【中文标题】睡眠理发师算法(有多个理发师)【英文标题】:Sleeping Barber algorithm (with multiple barbers) 【发布时间】:2013-10-30 19:48:52 【问题描述】:Sleeping Barber Problem 是一个经典的同步问题,你们中的许多人可能都熟悉或至少听说过。
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Semaphore Customers = 0;
Semaphore Barber = 0;
Mutex accessSeats = 1;
int NumberOfFreeSeats = N;
sem_wait(Customers); // waits for a customer (sleeps)
sem_wait(accessSeats); // mutex to protect the number of available seats
NumberOfFreeSeats++; // a chair gets free
sem_post(Barber); // bring customer for haircut
sem_post(accessSeats); // release the mutex on the chair
// barber is cutting hair
sem_wait(accessSeats); // protects seats so only 1 thread tries to sit in a chair if that's the case
if(NumberOfFreeSeats > 0)
NumberOfFreeSeats--; // sitting down
sem_post(Customers); // notify the barber
sem_post(accessSeats); // release the lock
sem_wait(Barber); // wait in the waiting room if barber is busy
// customer is having hair cut
sem_post(accessSeats); // release the lock
// customer leaves
锁定信号量。 sem_post()
解锁它2免责声明:虽然我也曾在programmers.stackexchange 中提出过这个问题,但我没有得到想要的答案,我的问题仍然存在。
也许您可以将其与生产者/消费者问题混为一谈。每当客户端到达时,它就会被分配到一个受信号量保护的 FIFO 结构中。理发师将从 FIFO 中“消费”客户。稍后我会尝试看一下代码...... Here 是我见过的关于生产者/消费者队列的最佳解释。它是用 C# 编写的,但你可能很幸运能将它翻译成 C。 理发师和顾客之间协调的确切细节将在很大程度上取决于您所说的“理发”。 【参考方案1】:编写的代码将管理任意数量的理发师,无需任何额外的信号量。只需为店内的每个理发师创建一个 Barber 线程。
***评论中提到的问题是这样的:仅仅因为您有 M 位理发师处于“理发师正在理发”状态,而 M 位客户处于“客户正在理发”状态,并不能保证某些理发师没有。 t 试图为多个顾客剪头发,或者某些顾客的头发上没有几个理发师。
换句话说,一旦允许适当数量的顾客进入剪裁室,理发师和顾客如何配对?你不能再说“理发师在剪头发”和“顾客在剪头发”;您必须说“理发师正在为客户 C 剪头发”和“客户正在由理发师 B 理发”。
// Assumptions about the meaning of 'haircut':
// each thread has a unique PID
// each thread can get its own PID via system.info.PID
// a barber uses a customer's PID to cut that custmer's hair
// a customer uses a barber's PID to get his hair cut by that barber
// Assumptions about the operating environment:
// a semaphore releases threads in the order that they were queued
Semaphore Customers = 0;
Semaphore Barbers = 0;
Mutex AccessSeats = 1;
int NumberOfFreeSeats = N;
int SeatPocket[N]; // (or 'PID SeatPocket[N];' if PID is a data type)
int SitHereNext = 0;
int ServeMeNext = 0;
// main program must start a copy of this thread for each barber in the shop
int mynext, C;
sem_wait(Barbers); // join queue of sleeping barbers
sem_wait(AccessSeats); // mutex to protect seat changes
ServeMeNext = (ServeMeNext++) mod N; // select next customer
mynext = ServeMeNext;
C = SeatPocket[mynext]; // get selected customer's PID
SeatPocket[mynext] = system.info.PID; // leave own PID for customer
sem_post(AccessSeats); // release the seat change mutex
sem_post(Customers); // wake up selected customer
// barber is cutting hair of customer 'C'
// main program must start a copy of this thread at random intervals
// to represent the arrival of a continual stream of customers
int myseat, B;
sem_wait(AccessSeats); // mutex to protect seat changes
if(NumberOfFreeSeats > 0)
NumberOfFreeSeats--; // sit down in one of the seats
SitHereNext = (SitHereNext++) mod N;
myseat = SitHereNext;
SeatPocket[myseat] = system.info.PID;
sem_post(AccessSeats); // release the seat change mutex
sem_post(Barbers); // wake up one barber
sem_wait(Customers); // join queue of sleeping customers
sem_wait(AccessSeats); // mutex to protect seat changes
B = SeatPocket[myseat]; // barber replaced my PID with his own
NumberOfFreeSeats++; // stand up
sem_post(AccessSeats); // release the seat change mutex
// customer is having hair cut by barber 'B'
sem_post(AccessSeats); // release the seat change mutex
// customer leaves without haircut
system.thread.exit; // (or signal main program to kill this thread)
【参考方案2】:这段代码是我编写的,对 Breveleri 定义的算法稍作修改,该算法非常有效地模拟了 Multiple Sleeping Barber 问题。我写它是为了模拟我的操作系统分配。我想从你身边得到任何建议。我正在使用“declarations.h”、“SleepingBarber.c”和“makefile”来获得更好的编码结构。
#include <unistd.h> //Provides API for POSIX(or UNIX) OS for system calls
#include <stdio.h> //Standard I/O Routines
#include <stdlib.h> //For exit() and rand()
#include <pthread.h> //Threading APIs
#include <semaphore.h> //Semaphore APIs
#define MAX_CHAIRS 10 //No. of chairs in waiting room
#define CUT_TIME 1 //Hair Cutting Time 1 second
#define NUM_BARB 2 //No. of barbers
#define MAX_CUST 30 //Maximum no. of customers for simulation
sem_t customers; //Semaphore
sem_t barbers; //Semaphore
sem_t mutex; //Semaphore for providing mutially exclusive access
int numberOfFreeSeats = MAX_CHAIRS; //Counter for Vacant seats in waiting room
int seatPocket[MAX_CHAIRS]; //To exchange pid between customer and barber
int sitHereNext = 0; //Index for next legitimate seat
int serveMeNext = 0; //Index to choose a candidate for cutting hair
static int count = 0; //Counter of No. of customers
void barberThread(void *tmp); //Thread Function
void customerThread(void *tmp); //Thread Function
void wait(); //Randomized delay function
#include "declarations.h"
int main()
pthread_t barber[NUM_BARB],customer[MAX_CUST]; //Thread declaration
int i,status=0;
/*Semaphore initialization*/
/*Barber thread initialization*/
printf("!!Barber Shop Opens!!\n");
for(i=0;i<NUM_BARB;i++) //Creation of 2 Barber Threads
status=pthread_create(&barber[i],NULL,(void *)barberThread,(void*)&i);
perror("No Barber Present... Sorry!!\n");
/*Customer thread initialization*/
for(i=0;i<MAX_CUST;i++) //Creation of Customer Threads
status=pthread_create(&customer[i],NULL,(void *)customerThread,(void*)&i);
wait(); //Create customers in random interval
perror("No Customers Yet!!!\n");
for(i=0;i<MAX_CUST;i++) //Waiting till all customers are dealt with
printf("!!Barber Shop Closes!!\n");
exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); //Exit abandoning infinite loop of barber thread
void customerThread(void *tmp) /*Customer Process*/
int mySeat, B;
sem_wait(&mutex); //Lock mutex to protect seat changes
count++; //Arrival of customer
printf("Customer-%d[Id:%d] Entered Shop. ",count,pthread_self());
if(numberOfFreeSeats > 0)
--numberOfFreeSeats; //Sit on chairs on waiting room
printf("Customer-%d Sits In Waiting Room.\n",count);
sitHereNext = (++sitHereNext) % MAX_CHAIRS; //Choose a vacant chair to sit
mySeat = sitHereNext;
seatPocket[mySeat] = count;
sem_post(&mutex); //Release the seat change mutex
sem_post(&barbers); //Wake up one barber
sem_wait(&customers); //Join queue of sleeping customers
sem_wait(&mutex); //Lock mutex to protect seat changes
B = seatPocket[mySeat]; //Barber replaces customer PID with his own PID
numberOfFreeSeats++; //Stand Up and Go to Barber Room
sem_post(&mutex); //Release the seat change mutex
/*Customer is having hair cut by barber 'B'*/
sem_post(&mutex); //Release the mutex and customer leaves without haircut
printf("Customer-%d Finds No Seat & Leaves.\n",count);
void barberThread(void *tmp) /*Barber Process*/
int index = *(int *)(tmp);
int myNext, C;
printf("Barber-%d[Id:%d] Joins Shop. ",index,pthread_self());
while(1) /*Infinite loop*/
printf("Barber-%d Gone To Sleep.\n",index);
sem_wait(&barbers); //Join queue of sleeping barbers
sem_wait(&mutex); //Lock mutex to protect seat changes
serveMeNext = (++serveMeNext) % MAX_CHAIRS; //Select next customer
myNext = serveMeNext;
C = seatPocket[myNext]; //Get selected customer's PID
seatPocket[myNext] = pthread_self(); //Leave own PID for customer
sem_post(&customers); //Call selected customer
/*Barber is cutting hair of customer 'C'*/
printf("Barber-%d Wakes Up & Is Cutting Hair Of Customer-%d.\n",index,C);
printf("Barber-%d Finishes. ",index);
void wait() /*Generates random number between 50000 to 250000*/
int x = rand() % (250000 - 50000 + 1) + 50000;
usleep(x); //usleep halts execution in specified miliseconds
all: SleepingBarber
SleepingBarber: SleepingBarber.o
gcc -pthread -o SleepingBarber SleepingBarber.o
SleepingBarber.o: SleepingBarber.c declarations.h
gcc -c SleepingBarber.c
rm -f *.o SleepingBarber