使用 kB,MB,GB,... 和 kiB,MiB,GiB 的 ISO 前缀格式化整数,



【中文标题】使用 kB,MB,GB,... 和 kiB,MiB,GiB 的 ISO 前缀格式化整数,【英文标题】:Formatting an Integer using ISO-prefixes for kB,MB,GB,... and kiB,MiB,GiB, 【发布时间】:2011-04-07 11:51:21 【问题描述】:

我正在寻找在大小指示模式下在模式行上打印文件大小的功能。我在源代码中搜索了 size-indication-mode,但找不到对它的代码引用。那么例如打印的功能在哪里 22k

什么时候文件大约有 22 KB 大?

两者之间的区别是什么 - 千字节 (kB)、1000 字节和 - kibibytes (KiB),1024 字节,定义在

Emacs 不应该同时支持吗?





参见 C-hf format-mode-line RETC-hv @ 987654322@ RET.

启用size-indication-mode 只会将of %I 添加到缓冲区的本地模式行格式字符串中,其余的由C 函数处理。

您可以改用%i 来查看缓冲区大小(以字节为单位)。

如果您想要一些可以提供任意值的东西,那么 Emacs 提供了至少一个 elisp 函数(在 ls-lisp 模块中):

C-hf ls-lisp-format-file-size RET




(defconst number-to-string-approx-suffixes
  '("k" "M" "G" "T" "P" "E" "Z" "Y"))
(defun number-to-string-approx-suffix (n &optional binary)
  "Return an approximate decimal representation of NUMBER as a string,
followed by a multiplier suffix (k, M, G, T, P, E, Z, Y). The representation
is at most 5 characters long for numbers between 0 and 10^19-5*10^16.
Uses a minus sign if negative.
NUMBER may be an integer or a floating point number.
If the optional argument BINARY is non-nil, use 1024 instead of 1000 as
the base multiplier."
  (if (zerop n)
    (let ((sign "")
          (b (if binary 1024 1000))
          (suffix "")
          (bigger-suffixes number-to-string-approx-suffixes))
      (if (< n 0)
          (setq n (- n)
                sign "-"))
      (while (and (>= n 9999.5) (consp bigger-suffixes))
        (setq n (/ n b) ; TODO: this is rounding down; nearest would be better
              suffix (car bigger-suffixes)
              bigger-suffixes (cdr bigger-suffixes)))
      (concat sign
                  (if (integerp n)
                  (int-to-string n)
                (number-to-string (floor n)))


(defvar Buffer-menu-buffer+size-shorten 'binary)
(defadvice Buffer-menu-buffer+size (before Buffer-menu-shorten-size
                                    compile activate)
  "Shorten the size column in a buffer menu by using multiplier suffixes
\(k, M, G, T\).
This is done only if `Buffer-menu-buffer+size-shorten' is non-nil.
If `Buffer-menu-buffer+size-shorten' is the symbol `binary', use binary
multipliers (powers of 1024). Otherwise use decimal (powers of 1000)
  (if Buffer-menu-buffer+size-shorten
      (let ((binary (eq Buffer-menu-buffer+size-shorten 'binary)))
          (if (string-match "^[0-9]+$" size)
              (setq size (number-to-string-approx-suffix (string-to-number size)



我注意到 emacs dev (bzr) 刚刚定义了一个新功能,file-size-human-readable()。它正是我所要求的。




好的,我自己想出了一个解决方案。应该接近size-indication-mode 提供的内容

(defun number-to-iso-postfixed-string (number &optional binary)
  "Convert NUMBER to ISO-postfixed string.
If BINARY is non-nil use bibytes prefixes KiB, MiB, GiB instead of
kB, MB, GB etc."
  (let ((scale (if binary 1024.0 1000.0))
        (postfix nil))
    (concat (if (< number scale)
                (if (zerop number) "0" (number-to-string number))
                (format "%.1f"
                        (cond ((< number (expt scale 2)) (setq postfix "k") (/ number (expt scale 1)))
                              ((< number (expt scale 3)) (setq postfix "M") (/ number (expt scale 2)))
                              ((< number (expt scale 4)) (setq postfix "G") (/ number (expt scale 3)))
                              ((< number (expt scale 5)) (setq postfix "T") (/ number (expt scale 4)))
                              ((< number (expt scale 6)) (setq postfix "P") (/ number (expt scale 5)))
                              ((< number (expt scale 7)) (setq postfix "E") (/ number (expt scale 6)))
            (when (and postfix binary) "i"))))
;; Use: (number-to-iso-postfixed-string 999 nil)
;; Use: (number-to-iso-postfixed-string 1001 nil)
;; Use: (number-to-iso-postfixed-string 1024)
;; Use: (number-to-iso-postfixed-string 1024 t)
;; Use: (number-to-iso-postfixed-string (* 1024 1024) t)
;; Use: (number-to-iso-postfixed-string (* 1024 1023) t)
;; Use: (number-to-iso-postfixed-string (* 1024 1025) t)
;; Use: (number-to-iso-postfixed-string (* 1024.0 1024 1025) t)


以上是关于使用 kB,MB,GB,... 和 kiB,MiB,GiB 的 ISO 前缀格式化整数,的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章



字节、KB、MB、GB 之间的换算关系


KB 和MB分别是啥意思?它们之间是怎么换算的?
