python 为跑步/步行周期计算脚上的计数器键
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了python 为跑步/步行周期计算脚上的计数器键相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
Script for setting counter translate keys on the feet for walk/run cycles. Select the 2 keys on the curve(s)
of the foot Tz and run. It assumes you have a master curve with the speed for 1 second on the main control.
import pymel.core as pm
class Footfall:
Class data and methods for calculating the correct key values for foot counter animation
speed : global speed the master control is traveling at in maya units
backwards : if the walk/run is backwards
framerate : global framerate of the animation from settings
curves : list of selected curve names (so both feet can be done at once if desired
distance_per_frame : distance traveled per frame at the current speed
def __init__(self, backwards=False):
self.speed = self.get_speed()
self.backwards = backwards
self.framerate = self.get_framerate()
self.curves = pm.keyframe(q=True, selected=True, name=True)
self.distance_per_frame = round(self.speed / self.framerate, 3)
def get_framerate(self):
Checks the maya settings for the current framerate (assumes only 24 or 30 will be used)
:return: the framerate
framerate = pm.currentUnit(q=True, time=True)
if framerate == 'ntsc':
return 30.0
elif framerate == 'film':
return 24.0
def get_speed(self):
Looks at the main control TranslateZ curve and gets its speed to save needing a UI
:return: speed
namespace = pm.selected()[0].namespace()
master_ctrl = '%sMain' % namespace # Standard name for Relic rigs
return pm.keyframe(master_ctrl, q=True, at='translateZ', vc=True)[-1]
def get_counter_value(self, key_times, key_values):
Calculates the value for the second key in the selection based on the speed and time planted
:param key_times: list of frames the keys happen at
:param key_values: list of values the keys hold currently
# how long the foot is planted on the ground
foot_planted_frames = abs(key_times[1] - key_times[0])
if self.backwards: # reverse for backwards walks
return key_values[0] + (self.distance_per_frame * foot_planted_frames)
return key_values[0] - (self.distance_per_frame * foot_planted_frames)
def set_footfall_key(self):
Go through the curves, get the value needed, and set the key values on the second key and set the
tangents to linear
:return: None
for curve in self.curves:
key_times = pm.keyframe(curve, q=True, selected=True, timeChange=True)
key_values = pm.keyframe(curve, q=True, selected=True, valueChange=True)
counter_value = self.get_counter_value(key_times, key_values)
pm.keyframe(curve, edit=True, time=(key_times[1],), vc=counter_value)
pm.keyTangent(curve, edit=True, time=(key_times[0],), lock=False, ott='linear')
pm.keyTangent(curve, edit=True, time=(key_times[1],), lock=False, itt='linear')
def check_selection(backwards):
Make sure the selection is ok before creating the class and running methods
:param backwards: if it's a backwards walk/run
:return: None
curves = pm.keyframe(q=True, selected=True, name=True)
selection_ok = False
if len(curves) > 0:
for curve in curves:
if pm.keyframe(curve, q=True, selected=True, keyframeCount=True) != 2:
pm.warning('[] Select only 2 keys per curve')
selection_ok = True
pm.warning('[] Select a curve and 2 keys')
if selection_ok:
def do_footfall(backwards):
Create the instance and run the script
:param backwards: if it's a backwards walk/run
:return: None
ff = Footfall(backwards)
以上是关于python 为跑步/步行周期计算脚上的计数器键的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章