


【中文标题】矢量:内存范围错误【英文标题】:Vector: range error at memory 【发布时间】:2018-04-02 13:36:47 【问题描述】:

之前,我一直在 CodeBloks 中使用 C++ 进行一些编程,从一段时间以来,我开始在 MS Studio 中进行编程。目前我正在编写书中的一个小游戏:编程:使用 C++ 的原则和实践。第 5 章的练习 12。 我一直在互联网上四处寻找,以修复无论我尝试什么都会不断发生的范围内存错误(请参阅打印屏幕链接)。 关于程序的描述在代码本身中。 我还确实将向量设置为硬编码(如果我说得对的话)大小,以使程序不再抱怨它们的内存范围错误。



更新:作为本主题的答案。 Link to update


Unhandled exception at 0x7529CBC2 in Tweede project.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Range_error at memory location 0x006FF510.


#include "std_lib_facilities.h"

int main()
    bool while_bit = false;

    //Generate 4 random numbers.
    for (int a = 0; a < 4; ++a)
        bulls_cows[a] = a + 1;//randint(a) % 9 + 0; //random number between 0 and 9.
    //bulls_cows[1] = randint(10);
    cout << "For this game, called Bulls and Cows, you have to guess the four right numbers between 0 and 9.\n";
    cout << "When one or more digets are right and in the right position the program will say the number of Bulls.\n";
    cout << "When one or more digets are right but not in the right position the program will say the number of Cows.\n";
    cout << "Please enter 4 number by filling in ONE positive diget and press enter. Do this four times and wait for the result.\n";

    for (int z = 0; z < 4; ++z) 
        cout << bulls_cows[z] << "\n";

    while (while_bit == false) 
        int input = 0; //Reset of input, cows and bulls every round.
        int cows = 0;
        int bulls = 0;

        cin >> input;

        //Test for legit input. If legit then it writes it to the array called "input_arr"
        if (input < 0 || input > 9) 
            cout << "Number must be between 0 and 9.\n";
        //Check or 4 numbers have been given.
        if (sizeof(inputs_arr) < 4) 
            //Check for equal numbers on same spot.
            for (int b = 0; b < 4; ++b) 
                if (inputs_arr[b] == bulls_cows[b]) 
                    bulls + 1;
            //Check for a number in all spots.
            for (int c = 0; c < 4; ++c) 
                if (inputs_arr[c] == bulls_cows[0] || bulls_cows[1] || bulls_cows[2] || bulls_cows[3]) 
                    cows +1;

        if (bulls < 4) 
            cout << "You did not guess the right combination.\n";
            cout << "Number of bulls: " << bulls << "\n";
            cout << "Number of cows: " << cows << "\n";
            inputs_arr[0, 0, 0, 0]; //Empty array.

        if (bulls == 4) 
            cout << "You guessed the right combination!\n";
            while_bit = true;


    keep_window_open(); //To keep terminal open since MS Studio doesn't itself.

    return 0;


不要链接文字图片。只需输入文本本身,可能标记为引号或代码。 std_lib_facilities.h 那是什么? 谷歌 sizeof 运算符的作用 std_lib_facilities.h 是书中的一个库。它有最基本的库,如 和如果我是正确的 。它还具有一些额外的功能,例如保持提示/终端打开以便您查看结果的功能。 会做@Deduplicator。将编辑帖子。 【参考方案1】:

sizeof 运算符与inputs_array 向量一起使用将为您提供该对象在内存中的大小(以字节为单位)。也许你以前用过这个数组。

相反,我认为您想要推入向量中的项目数。 std::vector 有一个名为 size 的函数,它给出推送给它的项目数。


是的。我确实想要数组中的项目数。我会仔细看看的。谢谢! :) @rem97 如果您正在为向量和数组之间的差异而苦恼,here is a listing of their qualities。 我对此有所了解,但也许我可能会将向量视为数组。会看看它,看看我能学到什么。谢谢! :)【参考方案2】:

在 Visual Studio 中,你真的应该,真的将警告级别设置为 4 级。然后编译器会告诉你一些你尝试做的奇怪的事情。


 warning C4552: '+': operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect 1>
                bulls + 1;


error C4548: expression before comma has no effect; expected expression with side-effect
            inputs_arr[0, 0, 0, 0]; //Empty array.


warning C4127: conditional expression is constant
        if (sizeof(inputs_arr) < 4) 

正如我们已经看到的,sizeof 是矢量对象的大小(始终相同),而不是它所包含的元素数量。



这将创建一个最初包含 4 个整数的向量。



它将 更多 个元素添加到向量中,因此现在它最多可以容纳 8 个整数。您必须决定是要先创建完整尺寸的,还是要在进行时添加元素。但不是两者兼而有之。


if (inputs_arr[c] == bulls_cows[0] || bulls_cows[1] || bulls_cows[2] || bulls_cows[3]) 

即使有 种语言可以在其中编写与此类似的条件,但在 C++ 中却不能。要将变量x 与其他几个值进行比较,您必须将其拼写出来:

if (x == y || x == z || x == w)


感谢您的反馈。我会努力的。我确实不知道您无法将不同的事物与多个 or 语句进行比较。还教导用零重新声明数组将清除其以前的值。从这篇文章中学到了很多:)【参考方案3】:


似乎有些语句/循环括号没有正确放置。我编辑了一下: 可悲的是,我的 intergers cows 和 bulls 似乎没有在第 61 行和第 62 行重置。任何人都知道我在那里可能做错了什么。


cin 没有循环。还编辑了 else-statement 'inputs_arr.pushback(input)' 并在其下方添加了所有 for 循环和语句。修复了部分cin问题。

将公牛、奶牛和输入整数替换到程序顶部,并在 false/if 语句的末尾重置。

将所有循环和语句放在 if-statement '(int b = 0; b

将 for 循环编辑为 >4,其中 couts “数组大小”以查看它具有哪些值。稍后会被删除,因为它仅用于测试。

#include "std_lib_facilities.h"

int main()

bool while_bit = false;
int input = 0;
int cows = 0;
int bulls = 0;
vector<int> bulls_cows(4); //size needed to prevent memory size error at line 11.
vector<int> inputs_arr;

//Generate 4 random numbers. Need to add seed later.
for (int a = 0; a < 4; ++a)
    bulls_cows[a] = randint(a) % 9 + 0; //random number between 0 and 9.

cout << "For this game, called Bulls and Cows, you have to guess the four right numbers between 0 and 9.\n";
cout << "When one or more digets are right and in the right position the program will say the number of Bulls.\n";
cout << "When one or more digets are right but not in the right position the program will say the number of Cows.\n";
cout << "Please enter 4 numbers by filling in ONE positive diget and press enter. Do this four times and wait for the result.\n";

for (int z = 0; z < 4; ++z)  //Gives the generated numbers for testing.
    cout << bulls_cows[z] << "\n";

while (while_bit == false) 

    cin >> input;

    //Test for legit input. If legit then it writes it to the array called "input_arr"
    if (input < 0 || input > 9) 
        cout << "Number must be between 0 and 9.\n";

        //Check or 4 numbers have been given.
        if (inputs_arr.size() > 3) 
            //Check for equal numbers on same spot.
            for (int b = 0; b < 4; ++b) 
                if (inputs_arr[b] == bulls_cows[b]) 

            //Check for a number in all spots.
            for (int c = 0; c < 4; ++c) 
                if (inputs_arr[c] == bulls_cows[0] || inputs_arr[c] == bulls_cows[1] || inputs_arr[c] == bulls_cows[2] || inputs_arr[c] == bulls_cows[3]) 

            /*for (int x = 0; x < 4; ++x)  //Couts again the fresh entered numbers for a better overview.
                cout << "Size of array: " << inputs_arr[x] << "\n";

            if (bulls < 4) 
                cout << "You did not guess the right combination.\n";
                cout << "Number of bulls: " << bulls << "\n";
                cout << "Number of cows: " << cows << "\n";
                int cows = 0; //Reset of cows and bulls each round.
                int bulls = 0;
                inputs_arr.clear(); //Empty the array.
                cout << "Please enter 4 numbers:\n";

            if (bulls == 4) 
                cout << "You guessed the right combination!\n";
                while_bit = true;

keep_window_open(); //To keep terminal open since MS Studio doesn't itself.

return 0;


更新:修复了我重置奶牛和公牛的问题。我声明了它们而不是调用它们。我删除了 int:"cows = 0;"它解决了我的问题。这么小的东西,我找不到。应该是累了^^



类中的 2D 矢量调整大小。在此范围内未声明错误[关闭]

内存访问错误 - 矢量调整大小



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