



*187. Repeated DNA Sequences (hashmap, one for loop)(difference between subsequence & substring)

*521. Longest Uncommon Subsequence I (bit manipulation 2^n)

*5. Longest Palindromic Substring (dp) previous blogs are helpful

*15. 3Sum (three pointers to two pointers), hashset

132. Palindrome Partitioning II

377. Combination Sum IV 70. Climbing Stairs

Facebook interview problem:13. Roman to Integer

365. Water and Jug Problem (GCD or BFS) TBC

Second last week for the second last semester!

naive bayes classifier in data mining

475. Heaters (start binary search, appplication for binary search)

Leetcode 128. Longest Consecutive Sequence (union find)

Leetcode 78. Subsets (backtracking) 90 subset

Leetcode 257

力不从心 Leetcode(ugly number heap) 263, 264,313

Leetcode 11. Container With Most Water (two pointers)

1874 football game(三分法and method to compute the area of trianngle)

1100 final standings


Geekforgeek week1

283. Move Zeroes

Graph 133. Clone Graph in three ways(bfs, dfs, bfs(recursive))

200. Number of Islands + 695. Max Area of Island

Gecko Robotics, Inc. SE II Test OA -- 菜到扣脚

*Amazon problem: 234. Palindrome Linked List (reverse the linked list with n time)

859. Buddy Strings (wrong 4 times so many cases to test and consider) if else**