Flutter:为啥我的构建器在 Web 服务调用后没有重新加载?



【中文标题】Flutter:为啥我的构建器在 Web 服务调用后没有重新加载?【英文标题】:Flutter : Why is my builder not getting reloaded after web service call?Flutter:为什么我的构建器在 Web 服务调用后没有重新加载? 【发布时间】:2020-09-27 13:36:16 【问题描述】:

我已经编写了 Web 服务调用,并在 initState() 方法中被调用。如果没有可用数据,则调用 CircularProgressIndicator()。但是,即使 Web 服务调用结束,进度指示器也会继续旋转!



    class _DashboardState extends State<Dashboard> 
      bool isLoading = false;

      Future<List<OrganizationModel>> fetchOrganizationData() async 
        isLoading = true;
        var response = await http.get(organizationAPI);          
        if (response.statusCode == 200) 
          final items = json.decode(response.body).cast<Map<String, dynamic>>();
          orgModelList = items.map<OrganizationModel>((json) 
            return OrganizationModel.fromJson(json);
          isLoading = false;
          return orgModelList;
          isLoading = false;
          throw Exception('Failed to load internet');

      void initState() 

      Widget build(BuildContext context) 
        return Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(
           title: Text("Dashboard"),

        body: Container(

          decoration: BoxDecoration(
          gradient: LinearGradient(
            begin: Alignment.topCenter,
            end: Alignment.bottomCenter,
            colors: [Color(0xFF076A72), Color(0xFF64B672)])),
          child: Column(
            children: <Widget>[
                color: Color(0xFF34A086),
                height: 1,

              isLoading ? loadProgressIndicator() : Expanded(
                child: Padding(

                  padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 40, right: 40),
                  child: ListView(children: <Widget>[])

                    ---my code goes here---



你必须调用 setState(() => isLoading = false;) 这样 Flutter 才能更新视图的状态,这样做会隐藏你的 CircularProgressIndicator。


Exception('Failed to load internet'); <- 

这不是一个好主意,因为您在没有 try catch 块的情况下调用 fetchOrganizationData()


class _DashboardState extends State<Dashboard> 
  bool isLoading = false;
  bool isFailure = false;
  List<OrganizationModel> orgModelList; // this was missing

//since your not using the return value ( it's saved in the state directly ) you could not set the return type
  fetchOrganizationData() async 
    isLoading = true;
    isFailure = false;

    var response = await http.get(organizationAPI);          
    if (response.statusCode == 200) 
      final items = json.decode(response.body).cast<Map<String, dynamic>>();
      orgModelList = items.map<OrganizationModel>((json) 
        return OrganizationModel.fromJson(json);
      isFailure = false;
      // the return is not required 
      isFailure = true;
    isLoading = false;
    setState(()); // by calling this after the whole state been set, you reduce some code lines
//setState is required to tell flutter to rebuild this widget


这样你就有一个 isFailure 标志来表明在获取时是否出现问题。


以上是关于Flutter:为啥我的构建器在 Web 服务调用后没有重新加载?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

为啥我在构建 Flutter Web 时会出现白屏

如何使用检查器在 Safari 上调试 Flutter Web App?

为啥我的 Flutter 应用程序在执行时没有构建?

为啥 Flutter iOS 构建失败?


在连接到 Internet 时构建 Flutter Web 应用程序会给我一个内部服务器错误。?