使用 PHP 在自定义 Drupal 模块中设置 A-Z 栏
【中文标题】使用 PHP 在自定义 Drupal 模块中设置 A-Z 栏【英文标题】:Set up a A-Z Bar in a Custom Drupal module using PHP 【发布时间】:2013-04-23 15:10:16 【问题描述】:我正在尝试使用打印 A-Z 条来根据字母点击过滤条目。 (即点击“A”只显示“A”列表,点击“B”只显示“B”列表,如果没有“C”列表比“C”不显示,“A-B-D-E”)
这是在 php 中并且是自定义 DRUPAL 模块的一部分。内容已按字母顺序排列。
// NITAAC Calendar Synchronization Module
// Based off of Assyst's origonal solution
// Re-written to only pull updates where needed
// TODO: write a proper help section
function cloud_computing_data_help($path, $arg)
switch ($path)
case "admin/help#cloud_computing_data":
$text = '<p>' . t("TODO - WRITE A HELP FILE.") . '</p>';
return $text;
* Menu functions
function cloud_computing_data_menu()
$items = array();
$items['cloud-computing/cio-sp3'] = array(
'title' => 'Cloud Computing',
'description' => '',
'page callback' => 'cloud_computing_data_grid_display',
'access callback' => TRUE,
$items['cloud-computing/update-from-node/%'] = array(
'title' => 'Cloud Computing data update',
'description' => 'Utility to update the CIO-SP3/SB Cloud Computing data in the database based on a sheetnode',
'page callback' => 'cloud_computing_data_populate_from_node',
'page arguments' => array(2),
'access arguments' => array('access administration pages'),
return $items;
* Block Definitions
function cloud_computing_data_block_info()
$blocks['cloud_computing_filters'] = array(
'info' => t('NITAAC Cloud Computing Filters'),
'status' => 1,
'region' => 'subfeature_top',
'weight' => '999',
'pages' => 'cloud-computing/cio-sp3',
return $blocks;
function cloud_computing_data_theme()
$module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'cloud_computing_data');
$base = array(
'file' => 'theme.inc',
'path' => "$module_path/theme",
return array(
'cloud_computing_page' => $base + array(
'template' => 'cloud-computing-page',
'variables' => array('companies' => array()),
'cloud_computing_item' => $base + array(
'template' => 'cloud-computing-item',
'variables' => array('company' => array()),
'cloud_computing_item_details' => $base + array(
'template' => 'cloud-computing-item-details',
'variables' => array('company' => array()),
/// Page Definition Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////
function cloud_computing_data_grid_display_filters()
// form definition
$filters = array(
'#method' => 'get',
'#tree' => true,
'#theme_wrappers' => array('form'),
'#no_redirect' => true,
'#always_process' => true,
'#type' => 'form',
'#token' => false,
'#after_build' => array('cloud_computing_data_grid_display_filters_unset_id'),
'#attributes' => array(
'class' => array('cc-filters'),
// get service provider listing
$qry = db_select('cloud_computing_capability_data', 'cd');
$qry -> fields('cd', array(
-> orderBy('service_provider', 'ASC')
-> groupBy('service_provider');
$result = $qry -> execute();
$providers = array();
foreach($result as $provider_serialized)
$provider_parts = explode(';',$provider_serialized->service_provider);
foreach($provider_parts as $part)
$part = trim($part);
if (!empty($part))
$providers[$part] = $part;
$qry = db_select('cloud_computing_capability_data', 'cd');
$qry -> fields('cd', array(
-> orderBy('contract', 'ASC')
-> groupBy('contract');
$result = $qry -> execute();
$contracts = array();
foreach($result as $row)
$contracts[$row->contract] = $row->contract;
// contract dropdown
$filters['contract'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Contract'),
'#default_value' => 'Any',
'#options' => array(
'any' => 'Any'
'#multiple' => false,
'#name' => 'contract',
foreach($contracts as $contract)
$contract_plain = check_url($contract);
$contract_plain = preg_replace('/\s/','-',strtolower($contract_plain));
$filters['contract']['#options'][$contract_plain] = $contract;
// providers dropdown
$filters['service_provider'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Service Provider'),
'#default_value' => 'Any',
'#options' => array(
'any' => 'Any'
'#multiple' => false,
'#name' => 'provider',
foreach($providers as $provider)
$provider_plain = check_url($provider);
$provider_plain = preg_replace('/\s/','-',strtolower($provider_plain));
$filters['service_provider']['#options'][$provider_plain] = $provider;
// services checkboxes
$filters['services'] = array(
'#attributes' => array(
'class' => array('checkbox-list'),
'#type' => 'container',
$filters['services']['iaas'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('IaaS'),
'#value' => false,
'#name' => 'iaas',
$filters['services']['paas'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('PaaS'),
'#value' => false,
'#name' => 'paas',
$filters['services']['saas'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('SaaS'),
'#value' => false,
'#name' => 'saas',
$filters['services']['eaas'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('EaaS'),
'#value' => false,
'#name' => 'eaas',
// if the form was submitted previously...
if (!empty($_GET))
// handle previous submissions manually for service provider
if (isset($_GET['provider']))
$provider_plain = check_url($_GET['provider']);
$provider_plain = preg_replace('/\s/','-',strtolower($provider_plain));
if (isset($filters['service_provider']['#options'][$provider_plain]))
$filters['service_provider']['#value'] = $provider_plain;
$filters['us_hosting']['#value'] = check_plain($_GET['hosted']);
// handle previous submissions manually for contract
if (isset($_GET['contract']))
$contract_plain = check_url($_GET['contract']);
$contract_plain = preg_replace('/\s/','-',strtolower($contract_plain));
if (isset($filters['contract']['#options'][$contract_plain]))
$filters['contract']['#value'] = $contract_plain;
// handle previous submissions manually for services
foreach($filters['services'] as $k => &$service)
if (isset($_GET[$service['#name']]))
$service['#value'] = $_GET[$service['#name']] ? true : false;
// add service description label
$filters['services']['description'] = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#name' => 'Services Offerings',
'#markup' => '<div class="checkbox-label">Service Offerings</div>',
'#weight' => -1,
// services checkboxes
$filters['filter'] = array(
'#attributes' => array(
'class' => array('submission-buttons'),
'#type' => 'container',
// add service description label
$filters['filter']['description'] = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#name' => 'Filter Results',
'#markup' => '<div class="submission-buttons-label">Filter Results</div>',
'#weight' => -1,
// add submit button
$filters['filter']['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Filter'),
'#submit' => array('cloud_computing_data_grid_display_filters_submit'),
'#name' => '',
'#processed' => true,
$path = base_path() . 'cloud-computing/cio-sp3';
$filters['filter']['reset'] = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#name' => 'reset',
'#markup' => '<a class="reset-button" href="' . $path . '">Reset</a>'
return $filters;
function cloud_computing_data_grid_display_filters_unset_id($form)
unset($form['#build_id'], $form['form_build_id'], $form['form_id']);
return $form;
function cloud_computing_data_grid_display_filters_submit()
function cloud_computing_data_block_view($delta = '')
case 'cloud_computing_filters':
$block['subject'] = t('Cloud Computing Filters');
$form_state = array();
$filters = drupal_build_form('cloud_computing_data_grid_display_filters', $form_state);
$filters['#action'] = base_path() . 'cloud-computing/cio-sp3';
$block['content'] = drupal_render($filters);
return $block;
return null;
* Class to help make managing company data easier.
class cloud_computing_data_company
// instance variables
public $name = '';
public $contract = '';
public $roles = array();
public $service_providers = array();
public $cloud_types = array();
public $us_hosted = array();
public $iaas = false;
public $paas = false;
public $saas = false;
public $eaas = false;
public $fedramp = false;
public $other = false;
// function to build object from DB row
public static function build($row)
$instance = new cloud_computing_data_company();
$instance -> ccid = $row -> ccid;
$instance -> delta = $row -> delta;
$instance -> name = $row -> company;
$instance -> contract = $row -> contract;
$instance -> roles = explode(';',$row -> role);
$instance -> service_providers = explode(';',$row -> service_provider);
$instance -> cloud_types = explode(';',$row -> cloud_type);
$instance -> us_hosted = explode(';',$row -> us_hosted);
$instance -> iaas = $row -> iaas;
$instance -> paas = $row -> paas;
$instance -> saas = $row -> saas;
$instance -> eaas = $row -> eaas;
$instance -> fedramp = $row -> fedramp;
$instance -> other = $row -> other;
return $instance;
// function to un-foobar an array of terribly formatted spreadsheet data
public static function un_foobar_array($foobar_array)
$assoc_parts = array();
foreach($foobar_array as $foobar_item)
$foobar_item = preg_replace('/\?/','',$foobar_item);
$foobar_item = preg_replace('/(,|;|(<br\/>)|([0-9]\.))/',',',$foobar_item);
$foobar_parts = explode(',', $foobar_item); // BOOM! <-- FUUUUNNY
foreach($foobar_parts as $part)
$part = trim($part);
if (!empty($part))
$assoc_parts[$part] = $part;
$fixed_array = array();
foreach($assoc_parts as $k => $v)
$fixed_array[] = $v;
return $fixed_array;
// function to merge multiple companies into one
// I wish it were as effecient as the one AT&T uses to combat anti-monopoly measures <--- FUNNY AGAIN
public static function merge($companies)
$merged_company = new cloud_computing_data_company();
// uncommented string processing code ahead
foreach($companies as $company)
if (!empty($company -> name))
$merged_company -> name = trim($company -> name);
$company -> contract = trim($company -> contract);
if (!empty($company -> contract))
$merged_company -> contract = trim($company -> contract);
$merged_company -> roles = array_merge($merged_company->roles, $company->roles);
$merged_company -> service_providers = array_merge($merged_company->service_providers, $company->service_providers);
$merged_company -> cloud_types = array_merge($merged_company->cloud_types, $company->cloud_types);
$merged_company -> us_hosted = array_merge($merged_company->us_hosted, $company->us_hosted);
if (($company->iaas) && (strtolower($company->iaas) != 'no'))
$merged_company -> iaas = true;
if (($company->paas) && (strtolower($company->paas) != 'no'))
$merged_company -> paas = true;
if (($company->saas) && (strtolower($company->saas) != 'no'))
$merged_company -> saas = true;
if (($company->eaas) && (strtolower($company->eaas) != 'no'))
$merged_company -> eaas = true;
$company -> fedramp = trim($company -> fedramp);
if (!empty($company -> fedramp))
$merged_company -> fedramp = trim($company -> fedramp);
$company -> other = trim($company -> other);
if (!empty($company -> other))
$merged_company -> other = trim($company -> other);
// fix all of the corrupt arrays
$merged_company -> roles = cloud_computing_data_company::un_foobar_array($merged_company -> roles);
$merged_company -> service_providers = cloud_computing_data_company::un_foobar_array($merged_company -> service_providers);
$merged_company -> cloud_types = cloud_computing_data_company::un_foobar_array($merged_company -> cloud_types);
$merged_company -> us_hosted = cloud_computing_data_company::un_foobar_array($merged_company -> us_hosted);
return $merged_company;
// function to get DB fields
public static function db_fields()
return array(
// function to convert to array for DB insertion
public function db_values()
return array(
'ccid' => $this->ccid,
'delta' => $this->delta,
'company' => $this->name,
'contract' => $this->contract,
'role' => implode(';',$this->roles),
'service_provider' => implode(';',$this->service_providers),
'cloud_type' => implode(';',$this->cloud_types),
'us_hosted' => implode(';',$this->us_hosted),
'iaas' => $this->iaas,
'paas' => $this->paas,
'saas' => $this->saas,
'eaas' => $this->eaas,
'fedramp' => $this->fedramp,
'other' => $this->other,
// function to convert to array for theming
public function to_array()
return array(
'ccid' => $this->ccid,
'delta' => $this->delta,
'company' => $this->name,
'name' => $this->name,
'contract' => $this->contract,
'roles' => $this->roles,
'service_providers' => $this->service_providers,
'cloud_types' => $this->cloud_types,
'us_hosted' => $this->us_hosted,
'iaas' => $this->iaas,
'paas' => $this->paas,
'saas' => $this->saas,
'eaas' => $this->eaas,
'fedramp' => $this->fedramp,
'other' => $this->other,
* This function displays a grid of cloud computing companies
function cloud_computing_data_grid_display($arg)
// Definitely should have just used views here. Opted to do it live, because
// I didn't want to create more useless nodes to store cloud
// computing details. Really should have just made a "cloud computing dossier"
// content type or something. At least this executes (comparitively) fast...
$form_state = array('method' => 'get');
$filters = drupal_build_form('cloud_computing_data_grid_display_filters', $form_state);
// get companies ------------use this to filter company names and apply A-Z Filter----------
$companies = array(); // array of company names for filtering
$qry = db_select('cloud_computing_capability_data', 'cd');
$qry -> fields('cd', cloud_computing_data_company::db_fields());
// add service provider filter
if (!empty($form_state['values']['service_provider']))
if (strtolower($form_state['values']['service_provider']) != 'any')
$provider_plain = check_plain($form_state['values']['service_provider']);
$provider_wildcards = preg_replace('/-/','%',strtolower($provider_plain));
$provider_wildcards = '%' . $provider_wildcards . '%';
$qry -> condition('cd.service_provider', $provider_wildcards, 'LIKE');
// add service provider filter
if (!empty($form_state['values']['contract']))
if (strtolower($form_state['values']['contract']) != 'any')
$contract_plain = check_plain($form_state['values']['contract']);
$contract_wildcards = preg_replace('/-/','%',strtolower($contract_plain));
$contract_wildcards = '%' . $contract_wildcards . '%';
$qry -> condition('cd.contract', $contract_wildcards, 'LIKE');
// filter by services offered
$iaas_required = $form_state['values']['services']['iaas'];
$paas_required = $form_state['values']['services']['paas'];
$saas_required = $form_state['values']['services']['saas'];
$eaas_required = $form_state['values']['services']['eaas'];
if ($iaas_required) $qry -> condition('cd.iaas', true);
if ($paas_required) $qry -> condition('cd.paas', true);
if ($saas_required) $qry -> condition('cd.saas', true);
if ($eaas_required) $qry -> condition('cd.eaas', true);
$qry -> orderBy('cd.company', 'ASC');
$company_rows = $qry -> execute();
foreach ($company_rows as $row)
$company = cloud_computing_data_company::build($row);
$companies[$company -> name] = $company->to_array();
$companies_themed = array();
foreach($companies as $name => $company)
$company['services_display'] = array();
$company['services_display']['IaaS'] = cloud_computing_data_wrap_service($company['iaas'], 'IaaS');
$company['services_display']['PaaS'] = cloud_computing_data_wrap_service($company['paas'], 'PaaS');
$company['services_display']['SaaS'] = cloud_computing_data_wrap_service($company['saas'], 'SaaS');
$company['services_display']['EaaS'] = cloud_computing_data_wrap_service($company['eaas'], 'EaaS');
$companies_themed[] = theme('cloud_computing_item', array('company' => $company));
$res_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'cloud_computing_data');
drupal_add_css($res_path . '/theme/cloud-computing.css');
drupal_add_js($res_path . '/theme/cloud-computing-grid.js');
return theme('cloud_computing_page', array('companies' => $companies_themed));
// filter by company name
* This function wraps a service name in a span and adds an icon in order
* to indicate whether a given company provides said service.
function cloud_computing_data_wrap_service($value, $name)
global $base_url;
$module_path = $base_url . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'cloud_computing_data');
$returnVal = "";
if ($value)
$returnVal .= "<span class='cloud-service-offering offered' title='This contract holder provides $name.'>$name";
$returnVal .= "<img class='icon' src='$module_path/theme/service-provided.png' alt='This contract holder provides $name.'/>";
$returnVal .= "</span>";
$returnVal .= "<span class='cloud-service-offering not-offered' title='This contract holder does not provide $name.'>$name";
$returnVal .= "<img class='icon' src='$module_path/theme/service-not-provided.png' alt='This contract holder does not provide $name.'/>";
$returnVal .= "</span>";
return $returnVal;
* The function that went here has been deleted.
/// Database Population Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////
* This function accepts the nid of a sheetnode, and updates the cloud computing
* database using the data from said node. It is indended to be triggered via
* a url redirect (implemented by Rules) after saving the node in question.
function cloud_computing_data_populate_from_node($nid)
// ensure we have a viable node to work with
$node = node_load($nid);
if (!$node)
drupal_set_message('The specified node was not found.', error);
return array();
if ($node -> type != 'sheetnode')
drupal_set_message('The specified node is not of the correct type (not a sheetnode).', error);
return array();
// include socialcalc api functionality from sheetnode
require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'sheetnode') . '/socialcalc.inc');
// standard column mapping for cloud computing sheet
$col_mapping = array(
'A' => 'company',
'B' => 'contract',
'C' => 'role',
'D' => 'service_provider',
'E' => 'cloud_type',
'F' => 'us_hosted',
'G' => 'iaas',
'H' => 'paas',
'I' => 'saas',
'J' => 'eaas',
'K' => 'fedramp',
'L' => 'other',
$sheetnodes = db_query("SELECT * FROM sheetnode WHERE nid in (:nid) GROUP BY nid", array(':nid' => $nid));
if (empty($sheetnodes))
throw new Exception('Unable to find a sheetnode with matching id in database.');
foreach($sheetnodes as $sheetnode)
$sheet = socialcalc_parse_sheet((string) $sheetnode->value);
// transpose values into an easy-to-reference 2d array
$rows = array();
foreach($sheet['cells'] as $loc => $cell)
$row = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '',$loc);
$col = preg_replace('/[0-9]/', '',$loc);
$rows[$row][$col] = $cell['datavalue'];
$unmerged_companies = array();
$last_company_name = '';
foreach($rows as $k => $row)
$mapped_row = array();
foreach($row as $row_key => $row_val)
$mapped_row[$col_mapping[$row_key]] = $row_val;
$company = cloud_computing_data_company::build((object)$mapped_row);
if (!(empty($company->name)))
$last_company_name = $company -> name;
$company -> name = $last_company_name;
if (!isset($unmerged_companies[$company -> name]))
$unmerged_companies[$company -> name] = array();
$unmerged_companies[$company -> name][] = $company;
$companies = array();
foreach($unmerged_companies as $name => $company_group)
$company = cloud_computing_data_company::merge($company_group);
if (strtolower($company -> name) != 'company')
$companies[$company -> name] = $company;
// clear existing data
$query = db_delete('cloud_computing_capability_data') -> where(1);
$query -> execute();
// insert new values into database.
$query = db_insert('cloud_computing_capability_data');
$query -> fields(cloud_computing_data_company::db_fields());
$ccid = 0;
foreach($companies as $name => $row)
$delta = 0;
$row->ccid = $ccid;
$row->delta = $delta;
drupal_set_message('The CIO-SP3 / SB Cloud Computing database has been updated!');
drupal_set_message("Debug info: $ccid companies recognized and added to database.");
return array();
转到视图并启用词汇表视图! 这个模块是一个自定义的模块,内置在一个块中。它实时渲染从上传到 Drupal 系统的电子表格构建的数组中的内容。我没有建造或设计它,不幸的是我没有时间或资源将它从头开始重建为视图。任何其他想法 您可以修改词汇表模块并安装视图自动刷新模块来实现您想要的!您还可以按照自己的方式自定义该视图!也许您可以发布屏幕截图以使其更清晰! 我在顶部添加了一张图片,希望为我正在寻找的内容提供指导。如果这是一个观点,我不需要寻求帮助,这很容易。感谢大家的帮助。 好的。使用词汇表视图,如果您已经进行了演示,则可以添加那些过滤器(如果这些过滤器是 CCK/Field API 字段)。顺便提一句。您是否演示了词汇表视图? 【参考方案1】:尝试词汇表视图模式。看到这个http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18Ajtmstxsg
以上是关于使用 PHP 在自定义 Drupal 模块中设置 A-Z 栏的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
Vue unicons - 在自定义图标中设置 viewBox
Drupal 8添加javascript并使用自定义模块在钩子中传递数据