ig, "x").replace(/%79/ig, "y");
domain = domain.replace(/%7A/ig, "z");
//allowed symbols
domain = domain.replace(/%2D/ig, "-").replace(/%2E/ig, ".");
domain = domain.replace(/%3A/ig, ":").replace(/%5B/ig, "[").replace(/%5D/ig, "]"); //for IPv6 addresses
if((/[^a-z0-9:\[\].-]/i).test(domain)) return ""; //contains invalid characters
var ip;
if(ip = normalizeIPv4(domain)) return ip; //it's a valid IPv4 address
if(ip = normalizeIPv6(domain)) return ip; //it's a valid IPv6 address
//it's not an IP address
if((/[:\[\]]/).test(domain)) return ""; //contains invalid characters
if(domain.length > 255) return ""; //too long
//note: the spec doesn't allow a name to start with a digit, but this is not enforced
return domain; //valid domain
return ""; //invalid domain
function normalizeIPv4(ip)
if(!(/^(\d+|0x[0-9A-F]+)(\.(\d+|0x[0-9A-F]+)){3}$/i).test(ip)) return ''; //invalid
var parts = ip.split(".");
var val, dwordToIp;
var vals = [];
for(var i=0; i<parts.length; i++) //for each part
val = parseInt(parts[i]); //convert hex or octal to dword/decimal
//if this is the last part and it's a dword
//e.g., in an IP of 1192362298 or 71.1179962 or 71.18.314
if(i == parts.length-1 && i < 3)
//convert dword to decimal parts
//e.g., 1179962 becomes 18.1.58
dwordToIp = [];
while(i < 4)
dwordToIp.unshift(val % 256);
val = (val-dwordToIp[0]) / 256;
vals = vals.concat(dwordToIp);
val = val % 256;
return vals.join("."); //valid IP address
//note: this includes the '[' and ']' characters on the ends of the IP (for use in a URL)
function normalizeIPv6(ip)
if(ip.charAt(0) == '[' && ip.charAt(ip.length-1) == ']') ip = ip.slice(1,ip.length-1);
ip = ip.split('::'); //split the IP at the '::' shortcut (if it's used)
if(ip.length < 1 || ip.length > 2) return ''; //invalid IP
var x = ip[0].split(':');
if(x.length > 8 || (ip.length>1 && x.length+ip[1].split(':').length > 7)) return ''; //invalid IP
var a = [], b = [];
for(var i=0; i<x.length; i++) //for each part left of '::' (or of the entire IP if '::' isn't used)
if(x[0] == '') break; //there isn't anything on the left side
if((/^[0-9A-F]{1,4}$/i).test(x[i])) a.push(normalizeIPv6.pad(x[i]));
else if(ip.length==1 && i == x.length-1 && (x[i] = normalizeIPv6.v4to6(x[i])) != '') //last part of entire IP is a ver. 4 IP
//converted x[i] to a ver. 6 IP
else return ''; //invalid IP
if(ip.length>1) //if the shortcut was used
x = ip[1].split(':');
for(i=0; i<x.length; i++) //for each part right of '::'
if(x[0] == '') break; //there isn't anything on the right side
if((/^[0-9A-F]{1,4}$/i).test(x[i])) b.push(normalizeIPv6.pad(x[i]));
else if(i == x.length-1 && (x[i] = normalizeIPv6.v4to6(x[i])) != '') //last part of entire IP is a ver. 4 IP
//converted x[i] to a ver. 6 IP
else return ''; //invalid IP
while(a.length+b.length < 8) //replace the shortcut with the zeroes it represents
return '['+a.concat(b).join(':')+']';
normalizeIPv6.pad = function(x)
x = ''+x;
while(x.length < 4){ x = '0'+x; }
return x.toLowerCase();
normalizeIPv6.v4to6 = function(ip)
if(!normalizeIPv4(ip)) return ''; //invalid IP
ip = ip.split('.');
var h = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'];
return '' + h[Math.floor(ip[0]/16)] + h[ip[0]%16] + h[Math.floor(ip[1]/16)] + h[ip[1]%16] +
':' + h[Math.floor(ip[2]/16)] + h[ip[2]%16] + h[Math.floor(ip[3]/16)] + h[ip[3]%16];
//converts an obscured URL path to a more readable one
function normalizeURLPath(path)
if(!path) return "";
path = path.replace(/%3(\d)/g, "$1"); //decimals
path = path.replace(/%41/ig, "A").replace(/%42/ig, "B").replace(/%43/ig, "C").replace(/%44/ig, "D").replace(/%45/ig, "E");
path = path.replace(/%46/ig, "F").replace(/%47/ig, "G").replace(/%48/ig, "H").replace(/%49/ig, "I").replace(/%4A/ig, "J");
path = path.replace(/%4B/ig, "K").replace(/%4C/ig, "L").replace(/%4D/ig, "M").replace(/%4E/ig, "N").replace(/%4F/ig, "O");
path = path.replace(/%50/ig, "P").replace(/%51/ig, "Q").replace(/%52/ig, "R").replace(/%53/ig, "S").replace(/%54/ig, "T");
path = path.replace(/%55/ig, "U").replace(/%56/ig, "V").replace(/%57/ig, "W").replace(/%58/ig, "X").replace(/%59/ig, "Y");
path = path.replace(/%5A/ig, "Z");
path = path.replace(/%61/ig, "a").replace(/%62/ig, "b").replace(/%63/ig, "c").replace(/%64/ig, "d").replace(/%65/ig, "e");
path = path.replace(/%66/ig, "f").replace(/%67/ig, "g").replace(/%68/ig, "h").replace(/%69/ig, "i").replace(/%6A/ig, "j");
path = path.replace(/%6B/ig, "k").replace(/%6C/ig, "l").replace(/%6D/ig, "m").replace(/%6E/ig, "n").replace(/%6F/ig, "o");
path = path.replace(/%70/ig, "p").replace(/%71/ig, "q").replace(/%72/ig, "r").replace(/%73/ig, "s").replace(/%74/ig, "t");
path = path.replace(/%75/ig, "u").replace(/%76/ig, "v").replace(/%77/ig, "w").replace(/%78/ig, "x").replace(/%79/ig, "y");
path = path.replace(/%7A/ig, "z");
path = path.replace(/%2D/ig, "-").replace(/%2E/ig, ".").replace(/%5F/ig, "_").replace(/%7E/ig, "~").replace(/%21/ig, "!");
path = path.replace(/%24/ig, "$").replace(/%27/ig, "'").replace(/%28/ig, "(").replace(/%29/ig, ")").replace(/%2A/ig, "*");
path = path.replace(/%2B/ig, "+").replace(/%2C/ig, ",").replace(/%3B/ig, ";").replace(/%40/ig, "@");
//path = path.replace(/%20/g, " "); //more readable, but not valid
return path;
//************************** Mailto ******************************
//splits a mailto scheme URI into its parts
//returns null if str is not a valid mailto URI or there is no destination
//only includes valid email addresses; the rest are removed
//does not support IPv6 or IPvFuture domains
//see RFC 2368
function parseMailto(str)
var uri = parseURI(str);
if(!uri || uri.scheme != "mailto" || uri.authority) return null;
//note: if there is a fragment, it will simply be left out
uri.uri = uri.uri.replace(/%20/g, " ");
uri.path = uri.path.replace(/%20/g, " ");
uri.query = uri.query.replace(/%20/g, " ");
var parts = {
uri: "",
scheme: "mailto",
to: [],
cc: [],
bcc: [],
subject: "",
body: "",
headers: [] //other headers besides the above
var to1 = [], to2 = [];
to1 = to1.concat(splitEmailAddresses(uri.path));
var headers = parseQueryNumeric(uri.query);
for(var i=0; i<headers.length; i++)
if(headers[i].value == "") continue;
if(headers[i].name == "to")
to2 = to2.concat(splitEmailAddresses(headers[i].value));
else if(headers[i].name == "cc")
{ =[i].value));
else if(headers[i].name == "bcc")
parts.bcc = parts.bcc.concat(splitEmailAddresses(headers[i].value));
else if(headers[i].name == "subject")
parts.subject = headers[i].value;
else if(headers[i].name == "body")
parts.body = headers[i].value;
} = to1.concat(to2);
if( == 0 && == 0 && parts.bcc.length == 0) return null; //no destination
parts.uri = "mailto:";
if(to1.length > 0)
for(i=0; i<to1.length; i++)
parts.uri += to1[i];
if(i < to1.length-1) parts.uri += ",";
var qs = [];
var q = -1;
if(to2.length > 0)
qs[++q] = "to=";
for(i=0; i<to2.length; i++)
qs[q] += to2[i];
if(i < to2.length-1) qs[q] += ",";
if( > 0)
qs[++q] = "cc=";
for(i=0; i<; i++)
qs[q] +=[i];
if(i < qs[q] += ",";
if(parts.bcc.length > 0)
qs[++q] = "bcc=";
for(i=0; i<parts.bcc.length; i++)
qs[q] += parts.bcc[i];
if(i < parts.bcc.length-1) qs[q] += ",";
if(parts.subject) qs[++q] = "subject="+parts.subject;
if(parts.body) qs[++q] = "body="+parts.body;
for(i=0; i<parts.headers.length; i++)
qs[++q] = parts.headers[i].name+"="+parts.headers[i].value;
if(qs.length > 0) parts.uri += "?"+qs.join("&");
return parts;
//helper function for parseMailto
//splits the string at the commas, but ignores commas within quoted strings
//only returns valid email addresses
function splitEmailAddresses(str)
var addresses = [];
var a = 0, c, m;
var parts = str.split("\""); //split the string at the quotes
str = "";
var inQuote = false;
for(var i=0; i<parts.length; i++)
if(inQuote) //currently inside a pair of quotes
str += "\"";
if((/(^|[^\\])(\\\\)*\\$/).test(parts[i])) //part ends with the escape character (\)
str += parts[i];
else //end quote
str += parts[i];
if(i < parts.length-1)
str += "\"";
inQuote = false;
else //not inside a pair of quotes
//if((c=parts[i].search(/,|%2C/i)) > -1) //comma is found
if((c=parts[i].search(/,/i)) > -1) //comma is found
addresses[a++] = str + parts[i].slice(0, c); //add the address that ends at the comma
//m = parts[i].match(/(,|%2C)(\s|%20)*/i)[0].length;
//str = parts[i].slice(c+m);
str = parts[i].slice(c+1);
else str += parts[i];
if(i < parts.length-1) inQuote = true; //if there are more parts
else addresses[a] = str;
if(inQuote) return []; //no closing quote
//verify the email addresses
for(i=0; i<addresses.length; i++)
addresses[i] = normalizeEmailAddress(addresses[i]);
if(!addresses[i]) addresses.splice(i--,1); //if it's not valid, remove it
return addresses;
//converts an obscured email address to a more readable one; unfolds and removes comments
//returns "" if it's not a valid address
//does not support IPv6 or IPvFuture domains
//see RFC 2822
// and
//obsolete forms are not supported
function normalizeEmailAddress(str)
if(!str) return "";
//remove comments
//regular expressions do not support nesting, so I have to do this manually
var c = 0; //nesting level of comments
var s = ""; //new string
var p, m, char; //position, match, end character
var inQS = false; //inside a quoted string
p =^|[^\\]+?)(\\\\)*[()"]/);
while(p >= 0)
m = str.match(/(^|[^\\]+?)(\\\\)*[()"]/)[0];
char = str.charAt(p+m.length-1);
if(char == "\"")
if(c == 0) //beginning or end of a quoted string (not inside of a comment)
s += str.slice(0, p+m.length);
inQS = !inQS;
str = str.slice(p+m.length);
else if(char == "(")
if(inQS) s += str.slice(0, p+m.length); //inside a quoted string
else if(c++ == 0) s += str.slice(0, p+m.length-1); //beginning of a top-level comment
str = str.slice(p+m.length);
else if(char == ")")
if(inQS) s += str.slice(0, p+m.length); //inside a quoted string
else c--; //end of a comment
str = str.slice(p+m.length);
if(c < 0) return ""; //invalid comment nesting
p =^|[^\\]+)(\\\\)*[()"]/);
str = s + str;
str = str.replace(/\s+/g, " "); //replace whitespace with a single space
str = str.replace(/[\\x01-\\x1F\\x7F]+/g, ""); //remove remaining (non-whitespace) control characters
var atext = "[!#$%&'*+`/0-9=?A-Z^_a-z{|}~-]";
var qtext = "[!#$%&'()*+`./0-9:;<=>?@A-Z\\[\\]^_,a-z{|}~-]";
var qptext = "("+qtext+"|[\"\\\\])";
//var dtext = "[!\"#$%&'()*+`./0-9:;<=>?@A-Z^_,a-z{|}~-]"; //for IPv6 or IPvFuture formatted domains
var dotAtom = "( ?"+atext+"+(\\."+atext+"+)* ?)";
var quotedString = "( ?\"( ?("+qtext+"|\\\\"+qptext+"))* ?\" )";
//var domainLiteral = "( ?\\[( ?("+dtext+"|\\\\"+qptext+"))* ?\\] ?)"; //for IPv6 or IPvFuture formatted domains
var localPart = "("+dotAtom+"|"+quotedString+")";
//var domain = "("+dotAtom+"|"+domainLiteral+")"; //we won't support IPv6 or IPvFuture formatted domains
var domain = dotAtom;
var addrSpec = "("+localPart+"@"+domain+")";
var displayName = "(( ?"+atext+"+ ?|"+quotedString+")+)";
var nameAddr = "("+displayName+"? ?<"+addrSpec+"> ?)";
var mailbox = "^("+nameAddr+"|"+addrSpec+")$";
rxp = new RegExp(mailbox);
if(rxp.test(str)) //valid mailbox so far
//get the domain
rxp = new RegExp("@("+domain+")(> ?)?$");
var d = str.match(rxp)[0];
var dn = d.replace(rxp, "$2");
d = d.replace(rxp, "$1");
d = d.replace(/^ +| +$/g, ""); //remove spaces from ends
//normalize the domain
var normalizedDomain = normalizeURLDomain(d);
if(!normalizedDomain) return ""; //invalid domain
//replace the domain with the normalized version
str = str.replace(rxp, "@"+normalizedDomain+(dn?">":""));
//get the local part
rxp = new RegExp("("+localPart+")@"+normalizedDomain+">?");
var lp = str.match(rxp)[0].replace(rxp, "$1");
lp = lp.replace(/^ +| +$/g, ""); //remove spaces from ends
//replace local part with cleaned-up version
str = str.replace(rxp, lp+"@"+normalizedDomain+(dn?">":""));
//get the display name, if there is one
rxp = new RegExp("^"+displayName);
var dn = str.match(rxp);
dn = dn[0].replace(/^ +| +$/g, ""); //remove spaces from ends of display name
str = str.replace(rxp, dn); //replace display name with cleaned-up version
return str; //valid mailbox
return ""; //invalid mailbox
//*************************** Fixes ******************************
//attempts to fix a URL if needed
//domain: domain to use if the url is relative
//returns null if it can't be fixed
function fixURL(str, domain)
str = str.replace(/ /g, "%20"); //make sure all spaces are escaped
var url = parseURL(str);
if(url) return url; //valid URL
domain = normalizeURLDomain(domain);
str = str.replace(/"/g, "%22");
str = str.replace(/</g, "%3C");
str = str.replace(/>/g, "%3E");
url = parseURI(str);
if(!url && str.charAt(0) == "/") //relative path
if(!domain) return null; //invalid URL; can't fix it since no valid domain was given
str = "http://"+domain+str;
url = parseURL(str);
if(url) return url; //it's now a valid URL
url = parseURI(str);
if(!url && str.slice(0,7) != "http://" && str.slice(0,8) != "https://")
str = "http://"+str;
url = parseURL(str);
if(url) return url; //it's now a valid URL
url = parseURI(str);
if(!url) return null; //invalid URI; can't be fixed
//valid URI; try to make it a valid URL
str = url.scheme+"://";
str += url.domain || domain;
str += url.port ? ":"+url.port : "";
str += normalizeURLPath(url.path)+(url.query ? "?"+url.query : "")+(url.fragment ? "#"+url.fragment : "");
url = parseURL(str);
if(url) return url; //it's now a valid URL
return null; //invalid URL; can't be fixed
//attempts to fix a hyperlink address (http(s) or mailto) if needed
//domain = domain to use if the url is relative
//returns "" if it can't be fixed
function fixHyperlink(str, domain, allowMailto)
domain = domain || "";
//get the scheme
var matches = str.match(/^[a-z0-9+.-]+:/i);
var scheme = (matches ? matches[0].slice(0, matches[0].length-1).toLowerCase() : "");
if(scheme != "http" && scheme != "https" && (allowMailto ? scheme!="mailto" : true)) scheme = "";
if(!scheme || scheme == "http" || scheme == "https") //URL or unknown scheme (assume unknown is meant to be a URL)
var lnk = fixURL(str, domain);
if(lnk) return lnk.url;
else if(allowMailto) //mailto address
var lnk = parseMailto(str);
if(lnk) return lnk.uri;
return ""; //can't be fixed
以上是关于JavaScript 解析URI的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
如何在 nodejs/javascript 中解析 Azure Blob URI?
使用 Javascript 解析 JSON。来自 Laravel 的 JSON
解析变量 URI (RegEx, Uri, String-Functions?) c#