markdown tmux cheatsheet



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown tmux cheatsheet相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

# tmux cheatsheet

As configured in [my dotfiles](

start new:


start new with session name:

    tmux new -s myname


    tmux a  #  (or at, or attach)

attach to named:

    tmux a -t myname

list sessions:

    tmux ls

kill session:

    tmux kill-session -t myname

In tmux, hit the prefix `ctrl+b` and then:

## Sessions

    :new<CR>  new session
    s  list sessions
    $  name session

## Windows (tabs)

    c           new window
    ,           name window
    w           list windows
    f           find window
    &           kill window
    .           move window - prompted for a new number
    :movew<CR>  move window to the next unused number

## Panes (splits)

    %  horizontal split
    "  vertical split
    o  swap panes
    q  show pane numbers
    x  kill pane
    ⍽  space - toggle between layouts

## Window/pane surgery

    :joinp -s :2<CR>  move window 2 into a new pane in the current window
    :joinp -t :1<CR>  move the current pane into a new pane in window 1

* [Move window to pane](
* [How to reorder windows](

## Misc

    d  detach
    t  big clock
    ?  list shortcuts
    :  prompt


* [cheat sheet](


* You can cmd+click URLs to open in iTerm.


* Conf copy mode to use system clipboard. See PragProg book.

以上是关于markdown tmux cheatsheet的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

markdown tmux cheatsheet

markdown tmux CheatSheet

markdown tmux cheatsheet

markdown tmux cheatsheet

markdown tmux cheatsheet

markdown tmux cheatsheet