CodeForces 522C Chicken or Fish?
CodeForces 665E Beautiful Subarrays 字典树
CodeForces 346C Number Transformation II
CodeForces 804C Ice cream coloring
CodeForces 367 C Sereja and the Arrangement of Numbers 欧拉回路
CodeForces 340E Iahub and Permutations 错排dp
CodeForces 785 D Anton and School - 2 范德蒙恒等式
CodeForces 590C Three States BFS
CodeForces 416 B Appleman and Tree DP
bzoj 1146 网络管理Network (CDQ 整体二分 + 树刨)
CodeForces - 1118 F2 Tree Cutting
CF - 1110 C Meaningless Operations
CF - 1111D Destroy the Colony DP
CF - 1106 E Lunar New Year and Red Envelopes DP
牛课练习赛34 Flittle w and Discretization 主席树维护Mex