Laravel DB::select() 不返回“正确”数据



【中文标题】Laravel DB::select() 不返回“正确”数据【英文标题】:Laravel DB::select() does not return "correct" data 【发布时间】:2021-07-29 09:23:50 【问题描述】:

我正在使用 Laravel 8.12

我正在使用 DB::raw() 方法过滤进行 DB::select() 调用。但为了方便起见,我也会发布带有值的完整声明。


$sql = "SELECT `medium_info`.* , `postings`.`posting_timestamp` FROM `postings` INNER JOIN `medium_info` ON `postings`.`medium_info_id` = `medium_info`.`id` INNER JOIN `accounts` ON `accounts`.`id` = `postings`.`account_id` INNER JOIN `merchants` ON `merchants`.`account_holder_id` = `accounts`.`account_holder_id` INNER JOIN `medium_types` ON `medium_types`.`id` = `accounts`.`medium_type_id` WHERE `merchants`.`account_holder_id` = :merchant_account_holder_id AND `medium_info`.`id` = :medium_info_id AND `medium_types`.`id` = :medium_types_id";

$result = DB::select ( DB::raw($sql), ['merchant_account_holder_id'=>230124, 'medium_info_id'=>551678, 'medium_types_id'=>1] );

当我打印 $result 时,它会给我这样的数据:

[0] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 230124
                    [purchase_date] => 2020-11-22
                    [redemption_date] => 
                    [expiration_date] => 
                    [hold_until] => 2021-05-07 02:30:08

                    ...more medium_info data here

                    [posting_timestamp] => 2020-11-25 23:27:13

                    ...merchants table data which I did not request

                    [account_holder_id] => 230124
                    [name] => Best Buy
                    [logo] => /cdn/merchants/230124/logo.png


$sql = "SELECT `medium_info`.* , `postings`.`posting_timestamp` FROM `postings` INNER JOIN `medium_info` ON `postings`.`medium_info_id` = `medium_info`.`id` INNER JOIN `accounts` ON `accounts`.`id` = `postings`.`account_id` INNER JOIN `merchants` ON `merchants`.`account_holder_id` = `accounts`.`account_holder_id` INNER JOIN `medium_types` ON `medium_types`.`id` = `accounts`.`medium_type_id` WHERE `merchants`.`account_holder_id` = 230124 AND `medium_info`.`id` = 551678 AND `medium_types`.`id` = 1";
$result = DB::select ( $sql));

但是,当我在 phpMyAdmin 中运行此查询时,它会为我提供带有来自 medium_info 表的“id”的“正确”结果。截图如下:

我想在此处添加通过 DB::select() 查询收到的结果附加了“商家”行,我在查询中没有请求。即使我只是做SELECT `postings`.`posting_timestamp` FROM... 请求,它也会给我这个结果:

     [0] => stdClass Object
          [posting_timestamp] => 2020-11-25 23:27:13
          [account_holder_id] => 230124
          [id] => 230124
          [name] => Best Buy
          [logo] => /cdn/merchants/230124/logo.png
          [description] => <p>When technology meets life, they come together at Best Buy&reg;. Best Buy has the technology that&rsquo;s fun and functional, from tablets and videogames, to appliances and big screen TVs. Use your gift card at; or at any US Best Buy store.</p>
          [website] =>
          [merchant_code] => BES
          [is_premium] => 1
          [large_icon] => /cdn/merchants/230124/large_icon.png
          [status] => 1
          [get_gift_codes_from_root] => 0
          [website_is_redemption_url] => 0
          [cost_to_program] => 0
          [toa_name] => 

所以很明显,无论我“选择”什么,它都会附加“商家”行。另外,请注意 [id] =&gt; 230124 来自“无处”,merchants 表中没有字段 id。在medium_info 表中有一个id 字段,但它应该返回551678 而不是230124,这是merchants 表中字段名称为account_holder_id 的商家ID。

编辑:只是想补充一点,当我在 phpMyAdmin 中运行它时,它不会附加 merchants 数据。

我仍在努力解决这个问题。如果您需要更多信息,我准备提供。这一定与我不理解的 Laravel DB::select 约定有关,因为它在 phpMyAdmin 中有效?任何帮助表示赞赏。




->join('medium_info', 'postings.medium_info_id', '=', '')
->join('accounts', 'postings.account_id', '=', '')
->join('merchants', 'merchants.account_holder_id', '=', 'accounts.account_holder_id')
->join('medium_types', '', '=', 'accounts.medium_type_id')
->where('merchants.account_holder_id', 230124)
->where('', 551678)
->where('', 1)
->select('medium_info.*', 'postings.posting_timestamp')



这可能有助于检查您的数据库上实际运行的是哪个 SQL Laravel。

sn-p 波纹管可以让您看到这一点。


DB::listen(function ($query) 

Route::get('/', function () 
    DB::select('SELECT * FROM users');

还要检查barryvdh/laravel-debugbar 扩展。


$query 显示了我粘贴在问题中的完整查询。所以这对我来说仍然是个谜。

以上是关于Laravel DB::select() 不返回“正确”数据的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何在 Laravel 的 DB::Select() 中按变量添加 SQL 查询

在刀片中显示 laravel DB::select 数组

Laravel 与原始查询的返回关系

如何在 DB::select(query) 上使用分页 - Laravel

在 Laravel 7.x 中从 DB::select 获取单个值

有 DB::select() 时如何使用 laravel 关系?