将带有参数的 c# 回调方法传递给 c++ dll 会导致 System.ExecutionEngineException



【中文标题】将带有参数的 c# 回调方法传递给 c++ dll 会导致 System.ExecutionEngineException【英文标题】:Passing c# callback method with parameter to c++ dll leads to System.ExecutionEngineException 【发布时间】:2020-05-24 11:48:11 【问题描述】:

我正在使用c++ dll 进行一些后台计算,我正试图让它向我的调用C# 代码报告进度。

为此,我注册了一个回调方法,它接受 StringBuilder 作为参数(在网上发现这是一种正确的做法)。


// --------------------------------------------
// ----------------- C++ CODE ----------------- 
// --------------------------------------------
// ----------------- dll api methods
// a custom class to contain some progress report stuff... basically, most important is
// that it contains the callback as ProgressCallback _callback;
CustomEventHandler*  _eventHandler = NULL;

// definition of the callback type
typedef void(__stdcall* ProgressCallback)(char* log);

// method to register the callback method
int __stdcall SetCallbackFunction(ProgressCallback callback) 
    // from https://***.com/a/41910450/2490877
    // I encapsulated the callback into a custom class
    _eventHandler = new CustomEventHandler();
    // test all is ok => no problem at this stage, all works great, the
    // passed-in callback is called with correct message. 
    logToCallback("All is ok while testing the method. So far so good!!");
    return 0;

// the long and slow method (note that I might call it several times from c# during the
// one run
int __stdcall DoLooongStuff() 
    // from https://***.com/a/41910450/2490877
    // ------ this is a LOOOONG method that regualrly logs stuff via the callback,
    // here an example....
    char buf[1000];
    sprintf_s(buf, "This is a sample progress log with some formats :%i %i %g", 1, 2, 3.1415);
    // --- the above works a few times without any problem
    return 0;

//--- this is a static method I use to send progress messages back
static void logToCallback(char* message) 
    if (_eventHandler) 

// --------------- CustomEventHandlerClass
// ------- class declaration ------
class CustomEventHandler 
        void setEventHandler(ProgressCallback callback);
        void logToCallback(char* message);
        ProgressCallback _callback;

// ----- class implementation
// set the callback method
void CustomEventHandler::setEventHandler(ProgressCallback callback) 
    _callback = callback;

void CustomEventHandler::logToCallback(char* message) 
    if (_callback) 
        _callback(message); // <========= this is where the debugger stops:
        // no more info than the annoying System.ExecutionEngineException...
        // I've tried to pass a constant message like "1234" but got the same issue...
        // if however I remove the call to the callback, I don't get errors 
        // (I know this doesn't mean I don't have any...)

现在对于调用 c# 代码,我使用以下代码:

// --------------------------------------------
// ----------------- C# CODE ------------------ 
// --------------------------------------------
// ----- the delegate type to be passed to the dll
public delegate bool CallbackFunction([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] StringBuilder log);

// ----- prepare to load the dll's methods (I only show the SetCallback code here, other api methods
//       are declared and loaded the same way)
private delegate int _SetCallbackFunction_(CallbackFunction func);
private _SetCallbackFunction_ SetCallbackFunction_Dll;

public int SetCallbackFunction(CallbackFunction func) 
  return SetCallbackFunction_Dll(func);

// loading methods
private T GetDelegate<T>(string procName) where T : class 
  IntPtr fp = GetProcAddress(_dllHandle, procName);
  return fp != IntPtr.Zero ? Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(fp, typeof(T)) as T : null;

async Task loadDllMethods() 
    // load the delegates => great, it works!
    SetCallbackFunction_Dll = GetDelegate<_SetCallbackFunction_>("SetCallbackFunction");
    // set callback in DLL, calls the delegate once successfully...
    await doTask();

async Task doTask() 
    // start the long dll method, that fires the callback to monitor progress
    while (someConditionIsMet) 
        DoLooongStuff(); // => calls the dll with registered callback!

// the actual callback
bool cSharpCallback(StringBuilder strBuilder) 
    // this is called a few times successfully with the expected message!
    return true;


我没有搜索选项,任何帮助将不胜感激。请注意,我是 dll 集成、编组等方面的专家,我把参考资料放在我找到提示的地方!


使用string 而不是StringBuilder @DavidHeffernan 我试过了,在同一时间遇到了完全相同的问题......也许错误在其他地方,但如果是这样,不知道在哪里...... 【参考方案1】:

只要在 C++ 中使用回调,就需要确保传递给 C++ 的委托是活动的。只要使用相应的 C++ 回调,您就有责任保持委托 C# 对象处于活动状态:

someField = new CallbackFunction(cSharpCallback);

更好的是,只需使用Scapix Language Bridge,它会完全自动生成 C++ 到 C# 的绑定(包括回调)。免责声明:我是Scapix Language Bridge的作者。


是的 - 正如我上面的分析器所述!【参考方案2】:

感谢this post,我找到了问题的答案:

为了使非托管函数指针保持活动状态(防止 GC),您需要在变量中保存委托的实例


// -------------- PREVIOUS CODE
async Task loadDllMethods() 
    // load the delegates => great, it works!
    SetCallbackFunction_Dll = GetDelegate<_SetCallbackFunction_>("SetCallbackFunction");
    // set callback in DLL, calls the delegate once successfully...
    await doTask();

// -------------- WORKING CODE!!!!
// add static reference....
static CallbackFunction _callbackInstance = new CallbackFunction(cSharpCallback); // <==== Added reference to prevent GC!!! 
async Task loadDllMethods() 
    // load the delegates => great, it works!
    SetCallbackFunction_Dll = GetDelegate<_SetCallbackFunction_>("SetCallbackFunction");
    // create callback!!!
    SetCallbackFunction(_callbackInstance); // <====== pass the instance here, not the method itself!!!
    await doTask();

注意:我也将StringBuilder 更改为string


以上是关于将带有参数的 c# 回调方法传递给 c++ dll 会导致 System.ExecutionEngineException的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何将 C# 中的二维数组传递给 C++ DLL?

如何将 COM 对象的 C# 引用传递给 C++ DLL

Ruby - 将方法作为回调传递给 DLL 库

创建可以从 c# 和 c++ 中使用的 c# dll

将 C# 字符串传递给 C++,并将 C++ 结果(字符串、char*.. 任何)传递给 C#

将复杂的结构(带有结构的内部数组)从 C# 传递到 C++