1. Function based
function Employee(fName, lName, age, salary){
this.firstName = fName;
this.lastName = lName;
this.age = age;
this.salary = salary;
// Creating multiple object which have similar property but diff value assigned to object property.
var employee1 = new Employee('John', 'Moto', 24, '5000$');
var employee1 = new Employee('Ryan', 'Jor', 26, '3000$');
var employee1 = new Employee('Andre', 'Salt', 26, '4000$');
2. Object Literal
var employee = {
name : 'Nishant',
salary : 245678,
getName : function(){
return this.name;
3. From Object using new keyword
var employee = new Object(); // Created employee object using new keywords and Object()
employee.name = 'Nishant';
employee.getName = function(){
return this.name;
4. Using Object.create