当我的 iPad 关闭时,只收到最后一个推送通知



【中文标题】当我的 iPad 关闭时,只收到最后一个推送通知【英文标题】:Only last Push Notification is received when my iPad is off 【发布时间】:2013-08-28 16:38:15 【问题描述】:

我在 iPad 关闭时向我的 iPad (ios 5.1.1) 发送即 3 条推送通知。

当我打开 iPad 时,通知中心只显示最后一条推送通知。

我使用 Appoxee.com 作为我的推送服务器



推送是最大的努力(我相信你知道)而且我发现它们在 iOS 5 上不一致 【参考方案1】:
Quality of Service

Apple Push Notification service includes a default Quality of Service (QoS) component that performs a store-and-forward function.

If APNs attempts to deliver a notification but the device is offline, the notification is stored for a limited period of time, and delivered to the device when it becomes available.

Only one recent notification for a particular application is stored. If multiple notifications are sent while the device is offline, each new notification causes the prior notification to be discarded. This behavior of keeping only the newest notification is referred to as coalescing notifications.

If the device remains offline for a long time, any notifications that were being stored for it are discarded.


以上是关于当我的 iPad 关闭时,只收到最后一个推送通知的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

每当我的应用收到推送通知时,它都会从最后一个徽章编号(不是 0)递增

应用程序处于前台时未收到 Firebase 推送通知

应用程序中收到的 WP7 推送通知

接收推送通知的问题 -

使用 GCM 关闭应用程序时在 iOS 中接收推送通知

iOS - 仅带声音的推送通知