如何为以下 contextapi 代码的 useReducer useContext 设置 Typescript 类型?



【中文标题】如何为以下 contextapi 代码的 useReducer useContext 设置 Typescript 类型?【英文标题】:How do I set Typescript types for useReducer useContext for the following contextapi code? 【发布时间】:2020-10-26 02:48:03 【问题描述】:

我想在下面的代码中使用正确的 TS 类型,而不是任何类型。我是反应 TS 的新手,请帮助...

如何为以下上下文 API 代码的 useReducer useContext 设置 typescript 类型:

import React, createContext, Dispatch from 'react';
import firebaseUser from '../@types/User';

interface Actions 
  SET_IMAGENAME: string;
  SET_USER: string;

export const Actions: Actions = 

function action(type: string) 
  return type;

function actionPayload(type: string, payload: any)  //here
  return type, payload;

export const Dispatches = 
  setImageName: action,
  setUser: actionPayload,

interface State 
  imgName: string;
  user: firebaseUser;

const initialState = 
  imgName: '',
  user:  as firebaseUser,

function reducer(state = initialState, action: type: string; payload: any)  //here
  switch (action.type) 
    case Actions.SET_IMAGENAME:
      return ...state, imgName: 'sample image';
    case Actions.SET_USER:
      return ...state, user: action.payload;
      return state;

export const Store = createContext<
  state: State;
  dispatch: Dispatch<any>; //here
  state: initialState,
  dispatch: () => null,

export function StoreProvider(children: JSX.ElementChildrenAttribute): JSX.Element 
  const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(reducer, initialState);
  return <Store.Provider value=state, dispatch>children</Store.Provider>;








export function createCtx<StateType, ActionType>(
  reducer: React.Reducer<StateType, ActionType>,
  initialState: StateType,
  const defaultDispatch: React.Dispatch<ActionType> = () => initialState // we never actually use this
  const ctx = React.createContext(
    state: initialState,
    dispatch: defaultDispatch, // just to mock out the dispatch type and make it not optioanl
  function Provider(props: React.PropsWithChildren<>) 
    const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer<React.Reducer<StateType, ActionType>>(reducer, initialState)
    return <ctx.Provider value= state, dispatch  ...props />
  return [ctx, Provider] as const

// usage
const initialState =  count: 0 
type AppState = typeof initialState
type Action =
  |  type: 'increment' 
  |  type: 'add'; payload: number 
  |  type: 'minus'; payload: number 
  |  type: 'decrement' 

function reducer(state: AppState, action: Action): AppState 
  switch (action.type) 
    case 'increment':
      return  count: state.count + 1 
    case 'decrement':
      return  count: state.count - 1 
    case 'add':
      return  count: state.count + action.payload 
    case 'minus':
      return  count: state.count - action.payload 
      throw new Error()

const [ctx, CountProvider] = createCtx(reducer, initialState)
export const CountContext = ctx

// top level example usage
export function App() 
  return (
      <Counter />

// example usage inside a component
function Counter() 
  const  state, dispatch  = React.useContext(CountContext)
  return (
      Count: state.count
      <button onClick=() => dispatch( type: 'increment' )>+</button>
      <button onClick=() => dispatch( type: 'add', payload: 5 )>+5</button>
      <button onClick=() => dispatch( type: 'decrement' )>-</button>
      <button onClick=() => dispatch( type: 'minus', payload: 5 )>+5</button>



这真的取决于有效负载可以包含什么,它可以包含图像或 FirebaseUser 实例的字符串,您可以设置payload: string | FirebaseUser

import React, createContext, Dispatch from 'react';
import firebaseUser from '../@types/User';

interface Actions 
  SET_IMAGENAME: string;
  SET_USER: string;

export const Actions: Actions = 

function action(type: string) 
  return type;

// If payload can contain string of image or FirebaseUser instance
// it will be string | FirebaseUser
// if payload will only contain FirebaseUser instance you just need payload: FirebaseUser
export type ActionType = 
 type: string,
 payload: string | FirebaseUser

// If payload can contain string of image or FirebaseUser instance
// it will be string | FirebaseUser
// if payload will only contain FirebaseUser instance you just need payload: FirebaseUser
function actionPayload(type: string, payload: string | FirebaseUser )  //here
  return type, payload;

export const Dispatches = 
  setImageName: action,
  setUser: actionPayload,

interface State 
  imgName: string;
  user: FirebaseUser;

const initialState = 
  imgName: '',
  user:  as firebaseUser,

// set Action type here
function reducer(state = initialState, action: ActionType) 
  switch (action.type) 
    case Actions.SET_IMAGENAME:
      // need to cast type herer
      return ...state, imgName: action.payload as string;
    case Actions.SET_USER:
      // need to cast type herer
      return ...state, user: action.payload as firebaseUser;
      return state;

export const Store = createContext<
  state: State;
  dispatch: Dispatch<ActionType>; //action type here
  state: initialState,
  dispatch: () => null,

export function StoreProvider(children: JSX.ElementChildrenAttribute): JSX.Element 
  const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(reducer, initialState);
  return <Store.Provider value=state, dispatch>children</Store.Provider>;


感谢您抽出时间来帮助我,最后一行的状态仍然出错,您可以检查一下吗?这是链接:codesandbox.io/s/boring-ramanujan-jtrb3?file=/src/… @Sushilzzz 我们也需要在减速器中设置状态时进行强制转换。请检查:codesandbox.io/s/affectionate-mendel-19ev9?file=/src/…【参考方案3】:

这也是我的解决方案,通过添加类型文件来更清洁您的文件结构,我希望您觉得它有用: myCodesandboxRepo


以上是关于如何为以下 contextapi 代码的 useReducer useContext 设置 Typescript 类型?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何为 Spring Security 创建类型安全的用户角色?

如何为以下示例创建自定义格式、公式或 VBA 代码?




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