从字符串创建 IPEndpoint 的最佳方法
【中文标题】从字符串创建 IPEndpoint 的最佳方法【英文标题】:Best way to create IPEndpoint from string 【发布时间】:2011-02-13 05:33:34 【问题描述】:由于IPEndpoint
还应该有 Parse()
和/或 TryParse()
public static IPEndPoint CreateIPEndPoint(string endPoint)
string[] ep = endPoint.Split(':');
if(ep.Length != 2) throw new FormatException("Invalid endpoint format");
IPAddress ip;
if(!IPAddress.TryParse(ep[0], out ip))
throw new FormatException("Invalid ip-adress");
int port;
if(!int.TryParse(ep[1], NumberStyles.None, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, out port))
throw new FormatException("Invalid port");
return new IPEndPoint(ip, port);
编辑:添加了一个可以处理 IPv4 和 IPv6 的版本,之前的版本只处理 IPv4。
// Handles IPv4 and IPv6 notation.
public static IPEndPoint CreateIPEndPoint(string endPoint)
string[] ep = endPoint.Split(':');
if (ep.Length < 2) throw new FormatException("Invalid endpoint format");
IPAddress ip;
if (ep.Length > 2)
if (!IPAddress.TryParse(string.Join(":", ep, 0, ep.Length - 1), out ip))
throw new FormatException("Invalid ip-adress");
if (!IPAddress.TryParse(ep[0], out ip))
throw new FormatException("Invalid ip-adress");
int port;
if (!int.TryParse(ep[ep.Length - 1], NumberStyles.None, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, out port))
throw new FormatException("Invalid port");
return new IPEndPoint(ip, port);
这或多或少是我在问题中暗示的解决方案?但做得很好。 @S_Hultqvist,我知道,我第一次阅读你的问题时错过了那部分。直到我发布答案后我才注意到它。 不好:CreateIPEndPoint(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse("2001:740:8deb:0::1"), 5222).ToString()) @Nick,感谢您指出这一点,我添加了一种适用于 IPv4 和 IPv6 的新方法。【参考方案2】:我需要使用 IPv6、v4 和主机名解析 IPEndpoint。我写的解决方案如下:
public static IPEndPoint Parse(string endpointstring)
return Parse(endpointstring, -1);
public static IPEndPoint Parse(string endpointstring, int defaultport)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(endpointstring)
|| endpointstring.Trim().Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Endpoint descriptor may not be empty.");
if (defaultport != -1 &&
(defaultport < IPEndPoint.MinPort
|| defaultport > IPEndPoint.MaxPort))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Invalid default port '0'", defaultport));
string[] values = endpointstring.Split(new char[] ':' );
IPAddress ipaddy;
int port = -1;
//check if we have an IPv6 or ports
if (values.Length <= 2) // ipv4 or hostname
if (values.Length == 1)
//no port is specified, default
port = defaultport;
port = getPort(values[1]);
//try to use the address as IPv4, otherwise get hostname
if (!IPAddress.TryParse(values[0], out ipaddy))
ipaddy = getIPfromHost(values[0]);
else if (values.Length > 2) //ipv6
//could [a:b:c]:d
if (values[0].StartsWith("[") && values[values.Length - 2].EndsWith("]"))
string ipaddressstring = string.Join(":", values.Take(values.Length - 1).ToArray());
ipaddy = IPAddress.Parse(ipaddressstring);
port = getPort(values[values.Length - 1]);
else //[a:b:c] or a:b:c
ipaddy = IPAddress.Parse(endpointstring);
port = defaultport;
throw new FormatException(string.Format("Invalid endpoint ipaddress '0'", endpointstring));
if (port == -1)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("No port specified: '0'", endpointstring));
return new IPEndPoint(ipaddy, port);
private static int getPort(string p)
int port;
if (!int.TryParse(p, out port)
|| port < IPEndPoint.MinPort
|| port > IPEndPoint.MaxPort)
throw new FormatException(string.Format("Invalid end point port '0'", p));
return port;
private static IPAddress getIPfromHost(string p)
var hosts = Dns.GetHostAddresses(p);
if (hosts == null || hosts.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Host not found: 0", p));
return hosts[0];
已经过测试,可以与以下示例一起使用: [::1]:100 [::1] ::1 [a:b:c:d] [a:b:c:d]:100 example.org example.org:100【讨论】:
"[a:b:c:d]" 失败。 @JasperCiti,我无法重现该问题。如果我调用EndpointParser.Parse("[1:2:3::4]")
,我会正确收到异常未指定端口:'[1:2:3::4]'。如果我打电话给EndpointParser.Parse("[1:2:3::4]", 80)
for [1:2:3::4]:80
也许我误解了你的测试用例,但我的印象是你在测试用例中传递的字符串与 "[a:b:c:d]" 完全一样,它应该以某种方式解决一些IPEndPoint。虽然不是火车粉碎。谢谢你的算法。我基于您的版本构建了自己的版本,唯一需要更改的是删除 Linq 依赖项,因为在移动应用程序上拥有一个精简客户端对我来说非常重要。【参考方案3】:
看起来已经有一个内置的 Parse 方法可以处理 ip4 和 ip6 地址 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.ipaddress.parse%28v=vs.110%29.aspx
// serverIP can be in ip4 or ip6 format
string serverIP = "";
int port = 8000;
IPEndPoint remoteEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(serverIP), port);
@BeachMiles 不应该 string port
int port
private static IPEndPoint ParseIPEndPoint(string text)
Uri uri;
if (Uri.TryCreate(text, UriKind.Absolute, out uri))
return new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(uri.Host), uri.Port < 0 ? 0 : uri.Port);
if (Uri.TryCreate(String.Concat("tcp://", text), UriKind.Absolute, out uri))
return new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(uri.Host), uri.Port < 0 ? 0 : uri.Port);
if (Uri.TryCreate(String.Concat("tcp://", String.Concat("[", text, "]")), UriKind.Absolute, out uri))
return new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(uri.Host), uri.Port < 0 ? 0 : uri.Port);
throw new FormatException("Failed to parse text to IPEndPoint");
测试: [::1]:100 [::1]:0 ::1 [2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348] [2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348]:100 http://[::1] http://[::1]:100 https://[::1]【讨论】:
和 IPEndPoint.TryParse
were added in .NET Core 3.0。
在 NET 4.8 中不受支持,有什么建议吗? @Reza 复制链接源或查看其他答案。【参考方案6】:这是一个非常简单的解决方案,它同时处理 IPv4 和 IPv6。
public class IPEndPoint : System.Net.IPEndPoint
public IPEndPoint(long address, int port) : base(address, port)
public IPEndPoint(IPAddress address, int port) : base(address, port)
public static bool TryParse(string value, out IPEndPoint result)
if (!Uri.TryCreate($"tcp://value", UriKind.Absolute, out Uri uri) ||
!IPAddress.TryParse(uri.Host, out IPAddress ipAddress) ||
uri.Port < 0 || uri.Port > 65535)
result = default(IPEndPoint);
return false;
result = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, uri.Port);
return true;
IPEndPoint.TryParse("", out IPEndPoint ipv4Result);
IPEndPoint.TryParse("[fd00::]:8080", out IPEndPoint ipv6Result);
【参考方案7】:这将执行 IPv4 和 IPv6。此功能的扩展方法将在 System.string 上。不确定我是否希望项目中的每个字符串都使用此选项。
private static IPEndPoint IPEndPointParse(string endpointstring)
string[] values = endpointstring.Split(new char[] ':');
if (2 > values.Length)
throw new FormatException("Invalid endpoint format");
IPAddress ipaddress;
string ipaddressstring = string.Join(":", values.Take(values.Length - 1).ToArray());
if (!IPAddress.TryParse(ipaddressstring, out ipaddress))
throw new FormatException(string.Format("Invalid endpoint ipaddress '0'", ipaddressstring));
int port;
if (!int.TryParse(values[values.Length - 1], out port)
|| port < IPEndPoint.MinPort
|| port > IPEndPoint.MaxPort)
throw new FormatException(string.Format("Invalid end point port '0'", values[values.Length - 1]));
return new IPEndPoint(ipaddress, port);
你的意思可能是if (2 < values.Length)
创建扩展方法 Parse 和 TryParse。我想这更优雅。
【参考方案9】:解析代码对于 IPv4 端点很简单,但 IPv6 地址上的 IPEndPoint.ToString() 也使用相同的冒号表示法,但与 IPv6 地址的冒号表示法冲突。我希望微软会花精力编写这个丑陋的解析代码,但我想我必须......
【参考方案10】:这是我对 IPEndPoint 解析的看法。使用 Uri 类可以避免处理 IPv4/6 的细节以及端口的存在与否。您可以修改应用程序的默认端口。
public static bool TryParseEndPoint(string ipPort, out System.Net.IPEndPoint result)
result = null;
string scheme = "iiiiiiiiiaigaig";
GenericUriParserOptions options =
GenericUriParserOptions.AllowEmptyAuthority |
GenericUriParserOptions.NoQuery |
GenericUriParserOptions.NoUserInfo |
GenericUriParserOptions.NoFragment |
GenericUriParserOptions.DontCompressPath |
GenericUriParserOptions.DontConvertPathBackslashes |
UriParser.Register(new GenericUriParser(options), scheme, 1337);
Uri parsedUri;
if (!Uri.TryCreate(scheme + "://" + ipPort, UriKind.Absolute, out parsedUri))
return false;
System.Net.IPAddress parsedIP;
if (!System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(parsedUri.Host, out parsedIP))
return false;
result = new System.Net.IPEndPoint(parsedIP, parsedUri.Port);
return true;
public static IPEndpoint ParseIPEndpoint(string ipEndPoint)
int ipAddressLength = ipEndPoint.LastIndexOf(':');
return new IPEndPoint(
IPAddress.Parse(ipEndPoint.Substring(0, ipAddressLength)),
Convert.ToInt32(ipEndPoint.Substring(ipAddressLength + 1)));
它适用于我的简单应用程序,无需考虑复杂的 IP 地址格式。
【参考方案12】:.NET 3 代码(对于 .NET 4.7)的粗略转换如下:
// ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
public static class IPEndPointExtensions
public static bool TryParse(string s, out IPEndPoint result)
int addressLength = s.Length; // If there's no port then send the entire string to the address parser
int lastColonPos = s.LastIndexOf(':');
// Look to see if this is an IPv6 address with a port.
if (lastColonPos > 0)
if (s[lastColonPos - 1] == ']')
addressLength = lastColonPos;
// Look to see if this is IPv4 with a port (IPv6 will have another colon)
else if (s.Substring(0, lastColonPos).LastIndexOf(':') == -1)
addressLength = lastColonPos;
if (IPAddress.TryParse(s.Substring(0, addressLength), out IPAddress address))
uint port = 0;
if (addressLength == s.Length ||
(uint.TryParse(s.Substring(addressLength + 1), NumberStyles.None, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out port) && port <= IPEndPoint.MaxPort))
result = new IPEndPoint(address, (int)port);
return true;
result = null;
return false;
public static IPEndPoint Parse(string s)
if (s == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(s));
if (TryParse(s, out IPEndPoint result))
return result;
throw new FormatException(@"An invalid IPEndPoint was specified.");
【参考方案13】:using System;
using System.Net;
static class Helper
public static IPEndPoint ToIPEndPoint(this string value, int port = IPEndPoint.MinPort)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || ! IPAddress.TryParse(value, out var address))
return null;
var offset = (value = value.Replace(address.ToString(), string.Empty)).LastIndexOf(':');
if (offset >= 0)
if (! int.TryParse(value.Substring(offset + 1), out port) || port < IPEndPoint.MinPort || port > IPEndPoint.MaxPort)
return null;
return new IPEndPoint(address, port);
class Program
static void Main()
foreach (var sample in new []
// See https://docops.ca.com/ca-data-protection-15/en/implementing/platform-deployment/technical-information/ipv6-address-and-port-formats
var point = sample.ToIPEndPoint();
var report = point == null ? "NULL" : $@"IPEndPoint
Address: point.Address
AddressFamily: point.AddressFamily
Port: point.Port
Console.WriteLine($@"""sample"" to IPEndPoint is report
【参考方案14】:IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(yourIPAddress);
IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, Convert.ToInt16(yourPortAddress));
以上是关于从字符串创建 IPEndpoint 的最佳方法的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章