【中文标题】将所有数字分解为给定数字的快速算法【英文标题】:Fast Algorithm to Factorize All Numbers Up to a Given Number 【发布时间】:2020-07-02 14:07:56 【问题描述】:我正在寻找一种算法,它可以根据已经分解的数字分解数字。换句话说,我正在寻找一种快速算法来将所有数字分解为给定数字,并将它们存储在一个(我猜这是最容易使用的数据结构)列表/元组中。我正在寻找一种“最多 n”的算法,因为我需要最多为“n”的所有数字,而且我想这比逐个检查要快。
对于我正在运行的程序,我希望该算法在合理的时间内(不到一小时)工作 2*10^8。我在python中尝试了一种更天真的方法,首先找到所有素数到“n”,然后对于每个数字“k”,通过检查每个素数直到一个素数除以它(我们称之为p),找到它的素数分解,那么它的因式分解就是k/p + p的因式分解。
from math import *
max=1000000 # We will check all numbers up to this number,
lst = [True] * (max - 2) # This is an algorithm I found online that will make the "PRIMES" list all the primes up to "max", very efficent
for i in range(2, int(sqrt(max) + 1)):
if lst[i - 2]:
for j in range(i ** 2, max, i):
lst[j - 2] = False
PRIMES = tuple([m + 2 for m in range(len(lst)) if lst[m]]) # (all primes up to "max")
FACTORS = [(0,),(1,)] #This will be a list of tuples where FACTORS[i] = the prime factors of i
for c in range(2,max): #check all numbers until max
if c in PRIMES:
FACTORS.append((c,)) #If it's a prime just add it in
else: #if it's not a prime...
while PRIMES[i]<= c: #Run through all primes until you find one that divides it,
if c%PRIMES[i] ==0:
FACTORS.append(FACTORS[c//PRIMES[i]] + (PRIMES[i],)) #If it does, add the prime with the factors of the division
在测试中,绝大多数时间都浪费在了检查候选人是否为素数之后的 else 部分。这需要超过我们的 for max = 200000000
附注- 我用这个做什么 - 不重要
我正在运行的程序是找到最小的“n”,使得对于某个“a”,使得 (2n)!/((n+a)!^2) 是一个整数。基本上,我定义了 a_n = 最小 k 使得 (2k)!/((k+n)!^2) 是一个整数。结果,a_1 = 0,a_2 = 208,a_3 = 3475,a_4 = 8174,a_5 = 252965,a_6 = 3648835,a_7 = 72286092。顺便说一句,我注意到 a_n + n 是无平方的,虽然无法证明数学上。使用勒让德公式:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legendre%27s_formula,我写了这段代码:
from math import *
from bisect import bisect_right
max=100000000 # We will check all numbers up to this number,
lst = [True] * (max - 2) # This is an algorithm I found online that will make the "PRIMES" list all the primes up to "max", very efficent
for i in range(2, int(sqrt(max) + 1)):
if lst[i - 2]:
for j in range(i ** 2, max, i):
lst[j - 2] = False
PRIMES = tuple([m + 2 for m in range(len(lst)) if lst[m]]) # (all primes up to "max")
def v(p,m):
return sum([ (floor(m/(p**i))) for i in range(1,1+ceil(log(m,p)))]) #This checks for the max power of prime p, so that p**(v(p,m)) divides factorial(m)
def check(a,n): #This function checks if a number n competes the criteria for a certain a
if PRIMES[bisect_right(PRIMES, n)]<= n + a: #First, it is obvious that if there is a prime between n+1 and n+a the criteria isn't met
return False
while PRIMES[i] <= n: #We will run through the primes smaller than n... THIS IS THE ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT - instead of checking all the primes, check all primes that divide (n+1),(n+2),...,(n+a)
if v(PRIMES[i],2*n)<2*v(PRIMES[i],n+a): # If any prime divides the denominator more than the numerator, the fraction is obviously not a whole number
return False
return True #If for all primes less than n, the numerator has a bigger max power of p than the denominator, the fraction is a whole number.
#Next, is a code that will just make sure that the program runs all numbers in order, and won't repeat anything.
start = 0 #start checking from this value
for a in range(1,20): #check for these values of a.
while not check(a,j):
if j%100000==0:
print("LOADING ", j) #just so i know how far the program has gotten.
print("a-",a," ",j) #We found a number. great. print the result.
start=j #start from this value again, because the check obviously won't work for smaller values with a higher "a"
from math import *
import time
MAX = 40000000
t = time.time()
# factors[i] = all the prime factors of i
factors =
# Running over all the numbers smaller than sqrt(MAX) since they can be the factors of MAX
for i in range(2, int(sqrt(MAX) + 1)):
# If this number has already been factored - it is not prime
if i not in factors:
# Find all the future numbers that this number will factor
for j in range(i * 2, MAX, i):
if j not in factors:
factors[j] = [i]
print(time.time() - t)
for i in range(3, 15):
if i not in factors:
print(f"i is prime")
print(f"i: factors[i]")
3:是素数 4:[2] 5:是素数 6:[2, 3] 7:是素数 8:[2] 9:[3] 10: [2, 5] 11:是素数 12:[2, 3] 13:是素数 14: [2, 7]
正如 cmets 中提到的,它是对 Sieve of Eratosthenes 算法的修改。 对于每个数字,我们找到它在未来可以分解的所有数字。 如果数字未出现在结果字典中,则它是素数,因为没有数字将其分解。 我们使用字典而不是列表,因此根本不需要保存素数 - 这对内存更友好但也更慢。
根据MAX = 40000000
对于MAX = 1000000
对于MAX = 200000000
:1.5 小时后未完成......它已到达主循环中 6325 个项目中的第 111 个项目(这还不错,因为循环越远它们变得越短)。
不过,我确实相信编写良好的 C 代码可以在半小时内完成(如果您愿意考虑,我可能会再写一个答案)。可以做的更多优化是使用多线程和一些 Primality 测试,如 Miller-Rabin。当然值得一提的是,这些结果是在我的笔记本电脑上,可能在 PC 或专用机器上运行得更快或更慢。
哇!这太聪明了。这个算法有名字吗? 您的范围限制有问题。如果我将 MAX 设置为小于 25 的值,例如24,那么它不会显示 5 是 10 的质因数或 7 是 14 的因数,但它会返回元素 10 到 23 的结果。 这是对埃拉托色尼筛子的轻微修改。需要注意的是,找到大数的因数很难成为某些密码标准的基础,因此“快”将是相对的。 @Booboo 是的,你是对的,我会修复它。通常问题是它不会在sqrt(MAX)
@Lainad 如果您对此解决方案感到满意,欢迎您批准它。如前所述,它确实是对Sieve of Eratosthenes 的修改。【参考方案2】:
我实际上向question in code review 询问了这个答案,它有一些关于运行时的酷图!
有人回答了我的问题,现在代码经过一些修改可以在 2.5 秒内运行。
写的,所以速度很慢。以下代码执行完全相同的操作,但在 C++
中,它有一个线程监控它每 10 秒得到哪个素数。
#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX 200000000
#define TIME 10
std::atomic<bool> exit_thread_flagfalse;
void timer(int *i_ptr)
for (int i = 1; !exit_thread_flag; i++)
if (exit_thread_flag)
std::cout << "i = " << *i_ptr << std::endl;
std::cout << "Time elapsed since start: "
<< i * TIME
<< " Seconds" << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
int i, upper_bound, j;
std::time_t start_time;
std::thread timer_thread;
std::vector< std::list< int > > factors;
std::cout << "Initiallizating" << std::endl;
start_time = std::time(nullptr);
timer_thread = std::thread(timer, &i);
std::cout << "Initiallization took "
<< std::time(nullptr) - start_time
<< " Seconds" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Starting calculation" << std::endl;
start_time = std::time(nullptr);
upper_bound = sqrt(MAX) + 1;
for (i = 2; i < upper_bound; ++i)
if (factors[i].empty())
for (j = i * 2; j < MAX; j += i)
std::cout << "Calculation took "
<< std::time(nullptr) - start_time
<< " Seconds" << std::endl;
// Closing timer thread
exit_thread_flag = true;
std::cout << "Validating results" << std::endl;
for (i = 2; i < 20; ++i)
std::cout << i << ": ";
if (factors[i].empty())
std::cout << "Is prime";
for (int v : factors[i])
std::cout << v << ", ";
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
g++ main.cpp -std=c++0x -pthread
如果您不想将整个代码转换为 C++,您可以使用 Python 中的子进程库。
我尽力了,但它仍然运行了一个多小时......它在 1.386111 小时(4990 秒)内达到了6619
,这是第 855 个素数(好多了!)。所以这是一个进步,但还有一段路要走! (如果没有其他线程可能会更快)