# MongoDB Kickstart in Ubuntu
> Install and enable access control, create Admin and database User via MongoDB Shell
## Installation and Enable Access Control
Use apt-get install for installation
$ apt-get install mongodb
$ systemctl status mongodb
Access control can be enabled via configuration file which default in `/etc/mongodb.conf` or via parameters when starting mongodb service `--auth`.
Before enable access control create an Admin User first, this admin have the privileges to create user and give access to any database in the server.
## Create Admin User via Shell
Connect to MongoDB service via mongo shell; and create user in database admin.
``` bash
$ mongo
> use admin
> db.createUser({user:"Admin", pwd:"PasswordAdmin", roles:[{role:"userAdminAnyDatabase", db:"admin"}]})
Role `userAdminAnyDatabase` is a built-in role for managing users in the server.
After creating the Admin user change the configuration, restart the service and reconnect.
## Create Database User
``` bash
$ vim /etc/mongodb.conf
# Comment out auth=true, by default configuration use auth=false
$ systemctl restart mongodb
Reconnect to the server and authenticate to create other user using `db.createUser` and different role.
$ mongo
> db.auth("Admin","PasswordAdmin")
> db.createUser({user:"DbUser", password:"DbAdminPass", roles:[{role: "readWrite", db:"db_name"}]})