是否可以自定义 UITabBarItem 徽章?



【中文标题】是否可以自定义 UITabBarItem 徽章?【英文标题】:Is it possible to customize UITabBarItem Badge? 【发布时间】:2013-04-29 08:14:16 【问题描述】:


How to use a custom UIImage as an UITabBarItem Badge?

是否可以使用背景图像而不是自己绘制? 我认为这很好,因为我的应用程序只会使用 1 位数的 badgeValue。

如果真的不可能,我想知道我们是否可以更改徽章颜色。 以下问题中的答案并没有真正的帮助。

Is it possible to change UITabBarItem badge color





如果您想添加图片,只需更改 addBadge 方法

extension UITabBarController 
    func setBadges(badgeValues: [Int]) 

        var labelExistsForIndex = [Bool]()

        for _ in badgeValues 

        for view in self.tabBar.subviews where view is PGTabBadge 
            let badgeView = view as! PGTabBadge
            let index = badgeView.tag
            if badgeValues[index] == 0 
            labelExistsForIndex[index] = true
            badgeView.text = String(badgeValues[index])

        for i in 0...(labelExistsForIndex.count - 1) where !labelExistsForIndex[i] && (badgeValues[i] > 0) 
            addBadge(index: i, value: badgeValues[i], color: .red, font: UIFont(name: "Helvetica-Light", size: 11)!)


    func addBadge(index: Int, value: Int, color: UIColor, font: UIFont) 

        let itemPosition = CGFloat(index + 1)
        let itemWidth: CGFloat = tabBar.frame.width / CGFloat(tabBar.items!.count)

        let bgColor = color

        let xOffset: CGFloat = 5
        let yOffset: CGFloat = -12

        let badgeView = PGTabBadge()
        badgeView.frame.size =  CGSize(width: 12, height: 12)
        badgeView.center = CGPoint(x: (itemWidth * itemPosition) - (itemWidth / 2) + xOffset, y: 20 + yOffset)
        badgeView.layer.cornerRadius = badgeView.bounds.width/2
        badgeView.clipsToBounds = true
        badgeView.textColor = UIColor.white
        badgeView.textAlignment = .center
        badgeView.font = font
        badgeView.text = String(value)
        badgeView.backgroundColor = bgColor
        badgeView.tag = index


class PGTabBadge: UILabel  


这个 App Store 安全吗? 当然,标签栏只是一个视图,所以添加子视图是完全合法的。 你是个传奇。【参考方案2】:

这是基于TimWhiting's answer的另一种解决方案:

extension UITabBar 
        func setBadge(value: String?, at index: Int, withConfiguration configuration: TabBarBadgeConfiguration = TabBarBadgeConfiguration()) 
            let existingBadge = subviews.first  ($0 as? TabBarBadge)?.hasIdentifier(for: index) == true 

            guard let tabBarItems = items,
                let value = value else  return 

            let itemPosition = CGFloat(index + 1)
            let itemWidth = frame.width / CGFloat(tabBarItems.count)
            let itemHeight = frame.height

            let badge = TabBarBadge(for: index)
            badge.frame.size = configuration.size
            badge.center = CGPoint(x: (itemWidth * itemPosition) - (0.5 * itemWidth) + configuration.centerOffset.x,
                                   y: (0.5 * itemHeight) + configuration.centerOffset.y)
            badge.layer.cornerRadius = 0.5 * configuration.size.height
            badge.clipsToBounds = true
            badge.textAlignment = .center
            badge.backgroundColor = configuration.backgroundColor
            badge.font = configuration.font
            badge.textColor = configuration.textColor
            badge.text = value


    class TabBarBadge: UILabel 
        var identifier: String = String(describing: TabBarBadge.self)

        private func identifier(for index: Int) -> String 
            return "\(String(describing: TabBarBadge.self))-\(index)"

        convenience init(for index: Int) 
            identifier = identifier(for: index)

        func hasIdentifier(for index: Int) -> Bool 
            let has = identifier == identifier(for: index)
            return has

    class TabBarBadgeConfiguration 
        var backgroundColor: UIColor = .red
        var centerOffset: CGPoint = .init(x: 12, y: -9)
        var size: CGSize = .init(width: 17, height: 17)
        var textColor: UIColor = .white
        var font: UIFont! = .systemFont(ofSize: 11) 
            didSet  font = font ?? .systemFont(ofSize: 11) 

        static func construct(_ block: (TabBarBadgeConfiguration) -> Void) -> TabBarBadgeConfiguration 
            let new = TabBarBadgeConfiguration()
            return new


谢谢!一旦点击带有徽章的标签栏项目,这并不会删除徽章。任何帮助,将不胜感激。 :) @JesseS。您可以通过将徽章的值设置为 nil 在点击时手动删除它。【参考方案3】:




- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions 

  //supplying the animation parameter
  [UITabBarItem setDefaultAnimationProvider:[[DefaultTabbarBadgeAnimation alloc] init]];
  [UITabBarItem setDefaultConfigurationProvider:[[DefaultSystemLikeBadgeConfiguration alloc] init]];

  //rest of your code goes following...

  return YES;


如果有人要留下-1,请在评论中留下理由 顺便说一句,它是我自己的 github 存储库,我应该添加完整的 6 个代码文件吗?你同意吗? @Zoleas【参考方案4】:


子类化 TabBarController,构建一个布局在 NIB 中的自定义视图,将其添加到选项卡栏中您想要的位置的视图层次结构中。



希望这会有所帮助。 塞巴斯蒂安


感谢您的这个想法。我会试试这个。不过,我有一个后续问题。如果这个应用要提交到 AppStore,这个徽章定制可以吗? 不客气……如果您满意,请接受您的回答。好吧....这没问题,因为如果您不喜欢它,则无需使用Apple提供的徽章。如果您尝试修改苹果提供的私有课程,您只会遇到麻烦。【参考方案5】:

TimWhiting's answer 更新到 Swift 4,移除了一些强制展开。

extension UITabBarController 
  func setBadges(badgeValues: [Int]) 
    var labelExistsForIndex = [Bool]()

    for _ in badgeValues 

    for view in tabBar.subviews 
      if let badgeView = view as? PGTabBadge 
        let index = badgeView.tag

        if badgeValues[index] == 0 

        labelExistsForIndex[index] = true
        badgeView.text = String(badgeValues[index])

    for i in 0 ... labelExistsForIndex.count - 1 where !labelExistsForIndex[i] && badgeValues[i] > 0 
        index: i,
        value: badgeValues[i],
        color: UIColor(red: 4 / 255, green: 110 / 255, blue: 188 / 255, alpha: 1),
        font: UIFont(name: "Helvetica-Light", size: 11)!

  func addBadge(index: Int, value: Int, color: UIColor, font: UIFont) 
    guard let tabBarItems = tabBar.items else  return 
    let itemPosition = CGFloat(index + 1)
    let itemWidth: CGFloat = tabBar.frame.width / CGFloat(tabBarItems.count)

    let bgColor = color

    let xOffset: CGFloat = 12
    let yOffset: CGFloat = -9

    let badgeView = PGTabBadge()
    badgeView.frame.size = CGSize(width: 17, height: 17)
    badgeView.center = CGPoint(x: (itemWidth * itemPosition) - (itemWidth / 2) + xOffset, y: 20 + yOffset)
    badgeView.layer.cornerRadius = badgeView.bounds.width / 2
    badgeView.clipsToBounds = true
    badgeView.textColor = UIColor.white
    badgeView.textAlignment = .center
    badgeView.font = font
    badgeView.text = String(value)
    badgeView.backgroundColor = bgColor
    badgeView.tag = index

class PGTabBadge: UILabel 




对于那些难以将badgeView添加到标签栏项目并为iPad计算其位置的人 - 为了在TimWhiting答案中获取xCenterValue,您可以使用这个(注意:所有这个方法我在UITabBarController的扩展中写了):

  private func configureXCenterValue(index: Int) -> CGFloat 
    let tabbarButtonItems = orderedTabBarItemViews()
    let buttonWithBadge = tabbarButtonItems[index]
    let offsetToButton = buttonWithBadge.frame.minX // important
    let imageOffset = buttonWithBadge.subviews[0].frame.maxX // important
    return offsetToButton + imageOffset

gettung orderedTabbarItemViews 的助手:

  private func orderedTabBarItemViews() -> [UIView] 
    let interactionViews = tabBar.subviews.filter  $0.isUserInteractionEnabled 
    return interactionViews.sorted(by:  $0.frame.minX < $1.frame.minX )


  private func getBadgeViewCenterPoint(index: Int) -> CGPoint 
    let yOffset: CGFloat = Device.current.isPad ? -5 : -10 // I am using DeviceKit
    let xCenterValue = configureXCenterValue(index: index)
    let yCenterValue = 20 + yOffset
    let centerPosition = CGPoint(x: xCenterValue, y: yCenterValue)
    return centerPosition

主要思想不是通过除以标签栏项目的数量来计算标签栏中视图的 centerX 位置。 我们只是使用这些项目的偏移量(不是手动计算)。


以上是关于是否可以自定义 UITabBarItem 徽章?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

iOS 7下更改UITabBarItem徽章背景颜色

iPhone:无法从 uitabbaritem 读取徽章值


BadgeValue 未在 UITabBarItem 上更新

iOS 7.1 中的 UITabBarItem 更改徽章颜色

在 appDelegate 中设置 UITabBarItem 徽章值